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Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 10-19-2002 01:27 AM:

Question angels

Angels can appear in the form of ordinary people. It¡¦s in the Bible, Hebrews 13:2, NIV. "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

i knew this b4, but if i realli think bout it...i can't imagine meetin an angel. i hav no doubt that it happens, but...hu noez?? maib there's angels walkin around skool in the form of teachers and students. so mind-bogglin to think bout

Angels rescue from danger. It¡¦s in the Bible, Psalm 34:7, TLB. "For the angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence Him."

i remember one time at raging waters wen i wuz like 8-9 i wuz in the big wave pool thing that has huge waves every 20 min or sumtin. it wuz realli fun and i cudn't wait for the big waves to cum. however, i wuz swimmin around 4 ft of water wen the waves started and i thot "o it's not that bad, the water's onli 4 feet deep i'll be fine"' and so i kept swimmin. then the waves got bigger and bigger and i thot i'd better go to the edge of the pool to be safe so i tried to swim there, but the waves were so big and powerful that they kept driving me bak, towards the deeper end of the pool (6 ft) i got realli scared but i kept swimmin and swimmin but i felt so tired and the waves just kept crashin over mai head and i remember thinkin "how am i gonna get out of this? am i gonna drown?" and then just wen mai strength wuz about to giv out sum lady grabbed me and pulled me so i cud hang onto her donut-floaty thing (u noe those big circles w the holes in the middle? ^^) and we rode out the rest of the waves like that. it wuz truly a miracle cuz i thot i wud hav drowned or sumtin in that pool. perhaps she wuz an angel that saved me? i like to think so. and then afterwards she wuz like "aww too bad the waves stopped wuzn't that fun??" and i wuz like "....." haha

whew that wuz long! well how bout y'all? wut r ur experiences w angels?

Posted by aznkid1008 on 10-19-2002 02:44 AM:

nice story, i got only 2 answers
1 that yea she was an angel to save you
or it was a person that God sent that day to that place to save you.
but heck wat do i kno ask God ^^

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by Jj2 on 10-19-2002 10:47 AM:

Re: angels

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
Angels can appear in the form of ordinary people. It¡¦s in the Bible, Hebrews 13:2, NIV. "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

i knew this b4, but if i realli think bout it...i can't imagine meetin an angel. i hav no doubt that it happens, but...hu noez?? maib there's angels walkin around skool in the form of teachers and students. so mind-bogglin to think bout

Angels rescue from danger. It¡¦s in the Bible, Psalm 34:7, TLB. "For the angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence Him."

oh...i didnt know angels REALLY existed...wow...that's so awesome

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by saranghae on 10-20-2002 01:57 AM:

aww... haha... that happened to me to!

i was in the wave pool with my 2 friends... and one of them pushed me off haha... so like i was struggling to get back up... and then we were really really scared... cuz we were drifting to the 5 foot area... so then we started paddling really really hard... haha.

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 10-20-2002 10:32 PM:

Originally posted by saranghae
aww... haha... that happened to me to!

i was in the wave pool with my 2 friends... and one of them pushed me off haha... so like i was struggling to get back up... and then we were really really scared... cuz we were drifting to the 5 foot area... so then we started paddling really really hard... haha.

yes! it's so scary! haha

well...i can't think of any othr encounters i may hav had w angels rite now...but there hav been a lot of realli good pplz i hav met but i can't realli remember any that made a lasting impact on mai life..hmm.

Posted by saranghae on 10-20-2002 11:18 PM:

same here... i met really nice people... but none made that big of an impact on me...

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