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Posted by yellownerdz on 05-05-2002 07:06 AM:

Univ of California schools

I'm an out of stater and I applied to UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Davis. I have a 4.0 GPA and I am a valedictorian candidate but I sucked on the SATs. Well, I got accepted to Irvine and Davis but not UCLA. UCLA was the place I wanted to go to originally. Since I am not from California, is it worth it to go to Irvine or Davis? My major is going to be chemistry or biology. I hear that Irvine is pretty strong in the sciences so I'm leaning towards that school. Is it worth it to go to that school for an out of stater?? Thoughts please. Thanks!

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-05-2002 07:22 AM:

i heard irvine was gOod fOr da computers stuff..i think? not sure..wouldnt knoe cuz i'm not in college..but every university in california is a great school..dO sum research..go to the university's webpage..

Posted by micron on 05-05-2002 08:25 AM:

is it harder for out of staters to go to uc schools? i was hoping to apply to uc berkeley next year... and im al the way in new york.


Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-05-2002 08:27 AM:

its way harder...because most of da uc skools look at the people that live in kali first..then they go look at the people from outta state with the best records..but..if u live in kali for at least 2 years..ur chances are way better of gettin in..and its cheaper..i knoe a few people dat are doing dat.. =T

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-05-2002 08:30 AM:

uhh not all UCs are great schools...

UC Davis has a good agricultural background.
I dunno much about IRvine

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-05-2002 08:31 AM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter
uhh not all UCs are great schools...

UC Davis has a good agricultural background.
I dunno much about IRvine

well yea..but most .. sorrie if i'm sounding all jjal lan chyuk didnt mean too >.<

Posted by hyunnie03 on 05-05-2002 09:58 AM:

Originally posted by jusunlee

is it harder for out of staters to go to uc schools? i was hoping to apply to uc berkeley next year... and im al the way in new york.


yeah i was wondering the same thing b/c i live out in alabama and i really want to go to berkeley


Posted by yellownerdz on 05-05-2002 03:01 PM:

wut do you mean Davis has good agricultural background?? What is that farming?? I don't want to go to a farming school LOL! Is that what DAvis is? LOL Damn what a waste of 40 dollars for application fee!

Posted by yellownerdz on 05-05-2002 03:03 PM:

Yeah I think getting into UC schools are pretty hard especially UCLA and Berkeley and I would think UCLA would be a little easier than Berkeley. Even with my perfect GPA, I didn't get accepted to UCLA. Maybe itz cuz I sucked on SATs?? I didn't even get 1200 LOL dats probably why which really sux. I should of done better but I'm terrible at standardized tests. So since DAvis is a "farming" school, is UCI really crappy??

Posted by gaeko on 05-05-2002 04:35 PM:

wassup yellownerdz, if u wanna chat, hit me up on AIm at phat15phil ...I got acepted into Irvine, Davis, Santa Barbara, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Davis has a reputation of being a farm school, it IS an ag school, but its not really like that. Cool part is that its right next to sacramento, so you have somewhere to go to have fun. Davis is HUGE...and has a bunch of weirdo majors. I'm pretty sure that they are well known for their bio majors. Oh, and WHO SAID THAT IRVINE IS A GOOD COMPUTER SCHOOL?! Ionno...Irvine has a rep for being a party school. A ton of asians. If you are applyin from outta state, I suggest you go somewhere WORTHY. Check the schools to see what they are well known for. UC's in general are popular because they are solid in all of the majors they offer. Oh, by the way I plan on going to Cal Poly san luis obispo in their college of engineering.

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 05-06-2002 02:08 PM:

yup davis is agricultural...the "cow skool" wow i didn't noe so many out-of-staters wanted to go to UC's. wutz so good about berkeley? lotza pplz from mai skool go there but i'm kinda scared...the competition is REALLY high there and the work is CRAZY. seriously sum pplz hu get in dun go czu they're worried they can't handle the work. UCLA is pretti much the same, but it has a nicer campus. mai cousin got into berkely but not la

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-06-2002 05:55 PM:

hey, i didnt mean to give you the wrong impression YellowNerdz. :) Davis is a solid school from what i can tell although i don't know much about it. Its not just a cow school =)

Berkeley is da BEST!! Its possibly the best public university in the nation...according to that Top 50 Universities book that my bro had- he's goin to berkeley because he didn't get into harvard haha. He only applied to two schools, but already got early admission into UCB.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by sHyGrLy012 on 05-09-2002 09:59 PM:

UCI is good for bio, 20% of the students are bio major. My friend told me that UCI is really good for comp. sci. too.
I don't really want to go to UCI that much though, i want to go to either UCSD or UCSB.

Posted by tenshi on 06-03-2002 01:02 AM:

i gather most of the people who've replied to this don't live in california, eh?

berkeley is one of the best schools in the nation. for sure it is the top-rated public university. which means it's extremely, incredibly hard to get in. i imagine it'd be harder for out of stater's, besides being more expensive. i have no personal aspirations of attending berkeley... for a number of reasons. besides the fact that my chances of being accepted are slim to none, it's too close to home for me, and it'd be like going to school with all the same people from high school.... but that's just me. it is without a doubt a competitive, presitigous school.
irvine is big in the sciences.. it's definitely not as good as berkeley. but if you're comparing it to all the uc's... it'd probably tie for 3rd with ucdavis (after berkeley and ucla). i think i talked about irvine in some other thread a while back.....
but don't blow off davis as just a 'farming school'. it's a respectable university. did you know davis has a medical school, as well as a law school?

ermmmm what else..

ucla is NOT much easier to get into than berkeley. it's the most applied-to college in the nation. in recent years it's become increasingly difficult to get in as the school itself has become more prominent.

also, the number of acceptances at ucla and ucberkeley dropped this year because of the sept 11 attacks. colleges are expecting more 'yes's from kids who want to stay closer to home... ..just another thought.

yellownerdz, what state are you from? sorry if you already mentioned it and i didn't catch it..... what other colleges did you get into back home? because uci and ucd are good schools, but i'm not sure how worth it is for you to trek all the way out here if you got into better schools back where you live.
and... even with a perfect gpa, it doesn't mean much if your sat's don't reflect the same strengths.... yanno? all schools have different grading policies, but even if the sat's have little validity as to how well they measure your intellectuality, they let colleges look at how you do in comparison with kids across the nation...

ummm sorry if i sound like some college expert know-it-all... i just happen to live in california.

In case you failed to notice
In case you failed to see
This is my heart bleeding before you
This is me down on my knees
These foolish games are tearing me apart
And your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn
Somebody more like myself

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 06-03-2002 02:00 AM:

my cuzin and his gf dat live in kali sed dat some colleges look at outter staters more dese dayz..cuz dey want diversity....^^ or sumthing like dat

Posted by yellownerdz on 06-06-2002 12:48 AM:

I got into Univ of Colo at Boulder. I heard that school is not good. I'm guessing UCI is much better anyways.

Posted by AggieDawg on 06-07-2002 05:14 AM:

I attend UCD, if you need help or have questions to ask, just ask me.
Note: UCD may be an Ag school, but there are some good majors like Bio Sci and Business. I think the Bio program is one of the best in the state from what i've heard. Better than UCI at least!

Posted by AggieDawg on 06-07-2002 05:17 AM:

oh yea, if you the schools you want to go are UCLA or Cal, Davis can't really compared with either of those 2. Even though I got into both UCLA and Cal, the 2 schools I really liked were UCSD and Davis. However, since San Diego was too far away, I chose Davis in the long run......

SATs is such a bitch though! Don't know how I got into Cal with my crappy SATs :omg:

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 06-07-2002 06:23 AM:

whoa hey Aggie, would you mind puttin up your Sat I/II scores?

Just want to know what range i should get so that i can get into cal

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by AggieDawg on 06-07-2002 04:05 PM:

umm, like I said, it's not too good, and it's from 1999/2000. Here it is anyways, hope it helps:

Verbal :580
Math : 720

Chinese : 800
Math IIC : 770
Writing : 550

Sometimes it's good to have extra corricular activities and good GPA

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