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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: salt.

Originally posted by jusunlee
oh please, dont flatter yourself. are you trying to tell me that you did infact give her post some thought before you resolved to reply with one word? as much as i applaud you for your debating skills, thats hardly believable. it would indeed be justified to conclude that your post is useless, especially without the further elaboration youve just given. how else was i, or anyone else for that matter, to know?

The fact that I did give the composition some thought is exactly what I'm telling you. Whether or not you chose to believe is not my problem, but it hardly merits the slanderous labeling that you give it without questioning or even attempting to ask for clarification, which brings me to my next point.
Since when asserting an assumption without proper verification or the full story EVER justified? When is it? Never. The way you were supposed to know was by asking me to go into detail, that is what the "reply" button is for. Settle down Superman, the tall buildings need a rest.

Originally posted by jusunlee
its interesting that you say this, because you are the one who made baseless assumptions first. had you read my original post more thoroughly without jumping into your own conclusions, you would have realized that i never intended to force a 200+ word minimum on every post, but only for responses to quality posts, as i clarified in my second post addressed to you

Note that when I replied, I was referencing this line: "but i wish more of you would make posts containing 200+ words more often. say something meaningful for once, not just petty one liners, or even worse, one word or smilie responses" under your 1st subpoint which had no mention at all, whatsoever that your wishes should be taken into consideration only when replying to quality posts. After your clarification in your reply, notice that I dropped the issue in my last post.
Because I dropped the issue, I am doing essentially what you stressed in your latest reply which was to
understand my shortcomings as i will yours
. Now when will you recognize your shortcomings? When will you accept that the entire basis for your movement is based on a false assumption and as you stated, a "hastily made conclusion?"

Originally posted by jusunlee
ive never directly attacked your integrity, but you, after the integrity youve shown (or the lack of), decided to redicule mine.

Never directly attacked me you say? Never?
where you had the nerve to respond with a simple 'touching' after a 500+ word composition

Yes, i had the nerve to do such a thing. How I thristed to commit the deed.
something like that is unacceptable

that kind of garbage happen next time

by labeling my post as garbage, you did indeed attack my integrity as a poster.

Originally posted by jusunlee
thus summing up my whole perspective about life, through one post. one post.

I never talked about your "perspective on life." From where did you make that jump.

Originally posted by jusunlee
let me ask you this: who is more single minded; you, who put words into my mouth and jumped into a conclusion that i never intended and go as far as to slander and accuse me of faults ive never intended, or me, who merely tried to defend myself from your faulty and hastily made conclusion? jumping to conclusions, shall i say?

No, no, no, mr. victim, you're missing a whole step! It should be "or me, who merely tried to defend myself from your faulty and hastily made conclusion and also started this thread with a faulty mindset based on an flawed assumption that unjustly slandered another poster by calling one of the user's posts garbage, useless, and clearly unacceptable."
oh Poor you.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

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Old Post 01-28-2003 06:32 AM
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Originally posted by jusunlee
one the sidenote, i appreciate the fact that you guys can overlook the fact that i am the owner/administrator of this site and argue with me. thats very courageous. i dont think i would be able to bring myself about to get into an arguement with an administrator of another forum no matter how blatantly wrong they may be, as i am cowardly. its commendable, really, even though it brings me to bad light, because it ensures that i make the right decisions.

yes, and i am rewarded through a condescending reply in which i am apparently insulting your intellgence. I don't see why you felt the need to reply in that tone, it wasn't reciprocal, maybe you perceived it to be that way but when i look at it even now my post seems more of an anguish tone than anything else.


you, who arrogantly make blatantly wrong assumptions one after another, why yes, ofcourse it also applies to you.

I would think it was in a more angry tone than arrogant, but perceive what you will. Yes, i made wrong assumptions, silly me for not reading follow up posts by you when i was busy typing up the post for the initial one before i could see the other replies that were posted while i was still typing it. Yes, that's a terrible sentence, i don't feel like going back and changing it right now.

And, sure it applies to me. I was just offended about your rash statements about your salt thread being the longest post ever in jsl probably, and that no one makes quality responses when i type compositions on here day after day. I know i'm not exempt, i was just caught up in the moment cause of what i thought you were doing, and by what you said about the forums. I apologize for my actions.


do you realize this is the only justified statement youve made in your lengthly post? no, i have hardly went to the debate forums, as i am not much of a debater, and felt there was no need for me to go there previously as hardly any problems arise there for moderation. ill gladly retract my statement concerning the length of my post, as i was obviously wrong in my assertion.

thank you.

And, yes since you didn't say some of the things i argued, they surely must not be justified, i mean it's not as if implications are non existent or anything...


again, there you go with unfounded conclusions. im too tired to make another lengthly reply, sorry. go reread my original post.

it's really not unfounded, when all you care about is intent it pretty much is...but then as soon as you realize that there's another side to it, the base just comes back. How do you just disregard it and call it baseless when the effects are still a possiblity.


and again.

Sure, It was never a big point to begin with. It doesn't really matter, i do realize i misinterpreted the entire concept of trash posts in your eyes and this wouldn't be classified as such under what you've clarified it to be. Sorry for the mixup.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Last edited by PsychoSnowman on 01-28-2003 at 04:57 PM

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Old Post 01-28-2003 06:34 AM
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jSL=Jusun selling lies

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Old Post 01-28-2003 05:04 PM
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down by law

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I'm at school and I can't type much since I'm not paying attention to class, but Jusun, please follow through with the penalty that you said would ensue once someone replied to a "well-thought out" post with only a few lines. I may be wrong, but it seems as if not everyone has been penalized for not contributing to this thread in certain posts, I think the last thing this forum needs right now is indeterminacy on behalf of the admin.

word is bond

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Old Post 01-28-2003 06:11 PM
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Originally posted by tm11
I'm at school and I can't type much since I'm not paying attention to class, but Jusun, please follow through with the penalty that you said would ensue once someone replied to a "well-thought out" post with only a few lines. I may be wrong, but it seems as if not everyone has been penalized for not contributing to this thread in certain posts, I think the last thing this forum needs right now is indeterminacy on behalf of the admin.

yes, i agree. It'd be best to enforce the policy so as to allow it have the most credibility possible.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

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Old Post 01-28-2003 07:43 PM
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tm11 your points very valid, i cant stress that enough. jusun if you claim your going to enforce something for everyone then act on everyone, not just an example.

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Old Post 01-28-2003 07:49 PM
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I would have to agree with point #2, but had you disabled the post count feature, people would not be competing to get a higher post count, and thus solving some spamming. My opinion so don't bite me.

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Old Post 01-28-2003 08:52 PM
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sorry, i originally misread your previous reply when quoting you in my response to psychoSnowman. you too misinterpeted what i originally meant. please read my response to psychoSnowman if you havent already. there, i corrected the misconception people had about my original post. to sum up, a) i wished peope would make worthwhile posts more often b) when replying to quality posts, to respond sincerely, and if not, not at all. no where in my original post did i state that everyone must reply with 200+ words for every post or suffer a penalty. nor did i implicitly state that 200+ words were needed to qualify as a quality post. the 'penalty' that you were refering to was to affect only to those who thoughtlessly responded to threads started by quality posts, to preserve it of its quality.

but your next argument struck a chord. i had not realized then, my lack of foresight, that peoples perception of what is quality and not are different. thus, because there is no real standard to compare the quality of each post by, it would be biased and unfair for me to penalize people only by my perception of the matter.

which brings us to ajy's post and how i handled it. if you refer back, his two posts that he was penalized for were made prior to yours, and before all the overwhelming negative feedback i received from the policy. from an adminstrator's standpoint (and forgive me for using my status as an excuse), i took his second post as a direct challenge to my authority, which really gave me no choice but to penalize him (as he said i would) only to prove the point that i was willing to follow through with my word. however, since then, and since your post, i realized such a penalty was biased, as it was based solely on my decision, and decided, atleast for the moment, to suspend any future penalties.

but as much as i let dissent be openly discussed, i would have much rather prefered if you did not openly question my past administrative decisions (though i prefer it much more than talking behind my back). it is an unwarranted attack to my credibility whether or not you intended it to be. try setting up your own community, manange it, and pay for it. only then will you truly understand how thoroughly disjusted i am by your statement, as politely as you said. next time, please use private messages to convey such concerns. this isnt only intended to you, but everyone else who were quick to chip in without giving me a chance to defend myself. in all honestly, i was very well aware of my 'apparant unfairness' and was going to explain myself regardless of your asking.

as much as i would like to refute your arguments in the same offensive manner youve presented, im going to refrain myself. i feel admist personal feelings, i lost my sense of objectivity. i reread the entire thread, and admit that i was the first one that came off as offensive, and for that, i apologize. i dont want to delve into a petty (if i may say) argument revolving around technicalities and logistics. those things tire me, and itll bring about no progress to the original argument save of insulted feelings. go read all my previous replies, if you havent already. maybe youll understand where im coming from. if there was a fault in my new policy, it would have been my inability to see that there is no such thing as a 'standard' in quality that i tried to argue for. i do remember you saying something about this in your first post, but the meaning became lost in your misinterpretation of my intent. nevertheless i apologize for overlooking.

yet i still dont understand how you could have missed my entire argument and come up with the idea that i thought quality posts were 200+ words and that i was going to require that for every post.

and no, there is more actually to why i thought it would be the forums best interest to enact such a policy (thoughtful posts getting sincere responses), but chose your example because it fitted well in my argument. yes, that means i still dont understand how you can say that you put as much effort and thought into that one word reply as you say you did. no, im not here to argue about the intend, that was never my original arguemnt, but of the final outcome. in the real world its the final outcome that counts, not the means to go about to achieve it (as shallow i may be by saying this). and from that standpoint, i think you can also agree with me that there was much left to be desired in your one word reply. in any case, you seemed to think that my reasons for inacting such a policy was solely because of your response. it is not. if it brings any consolation to you, originally, it was over my frustration for such a post in the exprience forum wehre i started a thread with what i perceived to be a well thought out post. had i not known kenvsryu personally, i would have been more frustrated, and yes, i did get somewhat discourage to see such a reply. so my decision actually came from personal expereince, not some assumption as you put it. but i do apologize nevertheless for my misleading argument. you might have influenced in my decision, but it wasnt because of you, so dont take offense. and last but not least, i also apologize for calling your post garbage, taht was uncalled for. i never intended it to be meant literally, but damage is already done. better wording i will use next time.

hey. thanks for replying so courteously amidst my rudeness. my tactlessness came from my overwhelming frustration that no one read my original posts as they were. if it helps, i did kind of mellowed out in the latter half of my reply. but yes, i agree that your original post was not meant to offend me, its a misunderstanding in my part, again in my frustration, and for that im sorry. but i am glad that you finally see my point and understand where im coming from. i read your original unedited post, almost in despair, until you abruptly stopped after some further clarification in my part. yes, the beam of hope.

yet i would like to point out agian that i never implicitly stated that a quality post warranted 200+ words. i understand that it was bad word choice to use "200+ words", i meant 'meaningful' in the back of my mind, which is hard to do with trite responses (though not impossible), my reason for in saying "200+ words" in my haste. but to futher clarify that statement: "i wished more people would make meaningful posts more often".

and to elaborate on the new form of beauracay that i forgot to mention earlier - yet something very crucial that could have erased your doubts about it in the first place - the reasons (though lost amidst my argument) for wanting to try for a democratic government was because i honestly believed it would lead to a more fairly governed forums, where users have actual voice in administration. in the current structure of government, i am the sole decision maker, as there isnt a checks and balances system (i may seek counsel with everyone from time to time, but i still ultimately have the only decision making capabilities). by introdcuing a more democratic government, it will limit my power drastically, and prevent me from making any harmful decisions. i was to shift from a dictator position to a 'president' figure (my thoughts were lost in my original post, but let me follow through). there were to be 3 supermoderators, voted by the moderators, who in turn were to be voted by the forum population. any decisions i was to make would first have to be ratified by all three supermoderators first. if there was to be a disagreement between the supermoderators, i could then turn to the moderators for support, where the majority vote was to rule. if i was still to be displeased with the outcome, then, as my last resort, i was to turn to the forum population for popular support. so, without any support, i would not be able to introduce any new policies. this could go either way, where the lower body could challenge the upper body's decisions. as you can see, such a government would drastically crumb my ability in decision making, and have everyone feel included as opposed to creating an elite class. you probably can see now as to why i was bewildered by your arguments (though it was my fault for not conveying it properly in the first place). my communication skills have much left to be desired, it was such a crucial point, that i had in my head, vaguely explained, and only assumed taht you guys would understand what i meant by 'democracy', so naturally i was dumbfounded and even insulted when you asserted that i was trying to create elitism, when i went as far as to offer to lessen my power to fight against such thing.

ladi jay
no, i wasnt thinking of anyone when i decided to make such a rule. please read the second half of my reponse to psychoSnowman as to the real reasons why. and no, i never said i would requie 200+ posts for ever posts made. please reread my original thread, or the countless responses ive made to defend myself from that assertion that everybody somehow concluded. i feel sorry that you felt this way, but no, you need not to be 'smart' to get your point across. i never made such assertion.

ajY 2k
the reasons i took off 200 posts were because you blatanly asked for it. you posted intending to see whether or not i would actually follow through. as the admininstrator, i was left with no choice but to, so to stay firm in my decicions, sorry. read the latter part of my response to tm11 for elaboration.

no no no. youve also misread my original argumetn. please go read it again, or the replies ive made. and no, as much as i should have taken off some posts of yours, ive decided against it, as i was recieving overwhelming negative feeback about the new policy (which everyone misconcluded anyways). go read the latter part of my response to tm11 for further clarification.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 01:37 AM
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saranghae, daNNy LuV 1TYM, azn0monk
again, i am not advocating for 200+ words for every posts. nor am i advocating for 200+ words for thoughful (or what i deemed to be, which my have been faulty). i was advocating for people to post worthwhile threads more often, and to be thoughful and sincere if they were to respond to quality posts. thats all, really. had you argued for the possible faulty basis of my perseption of what may be deemed quality or not, then you would have an argument. actually, that would probably be the only real aurgument that could have been made, save for the manner i presented everything.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 01:39 AM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by jusunlee

ajY 2k
the reasons i took off 200 posts were because you blatanly asked for it. you posted intending to see whether or not i would actually follow through. as the admininstrator, i was left with no choice but to, so to stay firm in my decicions, sorry. read the latter part of my response to tm11 for elaboration.

that does make sense. but if you think just because i posted 3 pictures of a bunny is enough reason to take off as many posts as you did, then go ahead.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 01:43 AM
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Originally posted by AjY 2k
that does make sense. but if you think just because i posted 3 pictures of a bunny is enough reason to take off as many posts as you did, then go ahead.

to futher clarify, i took off 200 posts counts because of the two replies youve made very early in this thread, not from anywhere else.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 01:56 AM
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down by law

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Originally posted by jusunlee
sorry, i originally misread your previous reply when quoting you in my response to psychoSnowman. you too misinterpeted what i originally meant. please read my response to psychoSnowman if you havent already. there, i corrected the misconception people had about my original post. to sum up, a) i wished peope would make worthwhile posts more often b) when replying to quality posts, to respond sincerely, and if not, not at all. no where in my original post did i state that everyone must reply with 200+ words for every post or suffer a penalty. nor did i implicitly state that 200+ words were needed to qualify as a quality post. the 'penalty' that you were refering to was to affect only to those who thoughtlessly responded to threads started by quality posts, to preserve it of its quality.

I didn't misinterpret, but perhaps I didn't effectively convey what I understood. I did not really think (perhaps it may have just been hope in your rationality) that you would judge a post on just its quantity alone, yet as David said, it was the figure you had mentioned and that's why it was referred to so much. I agree with your intentions (a and b), I would just think it's hard to determine sincerity in some instances.

Originally posted by jusunlee

but your next argument struck a chord. i had not realized then, my lack of foresight, that peoples perception of what is quality and not are different. thus, because there is no real standard to compare the quality of each post by, it would be biased and unfair for me to penalize people only by my perception of the matter.

This was a flaw in your proposal, and I'm glad you can recognize it. We are all subjective, and it can be hard to percieve what people really mean just through text sent online. I do applaud you for acknowledging that as the owner and backbone of this site, others in your position may not have been able to.

Originally posted by jusunlee

which brings us to ajy's post and how i handled it. if you refer back, his two posts that he was penalized for were made prior to yours, and before all the overwhelming negative feedback i received from the policy. from an adminstrator's standpoint (and forgive me for using my status as an excuse), i took his second post as a direct challenge to my authority, which really gave me no choice but to penalize him (as he said i would) only to prove the point that i was willing to follow through with my word. however, since then, and since your post, i realized such a penalty was biased, as it was based solely on my decision, and decided, atleast for the moment, to suspend any future penalties.

Understood that you had to enforce the penalty when someone directly challenges your authority, but that happened several times in this thread. Regardless of Andrew's post, the new rule should be applied equally. Perhaps some reconsideration is in order as the penalties are suspended for now... I must say it seems like a daunting task though, to police the forums looking for posts that devalue a thread. Maybe it is not so difficult considering what one may deem valuable in a thread, but then again, almost every thread has to be checked because any thread can have meaning. If the penalties are enforced, will you take on this yourself?

Originally posted by jusunlee

but as much as i let dissent be openly discussed, i would have much rather prefered if you did not openly question my past administrative decisions (though i prefer it much more than talking behind my back). it is an unwarranted attack to my credibility whether or not you intended it to be. try setting up your own community, manange it, and pay for it. only then will you truly understand how thoroughly disjusted i am by your statement, as politely as you said. next time, please use private messages to convey such concerns. this isnt only intended to you, but everyone else who were quick to chip in without giving me a chance to defend myself. in all honestly, i was very well aware of my 'apparant unfairness' and was going to explain myself regardless of your asking.

I do apologize if this has spurred any undesirable incidents on the forums, the only thing I've seen so far is just Andrew jumping up and down over this, whether that's undesirable or not. I didn't intend to attack your credibility, but I can see how this is an affront to that. Regardless, as you yourself said earlier, you can only be really credible when you can defend your assertions. I understand how you may think this is problematic, and I apologize for bringing it out in the open, but I felt that this was an issue that everyone should be able to discuss. I didn't think such an important thing should have been kept behind the scenes (perhaps that's just your taste for these matters), but instead, should have been inclusive for everyone. So far, aside from a few of the ad homs and some of the hurt feelings, I think this discussion has been quite healthy for the forums, and this is the only way we can truly progress forward.
This is your site, and I am glad you made it, I don't want to disrespect you, but if it really is your wish(and if I really have to), next time I will rely on PMs, but only with regret.

word is bond

Last edited by tm11 on 01-29-2003 at 09:36 PM

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Old Post 01-29-2003 01:57 AM
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Originally posted by jusunlee
to futher clarify, i took off 200 posts counts because of the two replies youve made very early in this thread, not from anywhere else.

sorry if this comes out blatantly rude, but that's nothing but a lie. The first thing i said in this thread was
alright after reading this ive decide no more spamming
. Now if that is affecting in you in any way please explain, exactly it doesn't. So your statement makes no sense.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 02:04 AM
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what a joke!

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Originally posted by AjY 2k
sorry if this comes out blatantly rude, but that's nothing but a lie. The first thing i said in this thread was . Now if that is affecting in you in any way please explain, exactly it doesn't. So your statement makes no sense.

Originally posted by jusunlee
to futher clarify, i took off 200 posts counts because of the two replies youve made very early in this thread, not from anywhere else.

he wasn't directing it on your first post on this thread.

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

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Old Post 01-29-2003 02:53 AM
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Originally posted by krnxswat
he wasn't directing it on your first post on this thread.

can you comprehend what he's saying. seriously. What he means is he based his decision on the two posts i made in the beginning of this thread none else,
to futher clarify, i took off 200 posts counts because of the two replies youve made very early in this thread, not from anywhere else.

your statement has no backbone.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 03:01 AM
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Originally posted by AjY 2k
and thanks a lot for taking away 200+ posts of mine

ok. heres my reconsideration. looking back, i realize that the decision i made was not for the best. i saw it as a direct attack to my authority. it was a difficult decision, a test whether or not i was to follow through with what i argued for. i was clouded by my own personal feelings, and did not know the amount of negative feedback i was going to get. in retrospect, it seems much clearer now. i made a decision based on the interest to protect my pride than anythign else. so i guess that means i was wrong.

i guess this goes in line with my lost sense of objectivity. im letting my personal ego get in the way. and i apologize for that. it would indeed be very unfair if i were to deduct your posts alone. and considering my original flawed perception concering what is quality and not, i do not intend to follow through with the 'no garbage' policy. you can have your 200 posts back.


victory to the people
commoners have their way
but all he can do
is watch and go away

haha that was pretty corny. sorry.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 03:26 AM
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down by law

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It's difficult to escape subjectivity, but anyways, I hope that you will still resolve to be active to the forums, as I said before, I've thought your recent surge of activity has been quite interesting, and I don't think it would be such a bad thing if you weren't so detached so more.

word is bond

Last edited by tm11 on 01-29-2003 at 04:38 AM

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Old Post 01-29-2003 04:25 AM
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i like u this much

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the reason people thought u meant 200+ word count for all posts...even tho u dint say such a thing...its because people tend to gestalt...or in laymen's terms...complete an object or make by readin 'quality post' and '200+ words' the simply "completed" ur statement....for example...the picuture at the bottom was sent out to random people and i asked for them to look at the picture and to redraw it....100% (6 of 6)redrew a COMPLETE circle...even tho everybody sees the gap...unconciously completes the circle in their mind and draws a complete circle...

marvinOPPA has attached this image:

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Old Post 01-29-2003 04:48 AM
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Debate Mod

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Originally posted by jusunlee
but your next argument struck a chord. i had not realized then, my lack of foresight, that peoples perception of what is quality and not are different. thus, because there is no real standard to compare the quality of each post by, it would be biased and unfair for me to penalize people only by my perception of the matter.

No offense is intended at all. But, every single person made this argument pretty much, and you brushed it aside when i said it in a condescending way, brushed it aside when victor said it, only for you to honor TM11 for it? I don't really care that much and no offense is intended...but i don't see why you have to pick and choose, especially after you denoted almost my entire first post as "baseless" (granted a lot of it was) when i voiced this very same argument.

hey. thanks for replying so courteously amidst my rudeness. my tactlessness came from my overwhelming frustration that no one read my original posts as they were. if it helps, i did kind of mellowed out in the latter half of my reply. but yes, i agree that your original post was not meant to offend me, its a misunderstanding in my part, again in my frustration, and for that im sorry. but i am glad that you finally see my point and understand where im coming from. i read your original unedited post, almost in despair, until you abruptly stopped after some further clarification in my part. yes, the beam of hope.

your welcome . Yeah i've been known to do that on these forums as well, i know where you are coming from, i think. It's fine.


yet i would like to point out agian that i never implicitly stated that a quality post warranted 200+ words. i understand that it was bad word choice to use "200+ words", i meant 'meaningful' in the back of my mind, which is hard to do with trite responses (though not impossible), my reason for in saying "200+ words" in my haste. but to futher clarify that statement: "i wished more people would make meaningful posts more often"

yes, we know now. Thanks.


and to elaborate on the new form of beauracay that i forgot to mention earlier - yet something very crucial that could have erased your doubts about it in the first place - the reasons (though lost amidst my argument) for wanting to try for a democratic government was because i honestly believed it would lead to a more fairly governed forums, where users have actual voice in administration. in the current structure of government, i am the sole decision maker, as there isnt a checks and balances system (i may seek counsel with everyone from time to time, but i still ultimately have the only decision making capabilities). by introdcuing a more democratic government, it will limit my power drastically, and prevent me from making any harmful decisions. i was to shift from a dictator position to a 'president' figure (my thoughts were lost in my original post, but let me follow through). there were to be 3 supermoderators, voted by the moderators, who in turn were to be voted by the forum population. any decisions i was to make would first have to be ratified by all three supermoderators first. if there was to be a disagreement between the supermoderators, i could then turn to the moderators for support, where the majority vote was to rule. if i was still to be displeased with the outcome, then, as my last resort, i was to turn to the forum population for popular support. so, without any support, i would not be able to introduce any new policies. this could go either way, where the lower body could challenge the upper body's decisions. as you can see, such a government would drastically crumb my ability in decision making, and have everyone feel included as opposed to creating an elite class. you probably can see now as to why i was bewildered by your arguments (though it was my fault for not conveying it properly in the first place). my communication skills have much left to be desired, it was such a crucial point, that i had in my head, vaguely explained, and only assumed taht you guys would understand what i meant by 'democracy', so naturally i was dumbfounded and even insulted when you asserted that i was trying to create elitism, when i went as far as to offer to lessen my power to fight against such thing.

Just to clarify as i don't think i really ever did, i figured the wording you used, "bearocracy" entailed something bad. We've talked about it in the backstage forum about how the beaurocracy of the moderators may scare people away, because new poeple may come here and see every know everyone on a first name basis and whatever and be deterred from it. I didn't think you realized that you could possibly make a new one, and that i thought you wanted to get rid of it by making what i perceived to be your new democracy. But, now i realize you did and i had a lot of misconceptions.

Anyway, i think this really is a good idea. I really misperceived it, and i'm looking forward to seeing this being actuated in these forums.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Last edited by PsychoSnowman on 01-29-2003 at 05:23 AM

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Old Post 01-29-2003 05:15 AM
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all i need is a miracle

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Originally posted by tm11
It's difficult to escape subjectivity, but anyways, I hope that you will still resolve to be active to the forums, as I said before, I've thought your recent surge of activity has been quite interesting, and I don't think it would be such a bad thing if you weren't so detached so more.

oh hehe, thanks but i didnt mean it that way. i was refering to the tyranny ive relied to command the boards - it will go away. its also the symbolic departure of my ego - better decisions will arise - a victory to the people. and also a hope that democracy will be set up in the future in the forums like i proposed.

im here to stay, i like this better actually. there were many times when i was dying to reply and be active in these forums before, but could not make myself to contribute because of my resolution to stay detached.

on another note, i cant but applaud how effectively you communicate. i changed my original decision regarding ajy and gave it a second thought after reading your reply. i realized that there was nothing wrong with admiting past wrongdoings, even from my position as administrator.

also. regarding your last argument, i understand where youre coming from. though i would have to sacrifice my credibility, i suppose the community does have the right to know about any questionable decisions i were to make, as scrutinized as they may be. like truman once said 'if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen', though i have no choice but to take the heat, if i were not to, my position as administrator would be unmerited. so i take back what i previously said.

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Old Post 01-29-2003 05:41 AM
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