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Thumbs up Silent Hill (A Casting of all ur favorite SM Artist)

Hello Everyone, I would like to introduce myself. The names Physin,
Enough said then with the introducing, lets just get to the story.
This fanfic has all ur favorite Sm artist in it. Warning there are some violence in it but no bad language tho. Well Enjoy.........

Well Then let's begin............................

Sm Entertainment as u know always do things were all the group meet up and make a party video like in winter vacation and summer vacation. But this time, Sm plans to do soemthing new by inviting all the artist to go meet up in the mountain where they do a camping party video up on the mountain.
The leader of Sm Lee Soo Man order two buss so they fit all the people in Sm company without leaving anyone behind. Everyone meet up in the morning, Kangta, Hee jun, S.E.S, Milk, Shinhwa, Boa, Blackbeat, and the rest of the camara crew got on the bus.
And so theire trip started...
The first buss had all the artist including the president of Sm. While the second bus carried the camara crew. It was a long ride. When the bus drove up the mountains it started to get cooler. As the bus goes on, Hee Jun and Kangta saw something behind theire bus. A weird man standing, and then disapear into the fog. Hee jun and kangta was wonderin to themself about how weird the old guy was. The president of Sm stood up and had realize that the ride was getting kinda boring. So he sang a song and all the sm singer in the bus began singing along and clap theire hand. Everyone on the bus had seat belt except the president of Sm Lee Soo Man, he was the only one on the bus with no seat belt cuzz he got up from his seat. The bus driver told Lee Soo Man to sit down and put his seat belt. Lee Soo Man told the bus driver to shut up and just drive.

The bus driver just didn't bother to say anything back and continue driving. Then out of no where a naked body with no head crawl down the street and the bus driver run it over. After running over that weird thing the bus driver looks back and saw nothing, then as he turns around and out of no where a little girl run by. The bus driver pull the wheel and the bus falls down a cliff and roles many time until it hits the bottom.
Everyone in the bus began to slowly move theire arms and legs after the fall. Hee Jun then yelled out "Is Everybody ok?" Then everyone in the bus reply back yes theire all ok. The bus driver yelled all the way from the front "Everybody should be ok if they have a seat belt on!." Jun Jin of Shinhwa then saw blood stream on the roof of the bus. Everyone then looks at Lee Soo Man. All the girls scream and close theire eye's while all the guys look, The president off Sm Lee Soo Man had flip upside down and his neck twisted and vains pop out of his neck, Blood drips all around.

Everyone then got scare as hell as they rush to take off theire seat belt and crawl as fast as they could out of the bus Emergency exit. Everyone in the bus was all in one condition and had got out of the bus. All the girls were all shock to see what happend to the president of Sm. "What are we gonna do!?" Said Eugene of s.e.s.
Kangta then said "We should all stay calm!"
Jun Jin reply's back "What the hell man I aint gonna stay calm! U stay calm Kangta!" Kangta then said back "I am calm dammit!!" But he was shaking as hell.
All of a sudden Hee jun just yelled out "HELP!!!!"
Kangta yelled at hee jun to calm down. Hee jun then said back "Why the heck are u so calm for!? We need help here!" Then they all just start yelling for help.

A bird thats really big thats the size of the bus and had no fur flys out of nowhere, Everyone got down to the ground. The bus driver stand up and said get up! The monster is gone dammit!
I aint gettin up! Hee Jun reply. Same here! Kangta said.
The bus driver yelled at Hee Jun and Kangta "The monster is gone dammit!"
He turns around and look through the thick fog and see's nothing. "Get up stupid people its gone!" Said the bus driver. The bus driver look and no one stood up, So he decided to runs off by himself. Hee Jun and all the Sm artist finally got up form the ground and heard a screaming. Kangta, Hee Jun, Jun Jin, leads the way forward through the fog. They all hold each other's hands. Then out of the thick fog something rolesdown the street toward them. But it was to far away and no one was even brave enough to see what it is. Kangta decided to be brave and walk toward the thing that role down the street. When kangta got closer and observe the object it turns out to be the bus driver head.
Ah!!!!" Kangta scream out really loud and starts running and everyone else starts to run. everyone got seperate and was lost in the fog.
Jun jin Looks around and notice that he was lost for sure. Help!!!!!!!" He yelled out. Then a bunch of screams suround him. Thats all the others he said.
He then continue running. And found all the others member of Shinhwa. Theire body was all split in half, and guts and liver everything inside them slides out.
Jun Jin was so scare and was shock and dont know what to do so he ran to a corner and hide under a tree and starts crying. A girl with her neck strech down from the tree and looks at Jun jin and with her teeth full of blood and her hair all wiggly. Jun jin got so scare beyond scare that he punch the demon in the eye and starts running off again.

Hee Jun found himself in the middle of no where with fog surounded him each way he look. Hee jun Then hears a girl voice crying. Um is that Eugene? He ask. Or maybe Soo? or maybe um Kangta? Uhh. Then out of no where a girl all dress in white with long finger nails and had no eye balls. A demon!!!" Hee jun yelled, Then jump kick the demon in the face and runs off into the fog.
Kangta ran and ran without even knowing where he’s going, Then he saw a bus.
That must be the camara crew bus "Kangta said to himself. He ran toward the bus and enter it, When he got inside everyone in the bus were dead, their Skin seems to be melted. Kangta go scare and runs out of the bus, then he stop and think for awhile. "hmm the most dangerous place is always the safest place.
Your really smart Kangta." He said it to himself. Then ran back inside the bus and hide all the way in the back seat . He keeps on hearing strange noise but dont know what it is. Kangta legs began to shake, All the people that die slowly got back up. They smell fresh blood and turns toward the last seat in the bus.
All the Zombie walks toward Kangta, He once again scream like a girl and kick the back Emergency door and ran off. With the fog surrounds each way Kangta have no clue where he’s going but he’s still running without looking back. Then Jun jin scream out Kangta Wait!! "

Kangta continue running as he looks back for Jun jin there was no one there. Then when he turns around he smash into a poll. Dammit I knew I should not look back!:" Kangta said to himself then got up and continue walking cuzz he was tired of running. Jun jin finally got up after he twist his ankle, Damm that Kangta he ran without looking back!" he said to himself. Then as jun jin trys to get back up
He saw a Big buff guy dressing like a cooker with blood all over him, His right hand carry’s a big fat axe, and his left hand carry’s a bag. soak in blood, inside the bag there are three human heads, Jun jin looks closer and the head in the bag was the heads of the 3 girls from milk.

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Jun jin started to scream out loud. The Big guy with and axe drop his bag and walks toward Jun Jin,
Jun jin just stood there without even trying to move at all, The big guy with an axe and a plastic over his head walk slowly toward jun jin. He got closer and closer. Then finally reach up to jun jin, The big guy raise up his hand and about to swing his axe at Jun Jin. Out of nowhere Hee Jun came out and cut the big guy head off with a Samurai sword.

The big guy head roles on the ground as blood shoots up form his neck, He then fell down to the ground. Jun Jin just stands there in shock of what happend in front of him. "Lets get out of here!" Hee Jun said. Jun jin just stand there without blinking, If we dont get out this monster mite get back up and come after us again!" Right after Hee Jun said this, the big guy with no head got back up and swing his axe at jun jin, Hee jun pushes jun jin to the ground and got himself cut in the shoulder instead. All cuzz of Jun Jin. The monster swing his axe at Hee Jun while hee jun fight’s back with the Samurai sword.

stay happy and live life to its fullest.

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Old Post 07-26-2002 12:38 AM
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Registered: Jun 2002
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The monster swing his axe left and right, Hee Jun dodge all of the attack and stab the big guy in the stomach with his samurai sword. The big guy falls back down to the ground, Hee Jun looks at his shoulder a lot of blood dripping out of his wounds. Jun Jin got back up all shaking, Come on, Said Hee Jun. As they both turns around and starts walking. Then from behind them the big guy with no head got back up and swing his axe trying to cut hee jun and jun jin head off with one swoop. A voice yelled out to them to ducked, Hee jun and Jun jin then ducked and the swinging axe misses their neck. Kangta ran out of the fog with a baseball bat in hand, he ran toward the big guy and hit him with the baseball bat and the baseball bat broke. This sucks! Kangta said to himself. Hee jun toss the samurai sword to kangta and kangta catches the sword and swing it around. "What are u waiting for"! Hee jun yell out at Kangta.

Kangta swings the sword left and right over and over again until he cut his own left shoulder. AH!!" Kangta yelled and drop the sword, The big guy swing his axe at Kangta but it misses. Hee jun rolls and grab the sword from the ground and stab the big guy in the chest, then pulls the sword back out and stab the big guy in the stomach again six times then kick him to the ground. Then Hee Jun pose like a samurai. Kangta holding on to his wounds. "Come on guys lets go find the others." Hee Jun said.

Hee Jun, Kangta, and Jun jin walk slowly as a thick fog surrounded them, and never know what mite pop up infront of them. They seems to have found a town, As they walks around and explore the whole streets, the fog moves around them faster its really hard for them to see now. They went around knocking at every door on every house on the block. "Seems like everyone in town is dead or something, "Said Kangta.
"Of course everyone is dead with that big guy running around." Hee Jun reply.
"U got it all wrong hee jun he wasn’t running around he was walking around." Said Jun Jin.
"N e ways whatever ur useless Jun Jin."Hee jun said back. The three continue walking down the quite and foggy streets. They saw a house with actually lights inside of it. Hee Jun walk toward the house and began knocking, But no one open the door for them.
"Isn’t that like a dog house or something?" said Jun Jin.
"Ofcourse its a dog house what so special? U wanna live or hide in it?" Kangta said back.

"Jun Jin then said back "If there’s a dog house there must be a dog!"
Right after he said that a dog walks down the streets with blood dripping out of its mouth and fang’s sticking out. "Don’t anybody move! Hee Jun said. The dog slowly walks toward them then start running really fast toward them. Hee Jun raise up his samurai sword and cut the dog body in half.
Then two other dog ran out of no where toward them. Kangta kick one of the dog through the house window. And the other dog was stab in the head by Hee Jun. Jun jin and Kangta both stands behind Hee Jun as he prepare to stab the other dog that flew in the house. It was silent for awhile. Hee jun was tired of holding the sword so he let Jun jin hold it. Jun jin then pass it on to Kangta, Kangta then give it back to Hee Jun. "Why are u guys so scare?" Hee Jun said. Right after that Soo from S.E.S jump out the window and Hee Jun stab her in the chest. Then she fell down to the ground. Hee Jun pulls the sword out.
Soo then died. "Stupid! Next time look who ur stabing Hee Jun!" Said Jun Jin.

Hee Jun passes the sword to jun jin and jun jin passes it on to Kangta and Kangta passes back to Hee Jun."
Why me?" Hee Jun said to himself…"We must stay here and finish this damn dog! If we dont this one is gonna go after us." Kangta said.
After along wait. Infront of the window, Jun jin tap Hee jun on the shoulder And said "Hey what’s the point of trying to kill just this one dog?" "So it wont go after us!" Hee jun said. Jun Jin then ask again "After we kill this one what about the other 10 behind us." Hee jun then turns around and 10 dogs were preparing to charge on them. Kangta and Jun jin ran off to a hospital near by and seems to get the door to open up and lock them self inside. "Hey wait for me!" Hee jun yelled. Right after he the said this, a dog jump out of the window behind him and bite hee jun in the risk. The other 10 dogs ran in and all got on hee jun. He trys to reach for the sword but its to far from him.

"He’s done for!" Said Jun Jin, Kangta and jun jin found themselves inside a dark hospital. They walk down the dark hall. Then heard a noise coming down the hall, it sound like someone was scratching the walls. Then our of the darkness hall a 2 zombie nurse with their face all cover in blood starts walking slowly toward them. Jun jin and Kangta was so scare and dont know what to do. Right when they turn around 4 other zombie nurse walks toward them. They both decided to run down the other hall and lock themselves in a room. Thought they were safe, but when they turns around a doctor zombie walking toward them with his eye’s torn apart. He slowly walks toward them. Kangta ran in and jump kick the zombie in the face. Then both jun jin and Kangta found and exit door and both of them got out of the Dark hospital.

Eugene found herself out in the middle of nowhere were she was surrounded by tree’s, She keep on running and running and then bump into Hyun jin. A huge bird were chasing after me!" Eugene said.
The fog around them starts moving faster and The big bird fly’s out with its’ long sharp claw toward Hyun jin, She then ducked but Eugene was to slow and got her head rip off from her body by the big bird, Blood splash all over the ground. Hyun jin got up and continue running as the big bird chase after her.
Hyun jin was smart she stop running and got down to the ground knowing that the bird cant get her.
But the big bird was also smart, it also got down and stab Hyun jin with it’s long claw and then picks her up to the sky and rip her body to million’s of pieces.

stay happy and live life to its fullest.

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Old Post 07-26-2002 12:39 AM
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Registered: Jun 2002
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As for Kangta and Jun jin they both end’s up in a dead end where all thats left infront of them was a deep pit. "Now what are we gonna do?" Kangta said.
"I Dont havea clue." Jun Jin reply’s back. Then all of a sudden the ground infront of them were crack open and began to shake. "Earthquake!!" Kangta yelled. The ground infront of them exploded.
Out of the ground a Big dragonfly with the head of a human girl and the hands and leg of a tiger flys up.
"Oh man this suck!!" Said Kangta. The Dragonfly girl laugh at them and flap her wings, and open her tigers palm prepare to attack. Kangta and Jun jin turns around and try’s to run. But out of the fog Hee Jun runs out toward them all beat up with scratches everywhere, and half of his shirt was torn apart.
"Guy’s were trap here!" Kangta said. Jun jin and Kangta both looks at Hee jun.
"We thought u were dead Junnie?" Ask Jun jin.
"I was about to because u guys didn’t help me back there!." The three of them was trap in the middle, because on one side the Dragonfly lady waits for them, and on the other side of the road the big guy with no head waits for them.
Out of the thick fog the big guy with no head carried and axe walks toward the them.
"I thought we kill that guy!!" Jun jin said.
"U didn’t kill him, I did!" Hee jun reply.
"Well u didn’t do a good job killing him!" Kangta said.
"Shut up!" Hee jun said back. Near them on one side was a chainsaw and the other side is a shotgun laying on the ground. Kangta ran and pick’s up the shotgun. And Jun jin picks up the chainsaw.
The three stands in the middle prepare to fight.
Hee jun with the samurai sword.
The Dragonfly lady fly’s in toward them really fast, and Kangta pull up the shotgun and shoot her in the chest and knock her to the ground. While the other side Hee jun, Jun Jin fighting off the big guy with no head. The big guy swing his axe trying to split Hee Jun in half but he block the axe with the samurai sword, Jun jin make himself useful by taking the chainsaw and cut the big guy right hand off. Hee Jun then kicks the big guy to the ground. The Dragonfly lady fly’s back up and fly’s very fast toward Kangta trying to rip his head off, but he ducked and yelled out "Guys get down!!"
Hee jun got down and Jun jin got down, the Dragonfly lady flys by and misses them. "Guys! This shotgun have no more bullets!" Kangta yelled out.

"This sucks! My chainsaw is stop working as well" Jun Jin yelled back.
The Dragonfly lady flys by again toward them, Jun jin and kangta stays on the ground except Hee Jun.
He stood up and wait for the Dragonfly lady to come to him closer, and right when the dragon fly lady got closer Hee Jun pulls up his samurai sword and cuts the Dragonfly lady in half.
Hee Jun turns around and look at the dragon fly lady as it lays on the ground splited in half. Behind Hee jun the big guy with no head stood back up again with only a left hand, it swing the big axe and Hee jun turns around and block it with the sword. Jun jin got up and jump kick the big guy off the cliff.
"Finally he’s dead!" Said Kangta.

"U didn’t even do anything!" Said Jun Jin.
"I guess everyone that came with us are dead, We are the only surviver." Hee Jun said.
"How r we gonna get out of here?" Kangta ask.
"I dont know either, lets just get out this area for now."Hee Jun reply.
The three turns around and walks away. The big guy with no head climbs back up. Without an axe it still walks toward. Hee Jun, Kangta, and Jun jin.
The big guy had no more right hand no head and no axe but it’s still going after the three. Hee Jun turns around and saw the big guy, "Get down!!" Hee Jun yelled.
The three of them got down and thought they were smart, but the monster punch down straight into Jun Jin stomach. And pulled back out his intestine, lungs, and a bunch of other stuff…..Blood drip all over Jun Jin face. Hee Jun and Kangta got back up.
Hee Jun pulled up the samurai sword and stab the monster in the stomach through the other side.

The Monster swing its hand at Hee Jun but he ducked and it hit Kangta instead, and knock Kangta head out of his body. Kangta head rolls on the ground as his body still standing with blood shooting straight up and make a fountain of blood. Hee Jun try’s to pulled the sword out from the monster stomach but it stuck and the sword got broken in half. Hee Jun uses the half sword and stab the monster in the chest 6 times, but the monster did not feel pain and kick hee jun to the ground. The monster throw half of the sword at Hee Jun but he rolls away from it. Then the monster pulls out the other half of the sword from its stomach and stab Hee Jun in the chest and pushes it deeper into Hee Jun heart. Tears was coming out of Hee Jun eye’s as he struggle to survive. But its hopeless and Hee Jun finally falls out of breath and die……………….

No one live when they enter silent hill and no clue of where this place is or what happened there in the past…….

The End…………. Please write me comment please..
Thank u for reading.................

stay happy and live life to its fullest.

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Old Post 07-26-2002 12:40 AM
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