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-- what is your fav commercial of all times? (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=8392)

Posted by niggoreanboi on 11-28-2002 07:47 PM:

what is your fav commercial of all times?

what is it?

mines is the phone one where theres helal old people lol that is funny

Posted by saranghae on 11-28-2002 08:45 PM:

i dunno.. haha.... i guess those twinkies commercials ^^

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 11-28-2002 09:04 PM:

i don't know about all time, but i still remember this commercial as being rather funny.

The fedex one wear there is a meeting of people discussing what they should do about marketing or something, one person on the side respondes "how about if we offer 15% off delivery, blah blah blah" and does some hand motion. They all just sit there in silence apparenlty disregarding the notion, then the guy in charge goes: "all right" and everyone leans in to listen, "how about if we offer 15% off delivery, blah blah" and does another hand motion afterwards.

Then the guy who originally said it says: "you just said exactly what i said, except you did...*motions with hand* this". The guy in charge of the meeting is like "no i did this *gestures hand vertically instead of horizantally*, then a sort of silent consensus comes over them

haha, i don't know it's a real simple commercial but i find it funny still hahaha, yeah that's a great commercial.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 11-28-2002 09:11 PM:

e"help me, i've fallin down and i can't get up"

HAHAHA old old commercial with an old old lady


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by NaRa JjAnG on 11-29-2002 01:10 AM:

the bud light commercial.....where the guy makes a hole into the refridgerator and the girl opens it up and sees his head and screams and then the guy looks in and the bud light is gone so he screams.....hahaha that is so funny



Posted by JuJu on 11-29-2002 01:28 AM:

i like da "got milk" commercials
there soo funnie!!


Posted by paboh4life on 11-29-2002 02:07 AM:

the recent Uncle Ben's Commercial when the little white kid tastes the rice and he goes, " dis is REALLY GOOD!!!!" hahaha its so funny how he says it


Posted by yur_swt_angel on 11-30-2002 02:00 AM:

my fave commercial is a cerreal commerical.. for Corn Popz.. where dey have all these lil red dancing people.. haha its sho kyuteee!!!! ^_____^

Posted by niggoreanboi on 11-30-2002 04:56 AM:

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
e"help me, i've fallin down and i can't get up"

HAHAHA old old commercial with an old old lady

lol d lil life thingy they push the button n has d old guy also "i'm having a heart attack" bahhahahahaha!!!!!

Posted by eddiee on 11-30-2002 05:03 AM:

ummm... i dont like commercials

i think they waste time !!!

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 11-30-2002 09:24 AM:

Re: what is your fav commercial of all times?

Originally posted by niggoreanboi
mines is the phone one where theres helal old people lol that is funny

haha hell yea...crazy ass commercial

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Hyesungu on 11-30-2002 04:24 PM:

Originally posted by niggoreanboi

lol d lil life thingy they push the button n has d old guy also "i'm having a heart attack" bahhahahahaha!!!!!

haha that was funny. but kinda mean.

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 11-30-2002 05:44 PM:

Originally posted by Hyesungu

haha that was funny. but kinda mean.

yeah but still funny


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by YaaMaKoh on 11-30-2002 10:32 PM:

haha, my favorite is the shampoo commericals. a beautiful lady walks in front of all these construction workers and everything turns into slow motion. she swings her hair back and forth and the construction workers are in pain and despair and they watch this beautiful lady swing her beauiful hair. den the girl walks away and the product comes up. haha.. most commericals used to be like that.. now instead its stupid women dat pretend to have orgasms while shampooing their hair.. like herbal essesences.. eww.. gross

Posted by ajy on 12-01-2002 01:33 AM:

Originally posted by YaaMaKoh
haha, my favorite is the shampoo commericals. a beautiful lady walks in front of all these construction workers and everything turns into slow motion. she swings her hair back and forth and the construction workers are in pain and despair and they watch this beautiful lady swing her beauiful hair. den the girl walks away and the product comes up. haha.. most commericals used to be like that.. now instead its stupid women dat pretend to have orgasms while shampooing their hair.. like herbal essesences.. eww.. gross

oh yeah man, girls having orgasms, thats so gross, were you born underwater

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 12-01-2002 03:39 AM:

omg! HAS to be the jetta vr6 wedding commerical ...

for those who haven't seen it .. this girl is gonna get married .. and she's already at the altar with her supposed "husband to be" and it reverts back to this other guy in the jetta with a tux on trying to get to the wedding, but there's a slow car in front of him and he gets stopped by the railroad ...

so then the priest asks like " is there anyone who disagrees with this union " something like that .. and so finally the guy in the jetta rushes in .. and everyone looks at him ... and the girl seems kinda suprised that he showed up ..

waah! i can't explain well .. but it's like a movie or something .. plus it has this music that makes it all ... wow! .. makes me all warm and fuzzy inside ..

Posted by aZnSwtHart on 12-01-2002 07:22 AM:

Re: what is your fav commercial of all times?

Originally posted by niggoreanboi
what is it?

mines is the phone one where theres helal old people lol that is funny

the one where all the old ppl are freakin each other??? *shudder*

Posted by JuJu on 12-01-2002 07:33 PM:

Re: Re: what is your fav commercial of all times?

Originally posted by aZnSwtHart

the one where all the old ppl are freakin each other??? *shudder*



Posted by niggoreanboi on 12-01-2002 07:53 PM:

Originally posted by YaaMaKoh
now instead its stupid women dat pretend to have orgasms while shampooing their hair.. like herbal essesences.. eww.. gross

How could u say that T-T

Posted by saranghae on 12-01-2002 08:54 PM:

Originally posted by YaaMaKoh
now instead its stupid women dat pretend to have orgasms while shampooing their hair.. like herbal essesences.. eww.. gross

i noe... i hate those commercials -________-; i always have to turn to the next channel or turn the volume down.

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