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Posted by -jzn- on 04-21-2002 11:37 PM:

Anybody else doing IB?

International Baccalaureate is so much BS. I only do it because it's for college. :(

I only get absolutely-free classes four times in my high school career. Two of those were weight training too! :(
The other two will be study hall,... so i missed out on ceramics and stuff like that.

Posted by hyunnie03 on 04-22-2002 03:27 PM:

we don't have it at our school so i just take ap


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-22-2002 05:31 PM:

Yeah, i'm doing that as well. I hate that hexagon of subject areas you have to choose from. I wanted to double up in sciences, but it'd be of no use seeing you can't do 5 HL's cause it has no worth then in the program. At least they let you do 4 i suppose. I don't have any free classes either though, it sucks. Well, i have one but it's choir and i won't be able to get a seminar ever if i take it next year :sad: . Cause i only have one per year in these years. Actually next year, i either have to take spanish V (which i want to), or choir. So i decided to take spanish V, and just do men's ensemble (8th hour after school) as a sub.

What classes you taking jzn? I'm still pondering on that essay we have to do. I hate it how the people don't tell us anything about it, i suppose i'll have to go ask

Posted by -jzn- on 04-22-2002 08:07 PM:

I'm the second class to ever do IB at our school (it's 3 years old ) so the program's still really disorganized.

I'm taking HL english, bio, chem, and the SL math methods, spanish, and psychology.

We go on trimesters at our school and only have 5 periods a day, so it really sucks. I can't even take choir if i wanted to.

Posted by tm11 on 04-23-2002 12:00 AM:

I take IB classes, but I have my science and math classes off-site, so I can't do the diploma.
But next year I'll be taking IB english 12 (HL), IB spanish IV, IB business and organization II (HL)

word is bond

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-23-2002 04:53 PM:

ah, jzn you have made me feel more lucky :satisfy: . 5 classes is crazy if a school is offering an IB program. We have 7 classes in the day, and it does work out fine. You can even take other IB classes that you are interested in actually. heh, anyway next year i'm taking:

IB English HL II
IB Business & Organization HL II
IB Theory of Knowledge (Required)
IB Physics HL II
IB Spanish V (SL/HL, i'm doing SL for IV this year though)
IB Music (SL)
Men's Ensemble (8th hr.)

I hear psych is pretty hard/tedious. Hah, the people in that class complain bout it so much, i'm glad i didn't take it (might be different over there, but it is the same curriculum ). One class i do like very much, IB business, it is sooo easy haha. I love that class, it's like a guarenteed A and it's IB and HL! haha.

Posted by -jzn- on 04-23-2002 10:13 PM:

WE get to do absolutely nothing!

We don't even have business and organization for ib... :(

Our teachers are really cool though. Since we're a new school, we have young teachers who are understanding and stuff. My psych teacher really doesn't care about anything as long as your papers are good. People constantly come to her class 15 minutes late and she doesn't care. she jokes around about it! She makes psychology fun, but I bet i'll get a 3 or something on the test.

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 04-24-2002 01:07 PM:

ok all of that didn't make any sense to me whatsoever...wut is IB?? geez i feel dumb... we hav AP classes tho. mai skool is infamous for its studyaholics and seriously sum of these pplz are major stressors!! eh~ok well i wanted to take psych cuz that sounds fun and interesting. not ap psych tho...that sounds scary

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-25-2002 01:39 PM:

IBO is the International Baccaulaureate Organization. It was created (initially) to help diplomats' children (who move around a lot) have a steady curriculum despite the constant traveling and shifting of schools from country to country. Hence, wherever you go, if you do IB the curriculum should be rather similar, and you don't need to start over! It has become a rather respected name now throughout the international community, as it is called international it is offered at schools extensively throughout Europe and US, South America is getting more and more as well now. In our school we offer AP and IB, and IB is considered above AP. Like there are AP classes there are IB classes, however, IB classes have an option of being whats called Standard Level (SL)(1 year class with SL test), or Higher Level(HL) (2 year class with HL test).

Generally, the IB tests are much more challenging than the AP tests. And are even worth more at colleges (if they choose to acknowledge IB, it is rather inchoate in the US). For our math HL test, if you get a 4 or above (IB scores), you can obtain 12 Math credits in college, i think in AP you get like 6 or something. Also, colleges like Cambridge prioritize IB diploma's over AP tests.

Anyway, furthermore IB has created a seperate diploma to signify to colleges the "challenging" you have taken. It's called the IB diploma and several standards need to be met: You need to take 3 HL's and 3 SL's throughout your Junior and Senior year. Also you must partake in i think 50 community service hours with equal proportions in certain categories, it's like "Community," "Action," and "Service" hours or something i have forgotte. In addition, you must write a 4,000 word essay on a topic approved by your IB director. If you pass all HL and SL tests and complete these steps you get an IB diploma.

Anyway, thats more than you probably wanted to know. I just felt like typing . I like the IB program at our school, it is nice. Especially because we get the same teachers for the HL courses and i like them a lot (actually, all except for english). Physics is crazily easy so it's not that hard of an HL, it's just a lot of work. Math is the only hard one and i think i'll take the SL test for that cause i'm taking 4 HL's and 2 SL's. So hope this helps. Kudahafus.

Posted by -jzn- on 04-25-2002 02:43 PM:

i heard that HL math, chem, and physics are the hardest exams to take. sure the class may be easy... but the tests... *shudder*

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-25-2002 04:35 PM:

yeah, honestly i'm not slightly scared of the IB physics exam. It is very easy so far and the IB questions we get for sample seem simple enough. People i've talked to said it was not as hard as they thought it was. I don't think it will be anywhere near as hard as the Math HL exam. That seriously looks incredibly hard. You only get 6 minutes per problem ahhhhk, and i'm not even sure if we're going to get to finish all the stuff in it. That one just hypes up itself. Some of the sample questoins we get for that are crazily obscure and messy in the process but end up somehow really clean if you know what i mean. . We're going to be the first class to ever take it in our school ack. Thats why i'm thinking as many others are, to take the SL test instead for math cause the math is so much stuff. I'm not sure if we're going to be able to cover all the stuff by the test date. Our teacher is sending us review stuff over summer so we won't spend ANY time reviewing next year. We're doing all non calculus stuff this year and doing all AB, BC, and other calc next year. ahhh.

I dun know bout chem, not in the class. You know, if we didn't get that IB booklet it'd be impossible haha. not really but a lot harder.

Posted by -jzn- on 04-25-2002 10:57 PM:

lol. that's a weird way to do math.

I've done a practice math SL test and oh dear lord that's some easy crap. I bet if I didn't fall asleep in between problems, I'd get every single one of the long-answer questions. the short-answer test i skipped 3 out of the 15. They're questions I should have gotten right... but i really don't give a rat's arse about log... and I got screwed for it.

good luck being the guinea pigs! that's always fun stuff

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