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Posted by Zero-Sen on 05-08-2002 11:40 AM:

Dieting baby!

OK, i weigh somewhere between 159-168.

(mommy wow! i'm a big boy now! )

I've decided to diet and excersice but its hard without someone insulting you and making you do an extra ten for talking. (I'll miss you coach.)

Diet is kinda hard cause my mom is really bad with like time. I once had dinner of ramen at 12:00am. (*burp*) Itz always different. Hence my metabolism is messed up.

Will I make it?

(updates after i fail.)

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-09-2002 10:26 AM:

Hmm, do what I do... Cut back on the meats and sweets!!!

For me, I'm trying to have cereal every morning ( I never eat breakfast)... And then, I eat a salad with no dressing! Yum! I dunno why but I like my foods plain! And try eating something healthy for dinner too. ( I dunno what I eat for dinner... actually, I don't eat dinner at all).

And did you say Ramen Noodles??? I love those noodles! I've been eating those noodles since I was a little baby!

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-09-2002 08:35 PM:

haha.... well follow the food pyramid and you should loose a lot of weight (so serious tho)..

cuz like. if you eat the amount of food it tells you too you end up keeping your metabolism going for the whole day

i think instead of eating 3 big meals.... eat 3 smaller meals with snacks in the middle..... so.... eat lik 5-6 meals a day? righty-o (keeps the metabolism going)

you seen that commercial where it tells you to eat more and you'll loose weight? it's kind of true~... if you eat the right foods... don't think of going on a diet to MAINLY lose weight.... it's so you can eat heathier

i suggest seeing a dietian..... they do help~ and yea like a told you.... if you start to eat healthy and you don't loose weight don't think you failed... you're helping yourself in the long run.... and if you do happen to loose a little weight... it means you're getting healthier.... cuz yea some amount of fat is good... but too much is bad.. and eating healthier will help you do that

but you have to remember... that excercsing is a big part of all this too.... so yea.... if you can't visit a deitan... asking your Physical Education (PE) teacher is the next best thing~ or even a nurse.... if you're still in high school.....

PS. drinking 8 glasses of water a day helps too... but you could gain water weight.... so.... yea but it's good for you too

Posted by Zero-Sen on 05-11-2002 06:35 PM:

man, i am CHUNKY. krnxswat knows. damn.......... i want to excersize but i'm soooooooo tired.

Posted by krnxswat on 05-11-2002 06:57 PM:

Originally posted by Zero-Sen
man, i am CHUNKY. krnxswat knows. damn.......... i want to excersize but i'm soooooooo tired.

ur just big boned

Posted by brian on 05-13-2002 05:24 PM:

Originally posted by krnxswat

ur just big boned


so am i!

im a fat ass @_@

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 05-14-2002 02:14 PM:

i like to tell maiself that i am DENSE-boned. haha. mellow yellow~following the food pyramid realli works? cuz thaz eating a lot of carbs like breads and pasta and stuff...and that gets stored as fat (the excess, neway). pplz say drink lotza water and eat light dinners. slimfast!

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-14-2002 02:58 PM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
~following the food pyramid realli works? cuz thaz eating a lot of carbs like breads and pasta and stuff...and that gets stored as fat (the excess, neway

okay hello.... you have to excercise... make sure your calorie intake is atleast equal to how much you burn off each day... if you want to get more technical with it

basically.... eat healthy (which is according to the food pyramid) and EXCERCISE.... and you'll get healtheir.... which means loosing that fat that you have TOO much of.... some is okay...

like i said... excercise is a BIG part of staying healthy! and to be ABLE to exercise and not COLLAPSE... you have to eat healthy too!

Posted by TygerLuv on 05-26-2002 06:47 AM:

yeah MellowYellow has it right... you should be eating more frequently and smarter.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals increases your metabolism. Every time you eat a meal, your metabolic rate goes up, since your system starts working hrader to turn that meal into fuel.

When you make a habit of only eating say 3 meals a day, your body's metabolism slows and it stores most of the meal calories in fat cells becaise it isnt quite sure when it will be receiving more nourishment.

People usually have lots of body fat because their diet is too high in SIMPLE carbohydrates (as opposed to complex carbs)... things like glucrose, suctrose. Also they usualyl arent consuming enough protein.

body bumpin'

Posted by TygerLuv on 05-26-2002 06:51 AM:

Like mellowyellow said tho, you gotta exercise. Aerobics and ..weight lifting! This burns fat like nothing else.

If your having trouble with your mom's cooking schedule and stuff, you should invest in some supplements like whey protein or meal replacement powder... or start preparing your own meals

body bumpin'

Posted by bigChubuff on 05-26-2002 07:01 AM:

u go girl

but about da whey protein....isnt that what powerlifters and arnold eat?

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-26-2002 06:32 PM:

I have been reading the Kellog's ads... and they say that you can lose up to six pounds in two weeks eating Kellog's cereal brands...

Eat Kellog's cereal in the morning with skim milk, then again for another meal of the day. Like Lunch or Dinner. Then, one of those, you can eat what you normally eat... Just not too fattening... Then that'll help...

I dunno if that works though, I haven't tried it!

Posted by krnxswat on 05-28-2002 03:39 AM:

eww skim milk is the worst
just eat what you normally eat and exercise daily :thumbup:

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

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