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Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-15-2002 10:31 PM:

Thumbs down nagging

mai mom nags so unebelievably much....she just makes me go i luv her and all, and i understand she asks me so many questions cuz she cares bout me and stuff, but still....it can get soooo annoying!!

Posted by aznkid1008 on 08-15-2002 10:33 PM:

yea both my parents r like that
first i would just yell but then i would get in trouble
so now i just walk out the door while their mouths keep goin
a nice run gets alot of stress out.
and it makes them worry so they dont nag u as much later on

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by huby40 on 08-16-2002 12:19 AM:

i have this habit of saying "neh... neh.... neh.... yes..... neh..." whenever grown ups talk. :satisfy:

Posted by Nojeel on 08-16-2002 12:23 AM:

its basically cause parents love/care about us..


Posted by jini on 08-16-2002 03:11 AM:

Originally posted by huby40
i have this habit of saying "neh... neh.... neh.... yes..... neh..." whenever grown ups talk. :satisfy:

hahah.. yea. except, since i don't use johndae mal to my mom.. i just block it out. i kinda yell back too. i think mom's more scared of me than i am of her. :satisfy:

Originally posted by Nojeel
its basically cause parents love/care about us..

yup. ==;; and worry. especially worry. so i juss tell mom to back off. geu lun shin gyung sseu ji mal la goo..[you don't have to worry]

homepage: name-less.com/jini
aim: baibeexjini
xanga: jinix

wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by HHxEliTE on 08-16-2002 05:01 AM:

my mom does that too.. it gets realie frustrating.. but i know she does it cuz she loves me.. but the weird thing is.. one day.. she jess stopped.. and i felt all weird.. so i started nagging her on why she wasnt nagging me...

sHIET happens.. then u move ON

Posted by peruperu on 08-16-2002 05:43 AM:

Originally posted by HHxEliTE
my mom does that too.. it gets realie frustrating.. but i know she does it cuz she loves me.. but the weird thing is.. one day.. she jess stopped.. and i felt all weird.. so i started nagging her on why she wasnt nagging me...

u nag her??
haha~~ i wish my mom'd stop nagging me~~~
and i dun think i'll go nag her bout why she stops~~ hehe~~


i'm a sleepy pig~~ hehe~~


Posted by jini on 08-16-2002 05:49 AM:

Originally posted by peruperu

u nag her??
haha~~ i wish my mom'd stop nagging me~~~

o shoot. i nag my mom about EVERYTHING. i yell at my mom more than she does to me.

homepage: name-less.com/jini
aim: baibeexjini
xanga: jinix

wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by HHxEliTE on 08-16-2002 06:38 AM:

Originally posted by peruperu

u nag her??
haha~~ i wish my mom'd stop nagging me~~~
and i dun think i'll go nag her bout why she stops~~ hehe~~

yeh i nag her.. lol.. if she doesnt nag.. it seems like she doesnt care a rats ass about me.. so i feel all sad....so i nag her

sHIET happens.. then u move ON

Posted by peruperu on 08-16-2002 09:23 AM:

i dun nag my mom that often~~~
'coz she does most of the talking~~ =p


i'm a sleepy pig~~ hehe~~


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-16-2002 11:56 PM:

i try not to nag mai mom cuz then she gets all pissy and yells at me. i just try to "remind" her of things if she forgets. yes i noe she nags me cuz she luvs me, but it just feels like she's crowding me...i hardly hav room to breathe cuz she's alwaize in mai face about stuff

Posted by annabanana on 08-19-2002 09:40 PM:

my mom is the same way. whenever i go out with my guy friends, my mom is like "be careful" and i know she means well, but i already know.

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 09-10-2002 04:00 AM:

it is progressively getting worse....she's even startin to regulate mai wardrobe -_-;; i hope i dun bcum a parent like this

Posted by TyGer STyLe on 09-10-2002 05:48 AM:

it is progressively getting worse....she's even startin to regulate mai wardrobe -_-;; i hope i dun bcum a parent like this
yah i think everyone trys to set themselves apart from their parents, but its an inevitable fact that you take on atleast some of their charicteristics... well my dad nags alot... he believes he effects me, but all he does is piss me off... i really don't get along with him... i sometimes wish our relationship was better, but i really can't see getting close with him... he was lacking in effort in my childhood so i don't really listen to him anymore... our relationship is like... benign neglect

Enter My Head!

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 09-10-2002 06:21 AM:

Originally posted by jini

hahah.. yea. except, since i don't use johndae mal to my mom.. i just block it out. i kinda yell back too. i think mom's more scared of me than i am of her. :satisfy:

aww thats not good. Your mom is...your mom...i can imagine getting frustrated, but never yelling back regularly :huh:

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by grumpy on 09-13-2002 05:50 AM:

hahah.. yea. except, since i don't use johndae mal to my mom.. i just block it out. i kinda yell back too. i think mom's more scared of me than i am of her. :satisfy:

same here.. glad i'm not the only one cuz i was starting to feel bad. well i still should but yea

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 09-13-2002 06:06 AM:

haha well, i've never realli yelled bak at mai parents. i just take w/e they say and then listen to it if i want or forget it. it works better that way. i realli dun see ne point in yellin bak and creating havoc among my whole family. there's stuff i'd like to say, but sumtymz i realli feel more mature than mai parents cuz i can control maiself and they'll just be yelling and screamin -_-;;

Posted by jini on 09-15-2002 12:49 AM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter

aww thats not good. Your mom is...your mom...i can imagine getting frustrated, but never yelling back regularly :huh:

yea... i try not to... but it just comes out. i need a punching bag or something. i can never take my anger out anywhere.

homepage: name-less.com/jini
aim: baibeexjini
xanga: jinix

wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by iLLmaTiC_aNgeL on 09-15-2002 05:00 AM:

yea yea, i know its cuz our parents love us but i cant help but feel annoyed and frustrated when they go on a nagging spree..my mom would ask me questions one after the other w/o even givin me a chance to respond to any of them..ugh.. :sleepy:

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