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Posted by lovedontloveme on 06-01-2002 06:30 AM:

Lord of The Flies

I'm sure alot of you have read this, either for school or for your own leisure. What did you think of it? Like it, love it, or hated it? I thought it got quite erm.. horrific towards the end.. but I still liked it [: Very insightful. Poor poor piggy /:

Posted by huby40 on 06-02-2002 02:48 PM:

i liked it too. the transition from the civilized people and the savages was done really well by golding.

if u read it on ur own then it provokes thought. thats what i did. but then when school teaches it, they make it look like the book sux. school teaches u to look at everything in the book thats not important.

Posted by shoujo on 06-03-2002 08:45 AM:

i haven't read this book
what is it about?? i'll look it up in the library tomorrow hehehe


Posted by huby40 on 06-03-2002 07:36 PM:

A group of British boys are being transported to a safe location during some war. The plane takes a hit during a battle and crashes onto an island. all the adults are killed, but all the boys are alive. Theyre about 5 to 13 years old.

Basically what happens through the book is that they set up their own society with their own rules. But then things start to happen that break up the society.

the whole book is a metaphor for the entire world and has insight on human nature. That no matter how civilized we are, we still will turn into these 'savages' and fight each other.

Posted by GinaDaQueen on 06-03-2002 08:55 PM:

it was pretty good for a book that i was forced to read....i ended up reading it once in the 7th grade and then i read it again for my reading project this year,,

Posted by Dreamcatcher on 06-05-2002 02:37 PM:

uhh... I don't really remember it now cuz I read it when I was like... 10? But I remembered liking it a lot. Very interesting, but really negative. I guess that's the way it goes, though. Good book. I hope I never have to do it in school though because I'll probably end up hating it.

"Do not look backward in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness."
- James Thurber

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
- Chinese Proverb

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-06-2002 12:23 AM:

it wuz very interesting. mai frend said it was scary wen i asked him bout it and i didn't understand how....but i think it's very insightful. i read it once for leisure and then for english class. a very good example of the political world and how society treats its vulnerable members.

Posted by hoyoungz luv on 06-07-2002 08:12 AM:

I read this for my English class. I had to write 12, can you believe that 12, essays analyzing the book.

I read the book 4 times before I understood it and started enjoying it. I guess I'm not too much of an adept reader; I did NOT understand the metaphors in the book until my 4th time around. When I didn't understand the book, I hated it. It seems horrible and depressing without a real reason behind it.

By my 4th time, I can't say I understood it completely, but I did understand most of it. It has so much more meaning to it than I originally thought. I really like the book now. Golding uses a lot of nice and vivid imagery which really adds a lot to the book. And the idea behind the story itself is so thought-provoking, well to me anyway.

~*~ intoxicated tigress ~*~

come join the fun -> and ->

Posted by annabanana on 06-23-2002 12:44 AM:

I like the "The Simpsons" version of Lord of the Flies. It was funny. Lord of the Flies is one of my favorite books. It's graphic and poor kids. The ending was memorable when the kids got rescued.

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-28-2002 07:40 PM:

this book is gay.
i read the book b4 school got out and its lame...da teacher made the book look like its the deepest book in library

jack...that red head faggot

Posted by Ladi Jay on 06-28-2002 08:37 PM:

uh, I've never read it before...kinda sounds like someone made it up after the movie Lord Of The Rings...the title anyways

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-28-2002 10:29 PM:

actually this books like 90 years old

Posted by huby40 on 06-29-2002 12:00 AM:

Originally posted by bigChubuff
actually this books like 90 years old

it's actually like only around 60. it was published in 1956. (had to do a research paper on it)

Posted by storm on 07-17-2002 11:59 AM:

I haven't read it before but my friend has. she says it's really boring, but from what you ppl say it sounds pretty cool...I'll check it out soon

Posted by Alchemist on 07-17-2002 05:46 PM:

Originally posted by bigChubuff
this book is gay.
i read the book b4 school got out and its lame...da teacher made the book look like its the deepest book in library

jack...that red head faggot

This guy knows what he's talking about. They were gay stupid morons. Humans are stupid by nature.

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