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Posted by ajy on 05-03-2003 12:31 PM:

Suicide Isn't So Bad, Give It A Chance

Thinking about suicide but you're not sure if it's the right thing to do? Here are some tips to help you decide whether or not killing yourself is a good choice:

1. Do you live at home but your parents are always making you clean your room and do your homework? It's a sure sign that they don't love you and that they want you to kill yourself. Why else would they make you clean your room? What are they going to do next, ground you? Make you wear braces? Don't kid yourself, the message is clear.

2. If you just got out of a bad relationship and you feel like things are never going to get better; you're right. Everyone knows that suicide is the only option, stop procrastinating. Look on the bright side, at least your ex will feel guilty for a couple of minutes--but don't count on it.

3. Depressed? Don't have any friends? I guess nobody told you, but being depressed and feeling lonely isn't normal. Everyone else is happy, and has lots of friends so there must be something wrong with you. Put the prozac away, what you need is rat poison.

4. Spill a drink at a party? Drop a plate of food in a restaurant? Nobody else has to live with that kind of embarrassment; you know what you have to do.

5. Flunked out of college? Don't know algebra? Here's a question you should know the answer to: Flunked out of college + Don't know algebra = Time for _____. Chances are you still don't know the answer, so here's a hint: it starts with an 's' and ends in 'uicide'.

6. Traffic jam? Sometimes bad luck isn't a coincidence. Do you really want to sit in traffic for another half hour? Look on the bright side, if you're a viking you'll be going to Valhalla. Then again, you're probably not, but eternal damnation in hell is probably the next best thing.

7. Telemarketers keep calling? It's easier to hang yourself than to get rid of a telemarketer, am I wrong? If you're lucky, Home Depot might be having a sale on rope. After all, you don't want to die letting people think you weren't frugal.

8. Flu? You realize that there's no cure for the flu, right? Well, no cure that doesn't involve painting the wall with your brains.

9. Flat tire? Do I have to spell it out for you?

10. College application get rejected? Take the hint.

Hope you found this guide helpful, mention it in your suicide note. On second thought, why bother? Nobody will read it.

Posted by YaaMaKoh on 05-03-2003 04:43 PM:

you really wanna kill some people dont you?


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-03-2003 07:25 PM:


Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by castle outsider on 05-03-2003 09:19 PM:

some of these are rpetty funny..suicide isnt though..

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-03-2003 09:59 PM:

Originally posted by castle outsider
some of these are rpetty funny..suicide isnt though..


Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by krnxswat on 05-03-2003 10:43 PM:

go kill yourself.

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 05-03-2003 11:07 PM:

Originally posted by krnxswat
go kill yourself.

wtf?!?! screwyou always says that.... r u screwyou??


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by TAIgrr on 05-04-2003 12:29 AM:

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
wtf?!?! screwyou always says that.... r u screwyou??

lol.. im was beginning to think that seonho was screwyou also..

1. andrew attempted to acuse seonho of being screwyou
2. screwyou's korean talking sounds similar to seonho's
3. go kill yourself.

hm.. seonho ya~ nuh ni? haha


Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 05-04-2003 04:34 AM:

wuh da fuq* -____-ll

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

Posted by twinkie on 05-04-2003 04:38 AM:

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
wtf?!?! screwyou always says that.... r u screwyou??

itz me.

anger management problem.

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-04-2003 05:05 AM:

i'm uncertain, but perhaps seon ho accidently posted on the wrong name. He forgot to login as screwyou and thought he was under that name so the post came up under krnxswat. Just to supplement the investigation, not that i really care though enough to take a stance on this.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by YaaMaKoh on 05-05-2003 02:57 AM:

its not him


Posted by ajy on 05-05-2003 03:06 AM:

Originally posted by YaaMaKoh
its not him

JSL Gestapo


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-05-2003 07:00 AM:



Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by krnxkid on 05-05-2003 01:22 PM:

Originally posted by twinkie
itz me.

itz tru
screwyou is twinkie

im me- AIM: choiboii12
XANGA : choiboii123

Posted by YaaMaKoh on 05-05-2003 02:22 PM:

screw yous ip is logged to the tappan zee high school, so hes basically posting in school. it can be any one of you tz people


Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 05-05-2003 03:27 PM:

i knew its one of u tz bitches. by the way andrew stole that from this site

Posted by ajy on 05-05-2003 10:28 PM:

Originally posted by YaaMaKoh
screw yous ip is logged to the tappan zee high school, so hes basically posting in school. it can be any one of you tz people

remember my thread?

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