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Posted by PsychoSnowman on 07-13-2002 08:39 PM:

One nation - Under God

I heard something about this at the end of the O'Reilly Factor, but didn't catch it all. Is that what happened? The Supreme court removed the phrase "under god" from the pledge? Hmm not sure.

If so, then all i have to say is that it's about time that phrase was removed from the pledge of allegiance. I was never offended by it, but it really shouldn't be there.

Whats everyone else think?

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by aznkid1008 on 07-13-2002 09:02 PM:

well if we get rid of that from the pledge wat about "In God We Trust" on the coins and our money?
i think that is completely ridiculous, i grew up sayin that and so did the rest of the country. Under God, i dont get wats so bad about it? i mean people and politicians both say "God bless America" so wats goin on?

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 07-13-2002 09:17 PM:

this situation is technicalities at its worse

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 07-14-2002 06:59 AM:

Originally posted by aznkid1008
well if we get rid of that from the pledge wat about "In God We Trust" on the coins and our money?
i think that is completely ridiculous, i grew up sayin that and so did the rest of the country. Under God, i dont get wats so bad about it? i mean people and politicians both say "God bless America" so wats goin on?

I'm sorry, but history and tradition doesn't supercede logic. That wasn't the nicest way to put it, but it wasn't meant mean...more concise.

i'd assume other god slogans will be removed following this new precedent. Whats so bad about it? The first amendment, and what America stands for. It's explicitly endorsing the existence of a creator. Whats so bad about that? well, again...the first amendment and for what america stands for.

it's not that it offends people to the brink, moreso that it's a proclamation that atheists must just deal with saying without believing. We expect atheists, just because they don't believe in god, to find no offense in saying "one nation under god" when they should never have to say something they don't believe in the first place. Think about it, if it was flipflopped there'd be a large controversy and everyone would see the "offense" taken by it. It has become rather customary that people take creationist's side and just let the atheist "deal" with situations that would offend creationists deeply. Why do atheists have to have this huge tolerance? creationists, generally speaking for the activists,...don't.

It's far from technicalities at its worst. It's absurd that the phrases exist all around our country's symbols today. I really don't see the big deal about it, why is it so not bad to not say the god phrases? Wow that sentence had a lot of negatives in it haha. Anyway, lata everyone i'll be at debate camp for the next 3 weeks...so if i don't reply to this until then thats why.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by aznkid1008 on 07-14-2002 03:46 PM:

wait wat does the pledge sound like now??
and u kno wat f*#$ them i was growin up sayin under god, and god bless america. im christian, u want to stop me then they will hav 2 staple my mouth shut. im still sayin under god! who's wit me!

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 07-14-2002 04:34 PM:

Originally posted by aznkid1008
wait wat does the pledge sound like now??
and u kno wat f*#$ them i was growin up sayin under god, and god bless america. im christian, u want to stop me then they will hav 2 staple my mouth shut. im still sayin under god! who's wit me!

go ahead and say it.

But in the same stance, take it from the atheist point of view. They shouldn't HAVE to say it, and it should never even have been in there. Just like you shouldn't HAVE to say it, you can but it shouldn't be there in the first place. Get what i mean? Everyone puts atheists out in a second-seat to being offended, and assuming and acting like they should be more tolerant than all the religious groups. Well, they really shouldn't have to. Why don't we replace the word God with Allah? (grammatical technicalities aren't the point if they're wrong) Then you could tolerate it as well and just believe whatever you believe. Oh, you don't want to? But you're being forced to say something you don't believe in...oh wait...thats what atheists have to do all the time. See? It is a big deal, the only reason people make it not so is because the majority of our nation isn't atheist (though a great number is), and they refuse to see it through that point of view. If it were one of religion we'd be all over it, but since it's just the atheists people somehow have the audacity to claim it's ludicrous...when it's not.

One closing comment...Why do atheists have to be so tolerant of everything when all the other religious groups aren't?

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 07-17-2002 08:59 PM:

ah, just heard from someone here at camp that it was about to be named unconstitutional but they have it stalled now for all judges (what? haha) or something to vote on it or some shiite like that.

So, it's pending.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by krnxswat on 07-17-2002 09:10 PM:

Re: One nation - Under God

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman
I heard something about this at the end of the O'Reilly Factor, but didn't catch it all. Is that what happened? The Supreme court removed the phrase "under god" from the pledge? Hmm not sure.

If so, then all i have to say is that it's about time that phrase was removed from the pledge of allegiance. I was never offended by it, but it really shouldn't be there.

Whats everyone else think?

heh yeah, i heard this on the radio too`

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by bigChubuff on 07-22-2002 08:48 PM:

this shit is gay
what the hell is america cummin to

Posted by *supagirL* on 07-23-2002 02:56 AM:

our nation was created by protestants.. iss the foundation of America.. buh since it violates our rights- it really shouldn't be there because we have freedom of religion-


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 07-25-2002 08:55 PM:

Originally posted by *supagirL*
our nation was created by protestants.. iss the foundation of America.. buh since it violates our rights- it really shouldn't be there because we have freedom of religion-

exactly, now why do people find that so hard to understand? hah.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by tea on 07-25-2002 08:57 PM:

i dont care about this

that shit is so elementary school


Posted by huby40 on 07-25-2002 09:39 PM:

nobody says the pledge anymore in my school, haha nobody cares about it.

Posted by seung ju on 07-26-2002 04:35 AM:

the country was founded on christian beliefs. if people dont like it, gguh jyuh. go move to canada or some shit.

saying one nation under god putting that guy's daughter under stress? please. i guess her stress would have nothing to do with the custody battle she's in the middle of between him and his ex wife. whatever.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 07-26-2002 04:39 AM:

well as long as they don't demand to change the money, im coo

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by seung ju on 07-26-2002 03:59 PM:

my uncle sent me this a while back:

Good one by Dennis Miller:

He said recently on his show, regarding the judges who declared the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional:

"So, Your Honor, the Pledge is unconstitutional because it says 'Under God'. Guess that means when you were sworn in with your hand on a Bible, and at the end of your oath repeated, ''So Help Me God' that makes your job unconstitutional. Therefore you have no job, which means your ruling doesn't mean anything!"

Posted by volcom strider on 07-26-2002 07:59 PM:

quote from nas:

the chinese built the railroads
the indian save the pilgrim
in return the pilgrim killed him
they call it thanksgiving
i call your holiday hell day.

country may be founded by pilgrims with christian-protestant beliefs, but you forget they weren't the only ones. the spanish and french both believed in catholicism. the native americans who the first there believed in their own rituals and beliefs. this country established no true religion, when it came to be. the only reason why it says 'in god we trust' is because most of the soldiers who fought in the revolutionary war were christian believers during that time. they trusted god even before they wrote the declaration of independence. they also knew that religion would screw over the government like the spanish inquisitions and the heresy trials. after the revolution was all over, many people from various nations that had different ethics and religions had come to a nation that stands for freedom (not pure freedom though). you want an example? look at the civil war - african slaves brought from both/either the carribean or ivory coast were signifying their religion of voodoo-ism. they even worshipped their god while in captivity (slavery). it doesn't matter who founded this country first or what religion this country is based upon. the word god signifies diety, who people worship. there is no distinct, exact god in which they were talking about (now these days they don't; but most probably when they meant god as in a christian god.)

as for the 'in god we trust', most probable reason why they got the court cases going on about that is because it's on money (u.s. treasury) and the pledge (the solemn oath) which are both part of the state. in which there shall be not relationship between state and church what-so-ever.

Posted by seung ju on 07-26-2002 08:21 PM:

Originally posted by volcom strider
african slaves brought from both/either the carribean or ivory coast were signifying their religion of voodoo-ism. they even worshipped their god while in captivity (slavery).

not all slaves practiced voodoo-ism, and most werent allowed to hold any kind of worship services while under captivity.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 07-27-2002 01:13 AM:

no, as improbable it may be and as ridiculous many anti-slaveryites have tried to make it seem, slaves had sunday off. Read any AP US history text.

However i am sure there are exceptions to this rule. Perhaps with an atheist slave owner which was a rare case in the Southern US during the 1800s

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by seung ju on 07-27-2002 04:01 AM:

yeah, they were allowed to practice chrisitian worship services under close supervision, but not services of their own religion.

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