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-- H.O.T.- Age Of Peace OST- OP.T. - Translation (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=1984)

Posted by KangtaIsMyPuppy on 05-17-2002 04:56 PM:

H.O.T.- Age Of Peace OST- OP.T. - Translation

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-OP.T(Operation Takeover)-
Composed, Arranged, Lyrics by: Moon Hee Jun
Translated by Lynda at fflyrics

HeeJun: Now, no one will wait for anything inside (inside) this reality
We have to change anew our intention and our harden determination (determination)

JaeWon: Which will never falter...
With this, everyone has to protect (protect)

Tony: Our future
Life concept tic toc to the OP.T
The waited...finally comes...to be able to live
No more things drenched by the never-ending rain

JaeWon: There is no road for us to turn back

WooHyuk: Only to face ahead
Now, everything that dies out, I will give it light

Kangta: I've always waited for it
I stayed where you weren't
In the end, I had to live by your tears
To be able to breathe inside the everlasting loneliness

WooHyuk: Yeah! Yeah!

HeeJun: Am I existing?
Am I inside the duplicated life?
Am I looking for myself with my tears held in;
with my eyes closed?

WooHyuk: Who is this hero of today, which no one protects?

Tony: Yo what's my name? TONY
this is the game where i came
from 21C the one y'all see get out my way huh
what ya gonna say y'all punks don't got a choice
make some noise this is the joyce and i ful feel like
yeah rolls royce it's a highspeedchase
which race in my pace so put ya facedown a
s run around yo yo throw the waste out
Our future
Life concept tic toc to the OP.T

Kangta: I always waited for it
I stayed where you weren't
In the end, I had to live by your tears
To be able to breathe inside the everlasting loneliness
Help me
I am here. I live inside your hearts

WooHyuk: Now are we supposed to set things right?
Is the hero of today, which no one protects...
..is it me?

---------- Pocky Prince ----------
"I was flying the sky before
I realized it.
But, now that I have touched
the sky....
I miss the ground.
Because all my loves
and dreams....
are there."

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