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Posted by micron on 06-21-2002 02:54 AM:


have anyone of you tried evangelizing?

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-23-2002 12:23 AM:

wut is it? hhe

Posted by micron on 06-23-2002 03:10 AM:

spreading the Word of God.

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-23-2002 07:24 AM:

ive only attempted that with my some-what close friends...
i dont have the guts to go to strangers tho.. :huh:


Posted by Zero-Sen on 06-25-2002 02:58 AM:

i hab but i was made fun of. i'll try again, cause i want some of my friends to go to heaven with me and what kind of friend would i be if i didn't save my friends?

i don't force them, i just tell it like it is. if they don't choose it, oh wellz.... try again later.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 06-25-2002 03:38 AM:

most of my friends are hardheaded atheists so i don't bother... :huh:

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Alchemist on 07-02-2002 03:28 AM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter
most of my friends are hardheaded atheists so i don't bother... :huh:

I used to go to Catholic school but then when i moved i went to public school and people there are really different.

Posted by MellowYellow on 07-15-2002 03:19 AM:

Originally posted by Zero-Sen
i hab but i was made fun of. i'll try again, cause i want some of my friends to go to heaven with me and what kind of friend would i be if i didn't save my friends?

i don't force them, i just tell it like it is. if they don't choose it, oh wellz.... try again later.

i wish more christians or uhm.. well wutever religion you are

but still.. i personally wish that more christians thought like you did... i hate those ppl that force other ppl into doing stuff.... way to .. ERRR.. turn ppl AWAY from your religion... good job....

mmm for me.. at the church i used to go to.. the youth group went out every once and a while with tapes and food.... went downtown... and passed out stuff.. and gave food to the ppl living on the streets. ya know...coffee... donut... sandwich... and a pamphlet..... i always figured... that they didn't read it... but just that you helped them. and they know that... people DO care about them... it might be enough to make them.... reconsider... ya know? .... "a smile goes a long way...."

I hate google cache.

Posted by tea on 07-15-2002 03:20 AM:

my friends got me to go to a catholic church once


Posted by storm on 07-17-2002 09:07 AM:

my sister had a friend who was a jehovah witness, and she literally tried to force my sister to become one too. her friend knew she was already roman catholic, and even though my sister told her to stop bugging her she kept at it, giving us pamphlets and talks and all that. she'd drop off books at our house, and it was SO ANNOYING! eventually I think my sister stopped talking to her, cuz her friend wouldn't leave her alone even after she told her to.
it's ok to tell ppl about God and what you believe in, but trying to FORCE them into it? that's just wrong (and very annoying), cuz everyone has the right to believe in what they want.
once I told my friend about christianity and stuff, but she wasn't interested at all so I shut up sometimes I get into a discussion with my friends about the existence of god and that kinda stuff, and I just present my ideas and opinions. I haven't actually told them "you know, god sent his only son to this world so we could be saved. don't you think you should believe in him so you can go to heaven when you die?" because they've heard it all before so there's really no point. also, if you put it like that I've noticed ppl sometimes get really defensive...

Posted by Teddyz_Gurl on 07-17-2002 09:24 AM:

No :(
I don't think I know enough to spread the Word.
I tell my friends about God, and being a Chirstian.
But they think I'm just playin around with them....
When I told my friends(some) I went to church, they were like:
'Haha~ You go to church!? *snicker snicker*'
And I'm like:
'You got a problem with that!?~'
And they didn't say anything back.
Where I live, nothing matters except being 'Popular' and the definition of 'popularity' is doing drugs, drinking, having sex day after day, and 'being bad' or whatever.

Thats not my style, and they think its because I'm a Christian, and I can't doing anything wrong, and that I don't 'sin'.

I don't know anyone that goes to Church at my school expect my lil dongseng, but he's not Corean, or Asian. Which is sad...

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 07-17-2002 05:11 PM:

3 international missions trips, 1 trip to the bowery mission, and this thing we did at some park with my church... meet random people and evangelize..



Posted by *supagirL* on 07-23-2002 02:54 AM:


i tried evangelizing to a couple of people- wit one of my friends.. lolz pretty funny- we go into a debate in why we should believe n stuff- buh i told her that i didn't want to force her.. it was her choice.. and that she could come with me to church.. (highly recommend not to come to my church.. trust me.. jusun would kno lol) and yea.. she sed she would think about it- buh she never really came lolz cuz she never had time hahahaha


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 07-25-2002 06:42 AM:

oic...hehe. well, i've never realli tried, but if pplz ask me questions i try to answer them as well as i can but then i find that mai views differ w/ mai dad's and we get in2 discussions bout God...and mai atheist frenz just don't seem to care, so i onli talk about it if they do. but i admire pplz hu go out and try to spread the word just not like cortes and those spaniards in the 1500's and wut they did to the american indians in north and south america i dun think god wuz very pleased with that.

Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 08-14-2002 01:37 AM:

my friend and i are going to mexico to do some missionary stuff. its gonna be my first time, so i hope i will do a good job spreading the word. =)

Posted by EvaX on 08-14-2002 05:35 AM:

my youth pastor told me that i should do service through missionary work, but i was like, erm...why try to evangelize in other countries when even in our own state of Washington there are kids who haven't had a chance to hear the message of God clearly...i mean seriously, my type of evangelizing is through my music and the people of Guatamala are not gonna understand the words outta my mouth...but i'm not bashing on service through missionary work, it's an awesome thing to do and one day when God calls me to it I'll go for it! but right now i need to evangelize in my own state :-D

and i thought the cop was a prostitute...

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