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Posted by Ladi Jay on 08-23-2002 10:26 PM:

How you can tell if you're at an asian party


-You arrive to the party with a group of 10 or more other guys (in Honda's of course!).
-You are wearing a plaid or flannel shirt w/ a pair of jeans, Doc Martin's, and a white shirt underneath.
-The line at the door is short with mostly guys (90% guys/10% girls).
-You don't mind if any girl cuts in front of you even they are ugly. -If a guy cuts, you want to start a fight.
-You hair contains two bottles of mousse, one tube of gel, and one can of hair spray in case one strand gets out of place.
-You are either bald or you have a 2-hour old fade.
-Your pants are sagging, a pager is always in the right front pocket snapped on backwards, and your car alarm remote is hanging out in the left front pocket.
-You stare at every girl at the party, but never approach any of them.
-You hope the girl you've been looking at, knows one of your friends and then you will say "HOOK ME UP!"
-Gets a woody if a cute girl happens to look at you and smile.
-As you come into the party, you say "What's up?" to a guy friend with some sort of hand shake and it always end with a finger snap.
-You've smoked approximately 3 packs of Marlboro Lights before the night is over.
-You start to ask for cigarettes off of friends after your 3 packs because you think it will kill off the buzz from drinking 1/2 a cup of 8 oz.beer.
-You take about 2 hours to ask a girl to dance and by the time you get enough nerves to go up to her, one of her guy friends beat you to it. And you end up "muggin" (that's the look of someone who wants to start a fight) that guy for the rest of the night and you keep telling your friends that "she's dancin' with a chump."
-You end up settling for dancing with one of your girl friends who doesn't look as good, have any kind of a body, or have any kind of rhythm (she's just nice).
-You come to the party all pumped up and by the time it's time to go home, you say "That party was weak! There was hella' ugly girls"... Just because you didn't hook up with anybody even though there was some fine ass girls.


-You try to arrive a little late because you know that you get to cut somewhere in the lines as long as you look half decent and you reveal a little bit of your "size A" breasts with your "Wonder Bra.
-You never bring any money because you'll usually get in free by flirting with the guys at the door and suckers always buy you drinks.
-You order Midori Sours and Kamikazes.
-You are wearing baggy jeans with a black "bebe, Calvin Klein, Kenneth Cole, or DKNY" baby doll shirt.
-High heeled black boots and a mini black back pack are always part of
your party attire.
-Some article of clothing is always black.
-You play with your hair when you try to get a cute guy's attention.
-You introduce yourself in the following manner: your name, some Greek Alphabets, your university, and "Nice to Meet You!"
-You only acknowledge people who is also wearing articles of clothing with some sort of Greek Alphabets.
-You get very angry when you see your cute guy freakin' (dancing very nastily for those who needs the translation) with another girl who is wearing less clothes and more revealing than you.
-You go nuts when you hear "Bizarre Love Triangle" by New Order. You start to move your hips to the song, as you smile and make your self approachable. You wait 30 seconds as you look around and find out everyone is out there dancin'. You get desperate, then you lower your
standards by asking the guy whom which you turned down 3 times that night to dance.
-When that guy turns you down because he thought you were a bitch for turning him down 3 times, you get a few of your girl friends who also went through #11, and you all dance together in a group.


-Ladies in free before 9:00, then when 9:00 comes around, it becomes free before 10:00, till it's free all night.
-The guys at the door get a hard on (or a woody) when a group of girls flirts with them to get in free.
-The guys in line start to say "Damn, did you see that bitch, she was fine! That's me dogg, that's all ME!" ... and do nothing about it! Then, at the end of the night he said "She wasn't all 'dat. I saw her close up and damn, it looks like someone stepped on her face and kept walkin'!" Because he didn't hook up with her.
-Male or female won't approach one another unless they know one of your friends in your group.
-The only rap songs you recognize are: "Hip Hop Hooray" and "Baby Got Back".
-Most of the people who are dancing have no rhythm. None what so ever.
-Guys ask girls to dance in a group. 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 8 on 8, etc. "Hey, you wanna' dance? How many friends you got? We got 8 too!" "Come on girl, stop frontin'!" "We just gonna dance."
-The bar never makes any money.
-The whole dance floor is doing the "Cha Cha" when "Bizarre Love Triangle" is on.
-Smokers be smokin' up a storm.
-Everyone looks like they are 16 if it's a 18 and over party; people look 17 if it's a 21 and over.
-A few guys who actually finished the 8 oz beer are hugging the trash
-When the slow song comes on, it's a cue: For the single people to leave and go outside. Like the outside scene would give you a better chance of hooking up.
-The pony keg is still half full.


-Buy hair products at Costco.
-Buy cigarettes at Costco.
-Go to the barber shop or a friend who really knows how to cut hair, exactly two hours before the expected arrival time and ask for a "FADE".
-Have plenty of flannels handy and washed because you don't want to be wearing the same color plaid as your friends. (This way, there will be a variety of plaids to choose from).
-Practice the following at home: your attitude, do your hair, sag your pants, try on every color of your plaid shirts, work on your alcohol tolerance by drinking 1 oz. of beer and increasing one oz. a week, go to "bebe" for a $50 black tee shirt, and learn how to do the "Cha Cha".
-Practice to check out a girl or a guy without staring for an hour. (Half a second should be your goal).
-Fix up your Honda's.
-Don't forget your pager since it is a part of your party attire (remember in the right front pocket backwards). Borrow one or just use one even if it's turned off.
-Cellular Phones go in the right/left back pocket.
-Learn the finger snap hand shake.
-Finally, learn and know the Greek Alphabet by heart.

I haven't even read this yet... so I'll get back later and read it

Posted by eddiee on 08-23-2002 10:42 PM:


Posted by TAIgrr on 08-24-2002 12:50 AM:

er.. whats with the greek alphabet? i dont get it..


Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 08-24-2002 01:14 AM:

so if you don't smoke like Puff the Magic Dragon, you ain't asian?

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Nojeel on 08-24-2002 01:20 AM:

wtf...aint really jokes..but..eh..fuck it..moved to random thoughts...


Posted by az0nd2r3 on 08-24-2002 02:55 AM:

somewhat true.......iono, i dont get that greek alphabet thing either.....


Posted by TAIgrr on 08-24-2002 02:58 AM:

Originally posted by az0nd2r3
i dont get that greek alphabet thing either.....

k, good, haha

i felt kinda dumb not knowing


Posted by rYcePuFf on 08-24-2002 03:50 AM:

i think the greek letter thing is for the names of some fraternity or sorority you could be in for college peoples...

/(-_-)\ ...zzzZZzzz...

Posted by DEmeant0r on 08-24-2002 04:47 AM:

haha quite interesting

Website: http://www.demeant0r.com
Contacts: email: davidyip@oceanfree.net

Posted by K_BoI323 on 08-24-2002 05:35 AM:


Love You...Elaine~
Korean Pride... <-- to all the Korean sistaz~/brothaz that keep it real~!
Dae Han Min Gook~~
Holla~~~ at me.. AIM:bowbow323

God Bless~

Posted by kpjoey287 on 08-24-2002 07:43 AM:

OOOooOOOh shatness...

I read this b4 it was on koreanpride dot com LOONG assss time ago ^_^


For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16~....^^

Our new forums :D

Posted by Shiggy on 08-24-2002 08:01 AM:

I can tell that im at a asian party when asians come haha!! or when the parents come in and say hi to everyone in korean. or when someone busts the kpop and jpop on the speakers.

Dumb boring SUMMER!!!

Posted by DEmeant0r on 08-24-2002 12:02 PM:

or when the party is just full of asian people

Website: http://www.demeant0r.com
Contacts: email: davidyip@oceanfree.net

Posted by tm11 on 08-24-2002 09:49 PM:

wow. you must go to a lot of asian parties...

word is bond

Posted by peruperu on 08-25-2002 03:08 AM:

after reading that it seems like i haven't been to any asian parties.......


i'm a sleepy pig~~ hehe~~


Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 08-25-2002 03:12 AM:

i read this somewhere..like azn humor right? heh..anyways..yah..

Posted by Ladi Jay on 08-27-2002 06:23 PM:

I didn't bother to read that... too long for me... I jsut thought I'd post it...

oh, and sorrie for posting in the wrong forums... I really didn't know where it belonged... heh

Posted by Alchemist on 08-28-2002 12:16 AM:

Ever been to a party when you're about 6 yrs old and you ask your parents if any of your friends will be there and they say "yes" and when you get there there are just grown ups and no one to play with?

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