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Posted by iTsmeehLita on 01-26-2003 06:24 PM:

an embarrasment to your family?

talk bout ne embarassing moments you had in front of your parents ... or family outings

or other issues like being an embarassment to your family ..
ie ... not doing so well in school ... bla bla bla ...

well i remember one time .. outside my house .. this guy kept honking his horn ... and i saw him .. and he just kept like doing it ... and i was getting pissed ... and irritated .. so i yelled out ... "stop honking your horn already! " then he kinda stopped .. but then he kept honking again i think out of spite ... so then im like " shut up! " and he kept honking .. then i was like MOTHER FUCKER !! STOP HONKING YUR FUCKIN HORN!!! "

and then my mom came into the kitchen -_-' oy .. i forgot she was at home .. hah .. " uhh hey mom ... finding something to eat? "


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 01-28-2003 02:06 AM:

in dance or piano recitals i feel bad for shaming mai family wen i mess up

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 01-28-2003 02:57 AM:

every year my family from virginia comes to my house for some annual wake thing for my grandfather. the wholeeee family like 4 aunts and their husbands and 1 uncle and her wife and all of their children.. so thats like 20 of them . plus my grandmother...
so what did they ask to see? my short film i made in sf

basically the premise of my short film was a blindwoman who received sight but anywayz i did a short short cameo... the woman comes to a corner of a street where i stand and smells my burning cigarette and asks for my help crossing the street. no harm no foul.


did i remember all this when i popped it in the vcr for 20 of my relatives???? NOOOOOOOOOO
did they see me smoking a cigarette?????? YESSSSSSSSS
did they bring it up? MUHAHHAHHAHA my brother goes.. "did you know you moke say in da ideo vay."
i just went ahhhhh sheeeeeyyyiiiiittttt and just forgot about it. d=) i think half of them fell asleep anywayz.



Posted by KrNjJaNgGoO777 on 01-30-2003 12:42 AM:

well im an embarrassment to my family.. everyone in my family has gone to a good collegea nd has become succesful. last yr my older bro got in UCI which i guess is good. everyone was expecting me to get into a UC or State but i screwed up. i hafta go to a community like a dumbass and transfer. it hurts to know im a failure and that everyone else will be havin fun in college and moving away while im stuck here and it hurts even more to know its all my fault cuz im so stupid.

Posted by Ladi Jay on 01-30-2003 12:56 AM:

Originally posted by KrNjJaNgGoO777
well im an embarrassment to my family.. everyone in my family has gone to a good collegea nd has become succesful. last yr my older bro got in UCI which i guess is good. everyone was expecting me to get into a UC or State but i screwed up. i hafta go to a community like a dumbass and transfer. it hurts to know im a failure and that everyone else will be havin fun in college and moving away while im stuck here and it hurts even more to know its all my fault cuz im so stupid.

don't call yourself a failure or embarrassment to your family just because you can't do something as well as others. never compare yourself to someone else. you're you, they're them... just do what you have to do and that'll be a success. if not to your family or friends, then you...

I would say more but I really don't feel like I should be too sympathetic...

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 01-30-2003 01:09 AM:

Originally posted by KrNjJaNgGoO777
i hafta go to a community like a dumbass and transfer.

again i say .. what is wrong with going to a CC!!! ...

some ppl just cant afford it!!! >.<

Posted by KrNjJaNgGoO777 on 01-30-2003 02:22 AM:

ah i guess CC isn't bad i just feel left out. just can't stand the pressure put on me sometimes by the whole family. it's so humiliating that my mom tells my family how bad im doing in school. its just HARD. i feel more rejected than motivated. ah but life can't always be my way...

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 01-30-2003 06:19 PM:

Originally posted by KrNjJaNgGoO777
ah i guess CC isn't bad i just feel left out. just can't stand the pressure put on me sometimes by the whole family. it's so humiliating that my mom tells my family how bad im doing in school. its just HARD. i feel more rejected than motivated. ah but life can't always be my way...

you know its so weird. my parents dont WANT me to go to a UC .. they think its a waste of money.

i know it may be humiliating to downtalked by your mom ... but .. just to have to keep trying ... even though you may slack off once in awhile.. just try to do the best that you can .. and if they can't except it ..

some parent's excpectations are just so farfetched ... you can't help but wonder if they would be able to attain their goals that expect of you ... --;;

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-02-2003 07:31 AM:

Originally posted by KrNjJaNgGoO777
well im an embarrassment to my family.. everyone in my family has gone to a good collegea nd has become succesful. last yr my older bro got in UCI which i guess is good. everyone was expecting me to get into a UC or State but i screwed up. i hafta go to a community like a dumbass and transfer. it hurts to know im a failure and that everyone else will be havin fun in college and moving away while im stuck here and it hurts even more to know its all my fault cuz im so stupid.

there is nothing wrong with going to a community college. juss because a person goes to a UC doesn't mean they'll necessarily succeed in life. it helps, sure, cuz it'll look good on ur resume, but it realli depends on you - not some numbers or letters that are supposed to represent who you are. so wut if ur brother's goin to irvine? who knows - you mite be makin more money than he does in the future.

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