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Posted by Prototype on 11-08-2002 03:10 PM:

My funny Conversations

I once made a book of funny quotes from people I knew. To keep their lives safe, I am editing out their screen names.

Jenny Hyun: tell me a story
secksinamja: ew, does it have to be good?
Jenny Hyun: lmao
Jenny Hyun: don't ruin the moment

secksinamja: tim might still have his soap on a rope
James: and then beer at 21
secksinamja: we could put it in zacks tailpipe
secksinamja: and maybe it wouldnt start
secksinamja: or it'd stall on him
secksinamja: and he'd go "wtf"
secksinamja: and get out and look
secksinamja: and find a penis in his tailpipe
James: or it might blow the valves off the car form the back pressure
secksinamja: yeah that too
secksinamja: more likely it'd just shoot out though
James: depends on how tight the whole is
secksinamja: lmao, you sure must know alot about tight holes
James: and how lubed up it is
James: oh i do
James: all those vergins
secksinamja: anal virgins?
secksinamja: like tim?
James: yea i poped his cherry
James: poped it good
James: he cried
secksinamja: lmao, did he fart afterwards?
James: no but he shit a donught
secksinamja: LOL

Tae Hwan: yea its coo you fucking tater
carl j j a n g: np triangle head.
Tae Hwan: >:o
carl j j a n g: :D
Tae Hwan: you yourself said they chose kp over pb because of my sexy triangle head
carl j j a n g: yes, I never claimed it wasnt sexy
Tae Hwan: hahahaha

mae: --; I think total number of pimps I have been talking to as of the moment....3
mae: very bad
mae: very very bad
carl j j a n g: -_-;
carl j j a n g: lol
mae: yes, be glad to know that one of them is you

Jenny: the nutritionist is supposed to call me today
secksinamja: about nutrition?
Jenny: no about my rates, my pimp's out of town

grrrace: oh reaaalllllllly
grrrace: good
xurbanstylex: try again
grrrace: cuz i was givin the mic head
grrrace: it really works

Melissa: like a guardian angel
Melissa: iw anna bea guardian spiderwoman

tim: and she was pretty hot
tim: and i handed her the dollar
tim: and she lifted her shirt
tim: and i leaned over and sucked on her boobies
tim: zack and james were right there
tim: it was awesome
carl j j a n g: lmao
tim: then i realized it was matts girlfriend

sunmin: WAKE UPPPPP!
carl j j a n g: T_T
sunmin: * makes out with carl*
sunmin: now are yoo awake?!
carl j j a n g: T_T yes.

sunmin: SAT SUCKKKZ..
sunmin: im sitting here doing my homework for SAT class...
carl j j a n g: -_-
sunmin: and im not a happie sunmin doin' it..
carl j j a n g: :-\ me either
sunmin: lolz
sunmin: yoo not a happie sun min

Tammy: they vibrate.
Tammy: buy me one.
secksinamja: lmao I vibrate too
Tammy: ahhahah
Tammy: do u?
secksinamja: I dunno, wanna find out?

secksinamja: I feel like your movie bitch
Jenny Hyun: *strokes carl*
secksinamja: lmao

secksinamja: do yours go bounce bounce?
grace: they do
grace: if i bounce them
secksinamja: >:D
secksinamja: can i bounce them?
grace: ROFL
grace: sure
grace: later
secksinamja: >:B
secksinamja: you can bounce mine


secksinamja (2:07:30 PM): selling my body to television producers in politicians in a bid to further my career
Jenny Hyun: yeah i thought so, you're such a slut

grace: i want carl to show me
grace: what a donkey punch is

grace: but i screw carl every other night

Mae: pimp. buddy info pimp.

secksinamja: Gay bondage leather cat, away!
Jenny: i dunno why but right when you said that i felt kind of excited

sylvia: *rapes...
sylvia: PATTIE*
sylvia: :-D

Jason: no one notices my bland font
Jason: its morphin time
secksinamja: LOL

hannah: lllllllaaaaaallalalla
hannah: im fucked
hannah: u kno dat im screwed
hannah: harhar
harry: shoulda kept ur pants on
harry: =/
hannah: -_-
hannah: not that kind u perv!~

secksinamja: are you on cable? or 56k?
Melissa: 56 k i think? iono~
secksinamja: do you dial up?
Melissa: what's dialing up?!
secksinamja: beep boop beep bboop beeep boop beep

John: lol i thought he was dead for a few years was he the guy with the buttons?
secksinamja: haha
secksinamja: yeah
John:: he never gave me a jar of jelly for my button he deserved it
secksinamja: LOL a jar of jelly?
secksinamja: I thought he gave a button back
John:: i dunno i remember him not giving me anything the one time i went but he gave stuff to the people next to me
John: to JR
secksinamja: that bastard

cesca: noo i ate you yoshi
toshiro: no, thats not my brother. X_x
cesca: poops out yoshi
cesca: okie u can go now :-)

eungee01hanBada: how often do you shave your armpits
secksinamja: once every 45 seconds
eungee01hanBada: wow fast growing armpit hair
secksinamja: yeah its my superpower
secksinamja: I'm Armpithair Man
eungee01hanBada: fascinating
eungee01hanBada: according to paul
eungee01hanBada: when it grows back it itches
eungee01hanBada: is it true
secksinamja: no idea
eungee01hanBada: and how do you use your armpit superpower when you continuously shave it off
secksinamja: It grows when I dance
eungee01hanBada: so you call on your superpower by dancing
eungee01hanBada: or are you just always dancing
secksinamja: correctomundo
eungee01hanBada: which one?
secksinamja: both
eungee01hanBada: what does your armpit hair do
secksinamja: it dances too
eungee01hanBada: how does that help you catch villains?
secksinamja: it doesnt
eungee01hanBada: could you send me an autographed picture of your armpit hair?
secksinamja: I'm a supervillain
eungee01hanBada: oh
eungee01hanBada: well how does it help you commit evil crimes
secksinamja: It's a crime within itself.
eungee01hanBada: icic
eungee01hanBada: do you have lice
eungee01hanBada: and can i have that autographed picture?
eungee01hanBada: of your armpit hair?
secksinamja: sorry. my pit hair doesnt sign autogrpahs
secksinamja: and no lice
secksinamja: its lice eating armpit hair

I was too lazy to edit all that.

just a couple of my long list of weird funny quotes.


Posted by Street RSX on 11-08-2002 04:01 PM:

ahahaha tha dial up ones prettiee funniee.. beep boop beep haha..and sum others are jus... haha, yea.. yoo prolie kno haha

Posted by eddiee on 11-08-2002 04:55 PM:

lol wth

Posted by Street RSX on 11-08-2002 05:24 PM:

wow your convos get a lil kinki hahahah

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 11-08-2002 09:04 PM:

yeah forealz.. do you save your convos or something when they turn kink?



Posted by saranghae on 11-09-2002 11:25 PM:

eh.... interesting... haha

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 11-10-2002 12:10 AM:

Jenny Hyun as in that amateur singer, Jenny Hyun?

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Prototype on 11-11-2002 01:15 AM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter
Jenny Hyun as in that amateur singer, Jenny Hyun?

yeah :P she was recently on MTV


Posted by Street RSX on 11-11-2002 01:25 AM:

Originally posted by Prototype
yeah :P she was recently on MTV
wow and yoo kno her?? like kno her as in yoo chill wit her type of kno her?? haha

Posted by yur_swt_angel on 11-11-2002 01:55 AM:

jenny hyun has a nice ass voice.. shes realli pretti to.. i heard she wush gunna b on mtv.. buh i wasn't shure wen -_-; i lost contact wif her.. loL :X

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