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-- Eugene's new album w/ JTL's TOny,KimJoHan,ImChangJung (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=12441)

Posted by qtlub on 05-31-2003 02:39 PM:

Eugene's new album w/ JTL's TOny,KimJoHan,ImChangJung

i knoe a lot of people portray eugene as a slut ever since the picture thing...cause i was reading at post a soompi...but please give her a chance...i knoe that people don't think she can sing or act...but..this album...this album...will make people knoe that she is trying...hehe....i was listening to the best....(her title song) and its good...but there a lot of better songs than "the best." but hopefully...she'll sing them..anyway...go and buy her album at yesasia.com its good....she has gotten singing lessons so her voice is better...people are still sayin she needs more practice..but come on..not everyone will be perfect to everyone's expectations...Please go and buy it...i heard her title song...its realli good...u can hear it at forses.net..Kim Jo Han made the song for her... her album is good...she got singing lessons and well...it made her voice A LOT better...trust me...please go and buy her album...her entertainment company isn't doing any HongBo which means they aren't advertising it...her album is good...JTL's Tony made her a song..Kim Jo han made her a song...and sang i think 2 duets with her..and als Im Chang Jung sang a duet with her...yesasia.com

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-01-2003 05:04 AM:

its nice to know youre supporting her..

btw you suond desperate.. and you repeated "she got voice lesson" 3 or 4 times..


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-30-2003 05:31 AM:

the album is ok. but, i don't appreciate how in her performances she's still lip syncing even when she's not dancing at all. if she really did improve, she'd sing live more often.

edit: actually, i just watched one of her live performances on KBS and she has improved a lot. well, good for her

Posted by happy_tears on 07-11-2003 01:13 AM:

i've never liked ses or anything.....but since tony ahn wrote the song 'bad boy' for her i'm planning on getting the album...but other then that i wouldn't get...tne best is pretty good though....i still think her voice is the same though...i don't hate her or anything though....


~Yay...Jae Won banners!!

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 07-11-2003 04:38 AM:

what picture thing

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

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