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Posted by SoJu on 04-20-2002 02:13 AM:

english, audio, inet...helppppppp

anybody in here familar w/oscar wilde? i need to write a paper on individualism and here goes the instructions

readings (by Oscar Wilde)>>
The Importance of Being Earnest
"The Soul of Man Under Socialism"

determine to what extent we can say that algernon represents wilde's ideal individualism. consider what wilde says about topics like individualism, health and art in his essay "The Soul of Man Under Socialism." Then look carefully at the character of algernon in The Importance of Being Earnest


anybody know where i can find the full text? sparknotes dun got dem and i tried lookin it up & all i got'z anthologiez & bookstores that sell the text >P

You Know Al (by Ring Lardner)
Sonny's Blues (by James Baldwin)

compare and contrast what these 2 characters want out of life and what they realize about themselves.


final cut pro. WHO KNOWS HOW TO USE IT?!?!??


gotta build a site 4 mah internet class....dunno on wuh tho >P suggestions pplz? i wuz dinkin bout makin a new layout 4 mah fanfic site & submit dat...but daz an emergency backup plan =T


gotta write a paper on music...i can't specify exactly what i gotta write about since the teacher didn't even go into specifics as to what he wants. so basically i need to talk about music...help? i need a topic involvin music. and same goes for architecture and sculptures


my life sux why must there be so much hw?!


Yo, I don't mack, I sit back and attract (^_~)
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Posted by Babu2002 on 04-26-2002 11:29 AM:

Lightbulb HW HELP (04/25/02) 2:30PST

Get Cliff's Notes from Barnes&Nobles or Dalton's...
and you could try getting info off of msn.com or Netscape...
InfoTrac has SOME info, but usually too current...
Anyway, I hope that helped a little...

"Please call me... please kiss me..." FinKL [Now]

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