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Posted by krnxswat on 04-17-2002 12:36 PM:

Catholic and Christian

Yo Catholic and Christians are different, right? because from what i heard from around the people, they said it was different. werent they the same until martin luther kinG jR like blah blah and they went to 2 diff paths? hEh.. i dink iss diff..

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by TAIgrr on 04-17-2002 01:04 PM:


well.. from what i heard..
everything is taught the same WITH THE EXCEPTION OF..

CHRISTIANS- BELIEVE IN ONE GOD (father, son, hold spirit = 1)
CATHOLICS- BELIEVE IN THREE GODS (father, jesus, mary= 3)

thats the difference.. if i'm wrong.. someone correct me


Posted by tm11 on 04-17-2002 01:07 PM:

Correct me if i'm wrong bout any of this

If one is Christian, that denotes that he/she believes that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and that He was the saviour.

I believe the church was mostly unified until Martin Luther ( Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the civil rights activist) came along because he had serious problems with the way the church operated then, and there was a lot of corruption in the church, so he founded a church of people who were in protest of then current Dogma, and this was the Protestant church. There are 3main divisions of Christianity, The Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Churches. There are more sects and rites in both churches, although the different sects in the Protestant churches have larger differences than the different sects. The Catholic and Orthodox churches are mainly unified.

The main difference between the three is that the Catholic Church looks to Rome and the Pope specifically, as the head of the church.

Other differences:

Catholics believe in saints.
Catholics usually celebrate mass, not services.
There is a seminarial system in the Catholic Church.

There are more, but the basic beliefs are the same.

TaiGRR - Catholic church believes in the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) i don't know if anyone believes that Mary is God, but people do pray to her.

If you want to more, you can ask or look online, i'm sure there's a whole ton of info.

word is bond

Posted by lovedontloveme on 04-17-2002 06:59 PM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr
well.. from what i heard..
everything is taught the same WITH THE EXCEPTION OF..

CHRISTIANS- BELIEVE IN ONE GOD (father, son, hold spirit = 1)
CATHOLICS- BELIEVE IN THREE GODS (father, jesus, mary= 3)

thats the difference.. if i'm wrong.. someone correct me

in now way do catholics believe that mary is a god/goddess. we don't worship her, we just believe she is special because she gave birth to Jesus. ^^

catholics believe in ONE god, but the God is made up of three - three parts kinda - the holy spirit, God the Father and God the Son. but they are all one God.
its confusing but yeah O.O

Posted by volcom strider on 04-18-2002 01:42 AM:

Posted by girl0verdose on 04-21-2002 06:23 AM:

Amen to that Vi, you said exactly what i'm going to say ^^

And yesh, Catholics DO NOT worship Mary in any kind of way. We respect her for her status of being Mother of Jesus.

Christian generally means every religion who believes in Christ (hence the name), so that includes Catholic, Protestant, etc.

Protestant also believes in the Holy Trinity.

And as an addition.... since everyone alive including the Pope are human, they make mistakes too. In Martin's time, there were preaching of indulgences and stuff, and people believed that they can buy their way to heaven (i was quite disgusted when I heard of this) and Martin stepped out and speak his mind... he did not create the 'Protestant' religion.... those who believes and support him did. He himself was quite horrified when he heard of the split.

Ack. wonder if anyone actually read that.

Posted by Alchemist on 04-21-2002 05:19 PM:

Martin Luther started the Lutherian Church. I was different from the Catholic Church

Posted by Zero-Sen on 05-01-2002 12:47 PM:

Yea, TM11 has the right idea. The Catholic church back then was selling salvation. In other words if you gave lots of money to the church you could be saved.

Posted by krnxswat on 05-01-2002 12:57 PM:

Originally posted by Zero-Sen
In other words if you gave lots of money to the church you could be saved.


Posted by aznkid1008 on 05-01-2002 02:32 PM:

i believe there are many things that catholics believe in that christians do not. like all the 99 things Martin Luther wrote about that he thought was wrong wit the catholic church and nailed it 2 a church.

Posted by Chil on 05-01-2002 06:05 PM:

Originally posted by Zero-Sen
Yea, TM11 has the right idea. The Catholic church back then was selling salvation. In other words if you gave lots of money to the church you could be saved.

lol, now if you let the priest have some sexual fun with you, u get saved too haha

Posted by aznkid1008 on 05-02-2002 11:47 AM:

thats not rite
i'm not catholic and i personally think that some rules r just beyond stupidity but heck this is another personal issue for the catholics so let them deal wit it.

if u r catholic i got a question
y do u hav bishops and Popes and stuff???
it seems like catholicism is a form of gov wit the dictator (pope) and the rest lookin up at his "holy @$$". wat happened 2 every1 was created equal?

Posted by huby40 on 05-02-2002 01:47 PM:

wat happened 2 every1 was created equal?

??? it doesn't say that in the bible does it?
church was made around the late roman times. it became a big organization becuz emporer constantine promoted it. it was common for a big organization to have leaders and sub leaders and it was no different for the catholic church. So they had a leader. A man that they believed was closer to God than anyone on the earth. And then they chose a next one when he passed, then a next one. one leader can't do it all so he has sub leaders.

that "equality" didn't come later until the middle ages where people like martin luther (NO not that black guy) got upset with the Catholic Church. The church was corrupt becuz they were "selling indulgences." People would pay the church to cleanse themselves of their sins and garantee them to heaven. It's not unlikely for something like that to become corrupt, it will happen to any sort of leader structure no matter what.

however, the pope is not a dictator. He is chosen by a group of cardinals, other church officials.

Posted by sangxjin on 05-02-2002 01:59 PM:

my best friends catholic and its hard talking to them about religion and even when im eating with his family i feel uncomfortable with everyone else doing the cross motion and then everyone looks at me...

so i go to the bathroom

Posted by brian on 05-13-2002 05:05 PM:

We have a lot of anti-Catholic feelings in our church for no reason whatsoever.

I, for one, do not believe in such a belief supported by frivolous, one-sided "facts."

Everyone believes that their religion is the right way. Hindus believe that all Christians are going down the wrong path. Buddhists believe that everyone who isn't Buddhist is lost.

There are a myriad of beliefs, just as there is a myriad of people in this world.

We should just learn to accept and look at everyone's reasons about a specific issue before creating our own decision on that particular issue.

Posted by Alchemist on 05-14-2002 11:51 AM:

Originally posted by Zero-Sen
Yea, TM11 has the right idea. The Catholic church back then was selling salvation. In other words if you gave lots of money to the church you could be saved.

yeah, they were selling indulgences. but the Catholic Church reformed

Posted by junjinluber33 on 05-20-2002 07:50 PM:

hmmm... dont christians also believe in trinity? that God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ are one? that was wut i thought. there's another thing... christians believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of our sins. buh i heard that catholics believe that Jesus only died for the original sin and that's why you have to go to confession and stuff. iuno... someone correct me if im wrong...


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by Angel3y3s on 05-21-2002 05:09 AM:

no, the christians only believe in God. I think that's the big difference between catholics and christians *peace sign* oh, and the sign of the cross too...^_^
the catholics believe that Christ died at the cross for our sins too. we, catholics, also believe that we need to go thru baptism to uh, for a better lack of words, erase the original sin...or something.
I dont think the catholic church takes indulgences anymore. and if they do, i dont think I remember a time when i gave some, hehe...
I dont really like the way the catholic church runs here in our country. instead of stopping fights and staying in between, it sides with the govt. and arose more fighting than ever...


Posted by TygerLuv on 05-26-2002 03:53 AM:

lovedontlove me has it right...

Mary isnt worshipped as a God/Goddess in Catholicism - this is a common misconception. She is venerated as a Saint would be.. not worshipped but given honor.

Also I believe it is only the Catholics who believe in the Trinity (God the father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit being ONE). Catholics are considered Christians since they belive in Christ... Catholicism is just a denomination of Christianity just like the Baptists, Anglicans etc.

body bumpin'

Posted by brian on 06-02-2002 04:30 AM:

I agree. I wouldn't mind being Catholic at all. The reason that I am the only kid in my youth group that wasn't baptized is because:

- I don't believe in certain church dogma.
- I'm Baptist, not Presbyterian.

That "certain church dogma" is the belief that all Catholics will go to hell. I hate that. I hate it. By the way, did I mention that I hated it? That closed-minded belief that our pastor spreads is just sickening.

My pastor personally blocked my mom from sending my brother to a catholic elementary school because it would be "a bad influence on him." He also blocked me from applying to Catholic high schools because "their religion isn't a religion."

Our church for some reason believes that Catholicism is polytheistic. How dumb is that?

I don't know what to say... anymore....

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