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Posted by lostadonis on 02-10-2003 11:27 PM:

Question Dreams.

Do you cherish dreams?

I do, sometimes life, itself, sucks...those are the times when I look forward to my dreams. There are so many different kinds of dreams out there, that this topic has to be vague, but I was just wondering if anyone ever has deep, cherishable dreams?

Maybe a lot of you forget your dreams, or have crazy "what dreams may come" kind of dreams...I personally have life-like dreams. Most of the time, I do remember my dreams, and they're not all abstract as some people's, they're more, relative to my life...in a sense, like a chance to see what my life could've been, both in a good way, or a bad way. I guess I like that about my subconscious.

I've had dreams that revealed truth to me too. Like, in a relationship scenario, you know how most people involved in something, can't really see the big picture? *chess is the perfect analogy for relationships (players (guy and girl) can't really see the way things are as a whole, but the audience (friends) can see perfectly). But yeah, I had a dream about this one person, and it made perfect sense. And it turned out to be a hint, to point me in the right direction. It's like I saw my relationship as a whole, from an outsider's view, and realized what I couldn't/wouldn't let myself accept.

I don't know about any of you, but I can examine and break up my dreams, it's really interesting. I don't know if anyone's really interested in dreams to this extent, but has anyone read those "dream interpretation" books? I don't read them, but I read them once for a brief moment, but yeah, I interpret my own dreams...because who else knows me better than myself.

Well, I guess I've gotten off into a tangent, but I'll ask again...does anyone cherish their dreams? Perhaps if people like this topic, then they can (only if willing) share their most cherished dream.

a discursive thought by adonis

Posted by micron on 02-11-2003 08:08 AM:

i fall into oblivion when i sleep - a passing vacuum that im not concious to feel. i sleep deeply in my emptiness, because i stay up until every once of my energy is spent fighting my drowsiness. like right now. somehow, in a sick way, i like this feeling. fighting and denying my own will. i guess its because it gives me a sense of reassurance - as false as it may be - that im in control amidst my despair. yes, sometimes life does suck.. it really does.

but i do dream. not from sleep, but from my aspirations. it gives me a reason to live, a glimmer of hope - so distant and so far - yet, a promise to myself that i intend to keep.

yes, i dream. i dream for many things. childish dreams really. but they mean a lot to me. because - sometimes - the only thing i can do is to dream.

moving to experience

Posted by Alchemist on 02-13-2003 11:33 PM:

I had a dream about zombies all over the place. They were taking people's saliva.

Posted by aznkid1008 on 02-14-2003 02:00 AM:

everyman has the rite to dream. dreams r wat some people liv for. a goal set for wat they want or want to be. some of my own dreams were glimpses of the near future, others just pointless ventures.

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-15-2003 05:27 AM:

i feel the same way about dreams. sometimes, i hav really random ones that don't really make sense when i think about it, but after a few days then something happens and its' like "hey...my dreams hinted about that..." it's weird, but cool at the same time i think.

i recently had a dream about a guy from school who i'm not really close with...in fact, we don't talk, and we don't even know each other. i hav no idea why i even dreamt about him. i don't like him, and i noe he duzn't like me - he likes my friend (they're cute together ^^). anyway, in my dream we were just talking and chilling and we were like buddy-buddy and then when i went to school the next day i almost wanted to go and slap him on the back and say what's up or something. weird. i don't understand it. interpretations, anyone?

my most cherished dream...i can't think of any right now (i rarely have wonderful, blissful dreams) but i remember one where Mike vitar was in it that was fun

Posted by Chinesegrl on 02-15-2003 07:14 AM:

i dream most of the time, but most of the time im too forgetful and don't remember a thing when i wake up.
i like the good dreams i can remember, but the nightmares i have are kind of giving me bad thoughts like if that's really going to happen in my life sooner or later.
i believe some dreams are what we want to see like if you like this one person then the following night you have a dream about him asking you out the next day. when that day comes up you notice he doesn't even notice you. it's like your fantasy world. well to me it's part of fantasy, but there's a chance you might dream of someting that may happen soon or already happened in the past that you didn't know of.
we may also dream of something we've been terified of for years or just afriad of it such as clowns. anyone could have nightmares of clowns ruining their own lives with jokes and pies.
the thing that puzzles me the most is why is it when we dream, that we see ourselves in the third-person? well i don't know if you guys have a dream where you're the other person looking at yourselves doing something. it's like watching a movie to me.

Posted by lostadonis on 02-15-2003 05:31 PM:

i believe some dreams are what we want to see like if you like this one person then the following night you have a dream about him asking you out the next day. when that day comes up you notice he doesn't even notice you

I had three dreams last night, and one was exactly what you pointed out. But completely reversed. I dreamt that this person was totally disgusted by me, and everytime I gave her a hug, *which I guess in my dream, I put too much effort into hugging her, she would make a face that just says...'what are you? get away from me.' ha ha ha, I guess in my dream it happened quite a few times, and then, right before I wake up, I remember saying, 'NO MORE!' And she was fine with it, like she didn't even care about me in the first place.

But then I woke up, and when I saw her the this morning, I noticed that she was there, inviting as always, with a big smile on her face.

interpretations, anyone?

I thought to myself for a little bit, but I came up with a random one...doesn't make sense, and I think I'd have to know you as a person, and know what you do, to better interpret the dream. You know? heh.

I had a dream about zombies all over the place. They were taking people's saliva.

Dude, the best dreams are like the CS/Resident Evil dreams. They get you so excited. I remember playing CS, non-stop, and I would dream about it...What better for a man to dream when you've got, guns/comradery/and tactics. Violence too, I guess, it's always entertaining, especially if you're shootin' some 'saliva-sucking-zombies.' heh.

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