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Posted by Chinesegrl on 02-28-2003 12:39 AM:

becoming distant

well my best friend and i were very close before she was going out with the person she likes. we did almost everything together before he was going out with her... now we barley even talk and hang out with each other because of him... whenever she's with him she ignores me like she doesn't even know me and she hangs out with him everyday at school and he follows her....i feel so annoyed by him because i think he's taking her away from me... before they were going out he would get all the info about her from me.. its like i was being used. i feel we're getting distant.. is it jus me? what should i do about it?

Posted by merdawg on 02-28-2003 12:48 AM:

hmm....i think your friend is just ignoring you becuz i think she wants her guy to see that he is one of the top priorities in her life. altho i dont agree with it, i think that's y she is ignoring you. about being used...i think everyone does that. wenever a guy likes a girl, he would ask questions about that girl from one of her friends. i mean, did u consider the guy as a friend? if he was, and never thanked you for all the info you gave him, then, u were definitely used. i think you should just see how things play out. if that couple have a fight, and most do, becuz its part of being in relationships, than im more than sure that one of them, the guy or the girl will come to you for help and advice. maybe then, you should tell ur friend how you feel, and maybe she will change and not ignore you anymore since she has the sense that you are there to help her.


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by Chinesegrl on 02-28-2003 12:52 AM:

yea he's a friend from last year too... well they never fight or anything they jus stand there talking and everything.... i walked past her this morning and she jus ignored me.. and then while we were walking inside she jus said hi but was still talkin to her bf

Posted by merdawg on 02-28-2003 12:57 AM:

Originally posted by Chinesegrl
yea he's a friend from last year too... well they never fight or anything they jus stand there talking and everything.... i walked past her this morning and she jus ignored me.. and then while we were walking inside she jus said hi but was still talkin to her bf

i think it's just becuz she wants to put him as one of her top priorities u kno? i mean, she doesn't mean any harm im guessing, she just wants to show her bf that he is important. and i hope i dont get flamed for this, but guys want to feel important


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-28-2003 03:28 AM:

did you tell your friend how you feel? you'd be surprised at how oblivios people can be to their surroundings and other people when they're talking to someone they really like. i suggest talking to both of them separately, and if they don't change, then just rest assured knowing they were never that good of a friend in the first place

Posted by Flaming_June on 03-03-2003 04:29 AM:

talk to her

hockey lives here

Posted by ShadowolfXVII on 03-03-2003 11:51 PM:

Ask yourself: Is my friend really worth it?

My think you should wait a little, or if you want, tell yor friend. If she screws you, dont be her friend... or you can wait until she he gets dumped or something..... The choice is yours....

Why do kamikazee pilotes wear helmets? I think that parents get coal for Christmas to burn their children. Tragedy is when you cut your finger... comedy is when you fall off a sewer pipe and die, (by Mel Brooks) I think that giant lobsters with six pack abs with a tiger heads and in car commercials will take over the world. When i was littlle, i saw a lobster being cooked alive.... Things Dante from DMC would never say: BLAM BLAM CLICK CLICK oops, out of ammo.... I like country ... I wonder if astronauts get blinded on the moon because peole shine their laser pens there...

Posted by junjinluber33 on 03-08-2003 12:37 AM:

man~ i sooo know what you're going through~ one of my friends just started goin out with her bf n now its like... we dont talk~ barely, hi, bye n thats it... we used to out n kick it~ now that she's got a bf w/ a ride it's like... all gone and for wah? i friggen dick


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by kangg fu on 03-08-2003 04:18 AM:

although i understand that she is excited about having a boyfriend and being with them all the time, there really isnt a good reason for her to ignore u..i mean you were involved in them getting together, but most importantly, you were her best friend! it's strange how she is ignoring u...def talk to her about it...im sure eveything will be ok

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 03-08-2003 04:22 AM:

all i can say is that i agree with jason.. i cant type much cause my hand is destroyed from doin his health homework lol

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 03-23-2003 07:20 AM:

hmm...i hav a friend who's growing distant in another way. a new girl has come to our school and my friend hangs out with her and another group a lot more frequently now. so, yeah, similarly, i do feel she's being taken away from me. but it's not like i'm gonna say "stop hanging out with them/her and hang out with me/us" because it's her freedom to choose. so, even though we're growing distant and i'm kinda sad about it, i'm not gonna stop her from being happy. if she's happier with that group that she is with mine, then fine. also, another friend is spending a lot of time with this other group of quirky guys. my group is disintegrating before my eyes

Posted by Chinesegrl on 03-23-2003 07:26 AM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
hmm...i hav a friend who's growing distant in another way. a new girl has come to our school and my friend hangs out with her and another group a lot more frequently now. so, yeah, similarly, i do feel she's being taken away from me. but it's not like i'm gonna say "stop hanging out with them/her and hang out with me/us" because it's her freedom to choose. so, even though we're growing distant and i'm kinda sad about it, i'm not gonna stop her from being happy. if she's happier with that group that she is with mine, then fine. also, another friend is spending a lot of time with this other group of quirky guys. my group is disintegrating before my eyes

i know what you mean.. we got some new friends and they're kinda stuck-up...

Posted by rhymester* on 03-23-2003 09:07 AM:

well friends come and go, thats life.


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 03-25-2003 02:48 AM:

i guess this is could be way to find out who are your true friends...the ones who'll never leave you...but helen's right, i thought i'd be friends forever with these girls from second grade but we stopped talking once i moved away in 3rd. heh, life goes on.

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