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Posted by saranghae on 09-24-2002 02:24 AM:

kingdom hearts

has anyone heard of that game... i want it soo much... hehe. its the one made from squaresoft and has disney characters in it. my friend told me that utada hikaru sang for that game.

Posted by tm11 on 09-24-2002 02:42 AM:

it's called kingdom hearts, and yeah , it looks pretty tight. Utada Hikaru sang both the japanese theme song "Hikari" and the english theme song "Simple and Clean. " The game has an interesting concept and looks like it'd be worth a purchase....

word is bond

Posted by saranghae on 09-24-2002 02:57 AM:

oh whoops... haha... i was close enough

i heard that disney and squaresoft teamed together to make it.

it looks cool and all... but i think the character designs are kinda... uh... scary.

Posted by KoreanDevil on 09-24-2002 03:21 AM:

you all should play it......

it's a great game...

i recommend it.....¤»¤»

Posted by ajy on 09-24-2002 08:45 PM:

doesnt look that appealing to me

Posted by nas on 09-24-2002 10:39 PM:

Originally posted by tm11
Utada Hikaru sang both the japanese theme song "Hikari" and the english theme song "Simple and Clean. "

Ah thanks.. I've been wondering what the English version was titleds ^^
I'm trying to get a PS2 for Christmas this year.. that's the first game I want to get my hands on.


I know you better than you think I do-don't
worry dear, this is why I fell in love with you.
The man in the looking glass, is looking back
at you at last. You can't hide from the truth
because the truth is all there is.
And the truth hurts because the truth is all there is.
I realized some time ago, that I would have to let you go...
- Handsome Boy Modeling School

Posted by Nojeel on 09-24-2002 10:44 PM:

this game is soooo damn dorky..its alright..why the hell did squaresoft team up with disney..lol


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 09-25-2002 12:06 AM:

This game looks really good. I'm excited for it, more than any other game that has come out this year. Squaresoft team up with disney? sounds odd, but i'm sure it's good. Squaresoft has yet to disappoint me even slightly. They are a very fine game company.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by saranghae on 09-25-2002 01:24 AM:

yea... i want the game sooo bad.

how does the storyline go... u play this guy rite?

Posted by castle outsider on 09-25-2002 02:11 AM:

i want the game real bad too..

i think it was a good idea for square to team up with disney..both companies are experts with the whole fantasy/dramatic genre so if you like the ff series youll definately like this game

Posted by saranghae on 09-25-2002 02:18 AM:

i always thought the disney games were kinda tacky... the onlie game i liked was aladdin... haha... on i think sega genisis... yes i knoe its old... but i haven't bought any disney games lately.

Posted by J-DraGoNz on 09-26-2002 02:26 AM:

Originally posted by Nojeel
this game is soooo damn dorky..its alright..why the hell did squaresoft team up with disney..lol

lol das wat i thought too, but i looked into it a lil cuz im a big square fan, and it looks pretty tyte. i plan on purchasing it if i can get my hands on it ^^





Posted by saranghae on 09-27-2002 12:10 AM:

Originally posted by tm11
it's called kingdom hearts, and yeah , it looks pretty tight. Utada Hikaru sang both the japanese theme song "Hikari" and the english theme song "Simple and Clean. " The game has an interesting concept and looks like it'd be worth a purchase....

do u knoe where i can download those songs?

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 09-27-2002 01:07 AM:

the disney part of it.......well, dont lyke that.....but the game looks hella nice with the characters n animation


Posted by Chinesegrl on 09-29-2002 12:20 AM:

Originally posted by saranghae

do u knoe where i can download those songs?

maybe you can d/l it on their website www.kingdomhearts.com i could see all of the trailer tho it's expensive if you buy it online for me i convinced my parents to buy me a playstaion2 and kingdom hearts but i dun know if they will buy it cuz i wanted to buy the blue ps2 if you ever saw it people say the graphics are bad too but you can find out if you buy the game

Posted by tea on 09-29-2002 11:01 AM:

i thoguhtt he game was great...so many final fantasy characters

squall was there, aeris, cloud, yuffie, sephiroth...it was great =)


Posted by tea on 09-29-2002 11:02 AM:

oh yeah...i beat the game already...took like...5 days


Posted by saranghae on 09-29-2002 07:33 PM:

wow... 5 days... was the game that short... or are u juss a good player?

Posted by tea on 09-29-2002 07:38 PM:

no, i rented the game and i had to return it within 5 days haha


Posted by saranghae on 09-29-2002 07:48 PM:

oh... i see... but u beat it rite?

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