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Posted by annabanana on 06-05-2002 07:35 PM:

Why do you like or not like to read?

I like to read because I like to experience new places and ppl, but sometimes I don't like to read probably because i've fallen out of the habit of reading.

Why do you like or not like to read?

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-06-2002 12:20 AM:

i used to luv reading...i'd read the whole day or for hrs on end till mai eyes hurt and mai butt wuz numb. but recently, visitin diff forums and kpop sites n stuff, i've just fallen out of it...i used to luv it cuz it transported me to a diff world, a fictional one filled with things beyond mai imagination. but now, i just read wut mai english teachr makes us

Posted by hoyoungz luv on 06-07-2002 08:32 AM:

I used to read a lot when I was younger. Honestly, I liked reading because it drew attention to me. I was a little kid, I liked it when people said, "Wow, you read so much. You must be smart." Eh...

I don't read as much anymore but when I do, it's mostly for class. My English teacher picks great books for us to read and we analyze the books in a very in depth manner. Rather than turning me away from the books, the endless analyzing makes the book more interesting. I learn all these little details that I know I couldn't have picked up by myself.

~*~ intoxicated tigress ~*~

come join the fun -> and ->

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-29-2002 05:57 AM:

i like to read cause interest and curiosity of the book builds up.
i like books with lots of dialogues in it.

i dont like to read cause some books a plain ass boring, only words at thrown at you.


Posted by tea on 06-29-2002 07:01 AM:

i like books with touching story lines
i also like asian lifestyle based books...amy tan is one of my fav authors


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