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Hyperion KP
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Infinite Circle [H.O.T]

Infinite Circle
Hyperion KP

The circle is infinite,
no beginning is the same as another
Nor does it end in the same place
but it will always
Lead me back to you

"I love you." Seung Hwan whispered to his love as he gently ran his hair through her dark hair.

"I love you too.." Tae Mi whispered back loving the feeling of security he gave her.

"Will you marry me?" He asked reaching into his pocket.

"Of course." He revelaed a lovely golden band.

"It says 'Like the circle my love is eternal'." He slipped the ring onto her ring finger before kissing her. She always tasted like peaches, he never knew how. It was something he always associated her with.... Tae Mi closed her hand and holding her fist close to her heart. Everything she'd ever wanted, she was finally getting.

"Seung Hwan Ssi.. promise me something..." Tae Mi said leaning her head against his chest.


"Promise to love me forever....." There was a long pause, both of them savoring the moment. Finally Seung Hwan spoke.

"I promise..." He said in a low tone, as he was taken by the sudden scent of peaches filling the air...

"But Seung Hwan, you're getting married." Sae Na protested with tears in her eyes. Seung Hwan held her close, feeling her tremble beneath his touch. She felt so small when he held her. She was so fragile, all he ever wanted to do was protect her since the moment they first met...

"Marriage is my decision. I can make a proposal and I can take it away as well." He said making his voice strong and convincing.

"That's wrong to do that to her. She's so in love with you. I can tell by the way she looks at you." Sae Na said fighting back the tears. She was torn between the right decision and love. Seung Hwan held her chin forcing her to look at him. There was reassurance in his eyes. When she looked into them, she felt that at that moment everything was right in the world.

"Yuhbo~..." Sae Na yelled in pain as she grabbed the banister for support. "Yuhbo~" Her wails become more and more desperate. Seung Hwan came rushing from his study to find his pregnant wife clinging to the banister after her water had broken.

"I'm here," He said to ease her worry as he helped her down the stairs. They'd had four false labors in this one month alone, but something was in the air and they knew. The baby was coming, for real this time. Sae Na rested her head on her husband's shoulder on the way to the hospital. Her left hand bracing the stomach that was going to bear new life soon, and the other gripped her husbands hand desperately. He patted their hands with his free one. He loved her so much, and he was in love with the baby yet to be born. He wondered if the baby would have his dark daring eyes or her sweet lighter brown eyes, his thin serious lips or her soft pouty ones that he loved to kissed. He wanted the child to look like her, for then it would be a creature of pure beauty. Suddenly he was taken from his fantasy of thought as her screams ripped through the air as another contraction brought a ripple of pain through her. He gently kissed her forhead.

The baby was more than ready to come into the world, a few hours later An Seung Ho was born. Sae Na gently rocked her sleeping baby boy. He had ears like his father which Sae Na simply adored.

"Seung Hoya... sarang hae.." Sae Na said nuzzling her new infant. Seung Hwan walked in the door, his face brighter then five suns. He leaned on the bed and rested his head on his wife's. They both just stared at their new child in awe. "You're son is beautiful." Sae Na said quietly.

"He looks just like his mother..." Seung Hwan said smiling.

"Seung Hoya!" Sae Na yelled as she searched for her son. She began to open doors and look under things but there was no sign of him. She plopped on the couch and sighed. "HOYA!" She called again. A small pair of hands flew over her eyes as a childish voice giggled.

"Noogoogae? (Guess who)" She smiled and pretended to think.

"I don't know... Would that be daddy?"

"Nope, guess again!"

"Hrm, how about my secret son that no one else knows about. The one that's locked away because he's my absolute favorite..." She said teasing Seung Ho. His hands slipped away and he came around the couch and crawled into his mother's lap.

"Uma... you lie right?" He asked. His eyes quickly filling with tears. Sae Na gathered her little boy into her arms hugging him. He could no longer fight the tears as they soaked her blouse.

"Uma is just lying.. don't cry my little one. There's only enough room in Uma's heart for one son." Seung Ho lifted his swollen eyes to her. He sniffed and rubbed his eyes trying to act like a big boy. "That's my little Seung Ho." He smiled and curled up in his mother's lap.

"Uma, sarang hae yo." The perfect scene.. a mother and her three year old son asleep on the white couch....

"Seung Hoyah! Uma's not playing any more! Come out right now!" Sae Na cried desperately after two hours of searching for her five year old son. Seung Hwan came running from the house wondering what his wife was yelling about.

"Sae Na, whey curae?" He asked placing his reassuring hands on her shoulders. Even though it had worked in the past, her husbands eyes couldn't make the world right. Not when her baby was missing. A feelings of dread filled her, a queasy feeling. A motherly instinct told her, someone had taken her son. Seung Hwan swore the faint smell of peaches hinted the air.



"we're together in the music..."

"love is... waiting for pain, but i don't
want to wait for that to come..."
-Moon Hee Jun

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Old Post 09-20-2002 06:06 PM
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Registered: Mar 2002
Location: In Transition, CA
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ahhhh omg. you posted here!!!
lol....i love all your stories~
hmm... very interesting beginning...
thanks for posting here~

(ps.. that was pretty random 4 thoughts. )

I hate google cache.

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Old Post 09-23-2002 03:28 AM
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Ladi Jay

Registered: Mar 2002
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Ooo.... an HOT story! I'm gonna come back and read this... right now I can't because I have to go to show choir practice! Hm, interesting! woohoo!

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Old Post 09-24-2002 12:01 AM
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Hyperion KP
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"Ahjooma, where's the icecream?" Seung Ho asked sitting in the car next to the lady who was definitely not his mother. She said nothing, but kept dabbing her forehead with a light blue hankercheif. "Ahjooma, why are you so scared?" He asked, hoping she'd eventually answer his question about the icecream she'd promised. "Ahjooma, I need to go home soon. Uma and Appa will be worried." Seung Ho stated forcing himself not to think of the delicious creamy, smooth icecream. "Ahjooma~" Seung Ho said again tugging at her sleeve.

"Stop that!" She snapped. Seung Ho sank back scared now. He didn't like being on the bus anymore. It went up and down with every tiny bump. Not smooth like his Appa's car. He was beginning to feel sick. His tiny stomach threatened to throw up the rice he'd eaten for breakfast. Suddenly comforting arms wrapped around him and patted his back as he fell asleep.

"Uma..." He said as he fell asleep.

"Hoya.. wake up." Someone called to him gently shaking him. Seung Ho blindly sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Uma, I had a dream.. an ahjooma took me..." He fully opened his eyes and gasped. "Where's Uma?" Seung Ho asked scared as he backed away from the Ahjooma.

"I'm your Uma." The woman said holding her arms out to him. Seung Ho was little, but he knew she was probably lying. Seung Ho could only shake his head no. She wasn't his Uma. He knew his Uma, and she was waiting for him at home... with Appa.

"No..." He finally said.

"Hoya, you don't know how long I've searched for you. You're my son. You were taken from me." She said her eyes filling with tears. Seung Ho knew about tears, they got people things they wanted. He'd never seen adults cry for things like kids. Most adult tears were for serious things.

"If.. If you're my Uma, then why was I living with them?" He asked thinking he was smart.

"They took you from me Hoya. Well.. SHE took you from me. You're father too. I've missed you so much. I only got to hold you once. When you were a baby. My little baby..." She said crying more. Seung Ho didn't want her to cry anymore. He walked up to her.

"Ahjooma... don't cry anymore." He said patting her back, like his mother use to do to him when he was sad.

"Hoya, I know it's a lot to ask, but... when you're comfortable. Could you call me Uma?" She asked sniffing back her tears. Hoya didn't answer. He didn't want this woman to become his Uma. He wanted HIS Uma... who was probably waiting for him.... but even now he was finding it difficult to recall her face...

Kim Tony woke from a dream that he was quickly forgetting. He'd lived in the States with his mother for 15 years. He found he couldn't recall his childhood in Korea, but what little kids can? Korea seemed so long ago and so far away, but at the same time so close and so soon. Tony was going to college there. He still spoke Korean because his mother'd never learned English, but he thought his new transition would still be strange to him. The dream was fading, but all he could remember was.. a woman. In his dream she had no face, only a voice. She was playing a game with him.. or he was playing the game with her. She would call him by his Korean name and he'd hide in his favorite spot. She never found him he was such a good hider. Other details were becoming harder to grasp. He glanced at his alarm and found it was still early. He decided to get up and get ready.

The shower was refreshing and his dream was long forgotten. He found his mother sleeping on the couch. He pulled the blanket up covering her small body. She worked so hard to put him through school and afterschool activities. Her loving hands were rough from the scalding water of doing other people's laundry. He moved her hair from his face and gave her a light kiss on her forehead. She stirred, but didn't wake up. Tony smiled and went to the kitchen and fixed omletes that he was sure would wake her up in a good mood. The smell filled their small house and his mother dragged herself into the kitchen.

"Tonyah, what are you doing?" She asked sitting down at the table. Tony put the omlet on the plate and twirled around before placing it in front of her. "You didn't have to." She said tired. She was always tried. As far back as Tony could remember his mother had alwaye been tired. She was forced into work when she should have been the type to sit back and enjoy life as a luxery.

"Eat up Uma, before it gets cold." He said as he went to pour her coffee.

"I don't deserve a son like you." She said eating.

"Sure you do." He said sitting across from her. In silence they enjoyed thier meal. Not speaking, but both of their minds were filled with worries and anxieties of returning to Korea, their homeland.


^.^ i saw you were a mod here mellow yellow :P


"we're together in the music..."

"love is... waiting for pain, but i don't
want to wait for that to come..."
-Moon Hee Jun

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Old Post 09-24-2002 03:15 AM
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Registered: Mar 2002
Location: In Transition, CA
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ooooooo a flashback~

hmmm....curiouser (sp??) and curiouser (sp??? )

I hate google cache.

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Old Post 09-25-2002 05:32 AM
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Hyperion KP
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"No, you can't go and that's final." Ahn Ahjuhshi said unfolding his newspaper and pretended to read. Only he was too busy avoiding his daughters angry stares to really concentrate on the letters.

"Appa! You never let me go anywhere alone." Eighteen year old Sae Jin said folding her arms over her chest and just glaring at her father. She hoped to soon burn a hole through the paper so he wouldn't have a place to hide.

"You're my little girl. I don't want anything to happen to you." Ahn Ahjuhshi said folding down the newspaper so he could look his daughter in the eye.

"I'm not a little girl. I'm 18, you don't let Chil Hyun do anything either."

"I already lost-..." He stopped speaking and the silence became a heavy secret that weighed down on them. Sae Jin waiting for him to continue, but he didn't. She opened her mouth to say something when he started speaking again. "I don't want to talk about this anymore." He said putting the paper down and retreatnig to his room. Sae Jin could only sit wondering what had happened to their argument. She carefully waiting a few minutes then followed her father to his study. She pushed open the heavy wood door far enough to where she could see inside and where the door wouldn't creak. Inside her father sat at his desk. She'd seen him do this many times and never thought a thing, only he was looking intently at something in his hands. A piece of paper. She stepped on a weak spot on the floor and it betrayed her silence and made a loud groaning sound. She looked back quick enough to see her father push the paper into his desk before coming to investigate the noise. Sae Jin took after her room and slammed the door. After a few minutes of heavy breathing she saw her brother frozen on her bed. His eyes wide with surprise.

"YAH~ Ahn Chil Hyun, what are you doing?" She demanded. Chil Hyun turned a bright shade of red. She forget her father's strange behavoir and was suddenly overcome with anger. Her brother held her pink diary in his open hands.

"I.. I.. I..." He stuttered. She only glared at him the fire burning in her eyes. "I.. I.. I..." he continued.

"NAH CHOOGALAE?!(do you want to die)" She screamed as she jumped over her bed to get him. He let out a yelp and dropped the pink book and ran out the door screaming. She chased him into the hallway where she almost tripped over a table in the hall. She continued her chase. Chil Hyun continued to run then collided with someone coming out of a door. Chil Hyun, clung to his mother almost crying.

"Yah, Chil Hyunah, why are you crying? You're seventeen, almost a man. Why are you crying?" His mother asked holding her son.

"Uma..." He sniffed. "SAE JIN'S GONNA KILL ME!" He wailed. Sae Jin stopped in her tracks. Then she relaxed and gave her mother a smile.

"Uma, I only want to talk to him, and he started running. Like any normal person I chased him." She said sweetly, using a voice that'd gotten her out of many spankings when she was smaller. It was also a voice she used to get out of trouble, like now. Sae Jin gently took Chil Hyun's arm. His other hand held desperately to his mother. "Come on Chil Hyunnie." Sae Jin said practically dragging him down the hall. When their mother was out of sight Sae Jin jerked her brother into her room. "IF YOU TOUCH ANYTHING OF MINE AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU!" Chil Hyun was saved by the doorbell. He jumped from Sae Jin's grasp and scrambled to answer the door.

"Hyung!" Chil Hyun yelled when he saw Hee Jun waiting for him in the main hall. Chil Hyun practically jumped into Hee Jun's arms. (junta?! o.0... j.k)

"What are you doing?!" Hee Jun yelled dropping him. Chil Hyun hit the floor, hard.

"Sae Jin's trying to kill me." He said grabbing Hee Jun's leg.

"Sae Jin?" Hee Jun asked, then his eyes glazed over as if he were thinking about something.

"Hyung that's nasty! I don't want to know what your thinking about my sister. That's just wrong. WRONG! Are you listening to me? Hyung... HYUNG?!" Chil Hyun yelled loud enough stop traffic. Hee Jun shook his head and looked at him. "Where are we going today?"

"Maybe if you get off the floor we could go and you'd find out." Chil Hyun lept off the floor and dusted his clothes. Hee Jun shook his head then they headed out the door.

curious... i think


"we're together in the music..."

"love is... waiting for pain, but i don't
want to wait for that to come..."
-Moon Hee Jun

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Old Post 09-26-2002 08:15 PM
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Hyperion KP
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"Uma are you shaking?" Tony asked his mother as he placed his warm hand over her extremely cold one. She gave him a nervous smile. Tony didn't ask anymore questions. He knew there was a lot of baggage to go back with his mother upon their return to Korea, but he never knew exactly what. They shared a close bond, but that was one thing Tony had learned not to speak of. It brought back too many painful memories for her. He bleiveed it had something to do with his father. Another subject he never mentioned. It hurt him to see his mother cry. Tony sank in his chair and snuggled his head against her should, like he did when he was little. "It's going to be okay Uma. I promise."

"I hope so..." She finally answered as she smoothed the hair on his head.

we'll soon be landing in seoul, korea. please fasten your seat belts and put all trays and seats up their upright locked positions.

"Sae Jin.. psst... Sae Jinnie~" A voice called out her window. Sae Jin sat up and blew her hair out of her face. She crawled over to the window and looked out to see Jae Won her best friend staring back at her. Sae Jin had met Jae Won when she was litte. He was only a few months older then her, but loved to rub it in. She opened the window and stuck her head out.

"Baboyah~ Mohaeni?" She whispered harshly.

"I've come to take you away my love~" He called back with a big grin on his face. Sae Jin shut the window on him and went back to reading her book. There was peace and quiet for a quiet a bit until her phone rang. She reached over and picked it up.

"Yuhbosaeyo?" She asked with a light voice.

"Yah, don't EVER close the window on your Oppa ever again!" Jae Won yelled.

"The day I call you Oppa, will be the same day I call you ahjushi." She said hanging up the phone on him. She laughed and knew he'd find some other way to get her attention to mess with her. She put her book in the crook of her arm and opened her window again. She proceeded to pull herself out then grab the roof and climb up ontop of the house to sit. She opened her book and started reading again when she heard the sound of a plan starting to land. The one drawback to the Ahn's beautiful house, was that it was close enough to the airport where the plane sounded like it was about to land in your backyard.

"Uma are you sure this place is safe?" Tony asked unsure as they walked into, what looked like to him, a bad section of town. She motioned for him to be quiet as they walked. Tony's feet were killing him. He wasn't used to walking so much. Back in California they drove everywhere. They came to a rundown building that Tony never in a million years would have guessed was a hotel. His mother opened the door and they were met by a young man lounging at the desk.

"Ahn nyung ha sae yo." He bowed to Kim Tae Mi. She gave him a nodd and a slight smile. Tony knew the sense of familiarity set her more at ease.

"Kim Tae Mi." His mother said, the smile falling from her face.

"Nae, Jang Woo Hyuk ibnidah. My mother informed me of your stay here." He obsereved their bags and proceeded to pick them up. Tony grabbed them before the young man could.

"That's ok. I've got them." Tony said not wanting to inconvinience him. His mother said nothing and followed him down the hall. Tony was dropped their bags on the floor and pushed them out of the way. Then his jet lag caught up with him and he fell soundly asleep on the couch. His mother familiarized herself with the room and then lay on the only bed. Her worries about returning were strong then ever. She'd been with her "son" far too long to have them take him away now. There was no was they could possibly find them now, since they were never found before...

"Yuhbo, what are you thinking about?" Sae Na asked her husband as he stared out their window. He wrapped his arms around her small frame hugging her, breathing in her scent. "You're thinking about him again. Aren't you?"

"I can't help thinking he's out there... with her... If she's crazy enough to steal him right out of our own home... who knows what ways ... she could have... hurt him... or warped him small mind...."

"Don't think like that... I think....... that he still has your ears.... and he still wrinkles his nose when he laughs... and.. and.. oh yuhbo, how could she take out baby...? Our small little Seung Ho?" Sae Na cried into Seung Hwan's arms. The pain of losing their first child was still a very new wound in their hearts.

Sae Jin couldn't help but hear her parent's small cries from inside their room. They would always do that every once in awhile. Neither Sae Jin nor her brother asked why. Their parent's always looked hurt something that they would never understand... some dark secret. She climbed back into her window and started thinking about the piece of paper her father had been looking at the other day. Curiosity got the best of her and she found herself sneaking down the hall. She could hear her parent's whispering in the bedroom. She waited a few seconds and slipped into her father's study. She sat in his big leather chair and began shuffling through the papers in the drawers. She finally came upon a picture... of a little boy. She stared long and hard, it wasn't Chil Hyun the ears were big like her father's. She flipped it over, but all it read was Ahn Seung Ho. Possibly a relative. She'd never seen this little boy before. Suddenly she heard noises and quickly shoved the picture into her pocket and rushed downstairs to see what all the noise was about.

Chil Hyun felt like he was flying as he stumbled in the door with only the shoulder of Hee Jun to keep him grounded. He looked up to see about six of his one sister staring at him with disgust. Her sudden yelling pierced his skull making him fall over.

"YAH! MOH HAE?!" She demanded. Chil Hyun couldn't find his way off the floor and proceeded to crawl to the stairs, only to run his head into the side of a table knocking over a vase.

"OUCH..." He said to himself. "He put that there...?"

"Moon Hee Jun! How dare you take my brother out to get drunk! Do you know whos going to get in trouble for this?! Do you?! Me!" Sae Jin yelled as she got into Hee Jun's face. She proceeded to poke her index finger into his chest. Hee Jun grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"I'm not your brother. You don't boss me around. Besides we went and had a good time. Right Chil Hyun?" Hee Jun asked the pathedic looking boy on the floor. Chil Hyun rolled over onto his back, sprawled out on the floor.

"Right Hyung~ *hic*." Sae Jin was so mad she couldn't see straight. She jerked her hand back and pushed Hee Jun away as she made her way up the stairs. When she reached the top she turned around to yell again.

"Ahn Chil Hyun when you sober up I'm going to kill you!" She screamed before racing off to the security of her room. Hee Jun looked at Chil Hyun who was passed out on the floor and laughed. Hee Jun loved the way Sae Jin held no fear for him. It made her all the more challenging.



"we're together in the music..."

"love is... waiting for pain, but i don't
want to wait for that to come..."
-Moon Hee Jun

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Old Post 10-03-2002 12:32 AM
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Registered: Mar 2002
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oh wait....i'm confused...


hmm... i guess it'll be interesting seeing all those lives combine into... the .... littley thingy at the beginning?

in that case i'm not confused anymore...

I hate google cache.

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Old Post 10-03-2002 05:01 AM
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Hyperion KP
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Once in the confides of her room Sae Jin laughed. Her brother was going to have a hard time with his first day of school figuring that he would have a major hangover. She lay down and thought. Her little brother's first day as a senior.. her first day of college. She turned on her bed to hear the rumpling of paper. Digging into her pocket she pulled out the photo of the mystery boy. There was something very familiar about him... something she just couldn't put her finger on....

"Tonyah, you're going to have a long day tomorrow. Everything is ready.. all you have to do is go." His mother said to him. They both sat on a mat on the floor. His mother leaning against the wall while Tony rested his head in her lap. She was playing with his hair as she talked. "I'm very proud of you. Never forget that." Tony rolled over and sat up to look at his mother.

"Uma, why are you crying?" Tony asked reaching out to wipe the tears from her face. She quickly turned her head and wiped her own tears. She sniffed a couple times then turned back to smile at him.

"Nothing... I'm just so happy.. that... that you're getting what's best. Life is unfair to you. You should have had the best... of everything. It's my fault you had to live the way you did. I just don't want you to hate me." She said before breaking down again. She buried her face into her hands and sobbed silently. Tony scooted over and wrapped his arms around her.

"Uma, I will always love you. You're the only mother I have. I have no one else but you. I'm thankful for you." He whispered softly, hoping his words would comfort her. They only made her cry harder....

*knock knock*

Tony stood up and went to answer the door. There stood the quiet boy Jang Woo Hyuk. He held his head low and didn't even look at Tony as he spoke.

"Kim Ahjooma. My mother. She wants to talk to you." Woo Hyuk announced like a puppet on strings.

"Thank you Woo Hyuk." Tony's mother said. Woo Hyuk nodded then headed back downstairs. "Tonyah, go make friends with Woo Hyuk. We might be here for awhile." Tony nodded and slipped his feet into some sandals then went downstairs. Tony got to the bottom of the long stair case and found Woo Hyuk sitting at the desk. His one foot was curled under him on the stool he sat on. He was bent forward leaning on one elbow.

"H..hi." Tony said peeking his head from around the corner. Woo Hyuk looked up and nodded then went back to staring at the wall again.

"Do you need something?" He asked without looking at Tony.

"Um.. no. I thought I'd... just come and talk to you."

"You don't have to. I like bymyself." Woo Hyuk said as he began to move the dust around on the top of the desk with his finger. Tony wrinkled his nose, not quite sure whether or not to take Woo Hyuk's remark as an insult or not.

"I guess.. I'll stop bothering you then...." Tony said hanging his head as he headed back upstairs. Woo Hyuk watched him walk away, but there was not a look of satisfaction on his face. One more of regret...

Hee Jun smiling when he saw Sae Jin roaming the halls of the college campus. He was a year older then her which gave him a sense of power. He walked up behind her and slipped his arm around her shoulder. She spun around with a look on her face that was normally directed at her brother. Chil Hyun.

"Oh... it's you." She said shrugged off his hand.

"That's so cold Sae Jinnie. College is a place to relax and have fun." Hee Jun said presenting the campus with his arm.

"How can I relax when I feel like you're stalking me?" She demanded before picking up her pace and walking away from her. She didn't look back to see the rage that masked Hee Jun's fun going features.

"Sae Jinnie~" I voice came shreiking across the campus. Sae Jin looked up to see Jae Won racing for her. She squeezed her eyes closed as Jae Won barreled onto her and they both went rolling to the ground.

"We're in college now. When are you going to grow up?" She demanded as he grinned at her. "... and when are you going to get off of me?!" Jae Won blushed and jumped up and offered Sae Jin a hand. She looked at it and sneered then got up by herself. Jae Won frowned and looked from her face to his hand.

"I'm your Oppa I demand respect!" He yelled.

"Shut up~ People are staring at the big tall freak." She whispered lowering her head and posture.

"Call me Oppa and I'll stop." He grinned.

"No way."

"WHEN AM I GOING TO GET RESPECT? WHEN?!" He shouted. His voice echoed over the walls of the school. Sae Jin squeezed her eyes closed when he grabbed her sleeve. "When are YOU going to resepect me?!" He yelled.

"Okay okay.... OPPA... stop ok?" She said defeated. Jae Won only smiled and grabbed her then proceeded to twirl her around. "LEE JAE WON PUT ME DOWN!" He stopped and let her down. "I hate you."

"But I'm still your Oppa." He winked. She glared at him then walked away to her class.

Tony almost like he was back at home in Cali, only all the kids were Korean and that's what they were speaking. The big campus did make him feel more at ease. He passed a really tall guy swinging around a girl that looked like she was ready to hit him. Tony really didn't like it when people showed public displays of affection like that. It was weird to him. He just wanted to go to class, learn something then go home and eat. He bumped into some and he ended up on his butt on the floor. He went to his knees and proceeded to pick up his papers and stuff them back into his bag when someone knelt down and started helping him. He looked up to see Jang Woo Hyuk.

"I didn't know you went to this college." Tony said shocked. Woo Hyuk just nodded, then offered Tony a smile and his hand. Tony grabbed it and stood up.

"Sorry I bumped into you." Woo Hyuk finally said. Tony only smile.

"That's ok. I wasn't watching where I was going." Tony said.

"Yea, you could say that again." Woo Hyuk said joking around.



"we're together in the music..."

"love is... waiting for pain, but i don't
want to wait for that to come..."
-Moon Hee Jun

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Old Post 10-04-2002 03:52 AM
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