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Posted by haneul on 06-24-2002 02:30 AM:

Question why is it that everyone wears...

why is that almost every korean gurl wears some kind of white shirt wit overalls???

Posted by haneul on 06-24-2002 02:45 AM:

Wink mah bad..

I meant, why does every korean gurl wear a white shirt WHENEVER they wear overalls???

Posted by Street RSX on 06-24-2002 02:59 AM:

haha, i think i understood the question da first tym, haha, umm... now to da question, I dun kno, do they, i never notice, i thought they wear any shirt, i saw cuople wear black or blue shirtz under their overallz maybe i saw couple white buh i guess they jus think it lookz better wit white, haha

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-24-2002 03:11 AM:

interesting question; since i'm not krn, i wudn't noe, but i think this applies to most azn girlz. i guess white and blue just look good 2gethr y do guys alwaize wear black and khaki?

Posted by Street RSX on 06-24-2002 03:40 AM:

haha, troo, ima korean guy n i seem to jus go in a store n first thing i look at are usually black topz or khaki pantz, i think itz a habit...haha, probly same wit gurlz they jus like how it goez together...

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-24-2002 04:24 AM:

hm.. you could've just EDITED your first post
and i dont think its EVERY korean girl
cause i never worn white with overalls..
i like wearing black shirts with overalls..

but maybe the white shirt thing makes you look neater? innocenter? .. i got no idea


Posted by TAIgrr on 06-24-2002 10:57 PM:

hm. i found a pic that matches up with what youre trying to say:


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-25-2002 12:00 AM:

hyori is so pretti! man u can tell thaz an old pic tho...maib ur rite, it makes them look more "innocent". i want jean overalls...i dunno, i dun think i'd alwaize wear white wit them...but i do like guys hu wear black n khaki

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-25-2002 12:13 AM:

hahaaha.. you got smae taste as me dannyluv1tym!!
i like guys that wear black with khaki.. i like those khaki cargo pants


Posted by Street RSX on 06-25-2002 03:40 AM:

haha, nice people like mah style, haha, i usually go wit like black armani shirt n like tommy hifiger khakis, itz most comfortable n people say it looks nice...

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-27-2002 11:37 PM:

yup yup. blak n khkai on a guys....hottt *^^*
i once saw this realli hot guy wearin a black nautica shirt and baggy khakis and i almost fainted. mai frend thot it wuz funni (aznswthart )

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-27-2002 11:39 PM:

sorry haneul, this kinda got off topic... maib krn girls just like wearin white wit overalls? i dunno, isn't the universal outfit a white shirt and blue jeans newayz?

Posted by Street RSX on 06-28-2002 02:46 AM:

haha, everyone likes mah usual style... i usually go wit like black armani shirt n tommy khakiz, itz most comfortable dat actually lookz nice...

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-28-2002 02:54 AM:

street rsx.. post up your pic wearing your black armani shirt & tommy khakis


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-28-2002 08:09 AM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr
street rsx.. post up your pic wearing your black armani shirt & tommy khakis

i second

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 06-28-2002 05:25 PM:

oh yea

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Street RSX on 06-30-2002 03:50 AM:

haha, umm... then i have to go take pic n get it developed n shitz... or go out n buy a digital cam or sumthin... I'll try to get it dun az soon az possible then, i guess...

Posted by MellowYellow on 07-05-2002 08:08 AM:

i think this question is really stupid.... lol..... it's like asking.... why do ppl wear white shirts with jeans? uhm.... cuz they DO? lol..

white shirts and overalls? lol who cares.... and it's not just asian girls.... it's any girl who likes to wear overalls.... lol i usually don't wear a bright green shirt under overalls... it just looks kinda funky.... lol ... it's called FASHION SENSE maybe? since the overalls are the entire outfit you don't really have to wear anything too fancy underneath... any plain white t-shirt will do...lol ya know?

I hate google cache.

Posted by haneul on 07-05-2002 04:31 PM:

ok, i don't know why some people are getting an attitude cuz i asked this question. Quite frankly, I myself am a Korean, and I based this question simply cuz i noticed that a lot of other asian girls wear white shirts (instead of other 'normal' colored shirts) underneath their overalls. And wtf would anyone wear a green shirt??? ok....maybe grey? or black are better suggestions???

Posted by MellowYellow on 07-05-2002 07:28 PM:

Originally posted by haneul
And wtf would anyone wear a green shirt???

lol EXACTLY my point... that's why ppl just wear plain white shirts...cuz it's simple and easy and you don't have to try and coordinate your shoes....cuz white goes with anything... pick your answer ..... or maybe.... just maybe.... it LOOKS GOOD..... same with the guys wearing like... black tops and kahaki....it just looks good.... does there have to be a reason?

wtf do you mean by NORMAL? there is no NORMAL color..... all colors are different.... LMAO.....

and girl~ you don't WANT to see me getting an attitude... i'm just saying.... that this question is really stupid to ask cuz... well duh... like i said it's like asking "why do ppl breathe?" BE CAUSE THEY DO....

I hate google cache.

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