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Posted by Chunhui on 09-19-2002 12:43 AM:

New Board

Hey Jusunlee, are you using VBulletin? Why not use Invisionboard? Its free and looks better.

Just my 2 cents.

Posted by ajy on 09-19-2002 02:23 AM:

yeah hes using vbulletin. i guess thats just the mans preference. and btw you can get any program free these days wit kazaa and cracks/serialz.

Posted by Chunhui on 09-19-2002 02:54 AM:

True, but it feels outdated. Theres alot of things you can do with Invisionboard.

Posted by Street RSX on 09-19-2002 08:22 PM:

hmm mabe.. buh yea he might like vbulletin betta, or never used invisionboard.. try pming him, he probabli has his reasonz...

Posted by Chunhui on 09-19-2002 08:29 PM:

I did PM him, but he never responds back.

Posted by micron on 09-19-2002 10:58 PM:

umm. i never got your pm. and ive tried ikonboard starting back in the version2 days. so i can pretty much say im old school with that forum software and was around when matt (developer for ikonboard3) left javis and created his own company and board (ibforums) because of a dispute.

ibforums is a great forums software. but in the past, ikonboard(2,3) was infamous for being a cpu hog (even with mysql db backend). ibforums (which like vb is programmed with php) suffers from the same predicament and puts more load on the processor than vbulliten.

so thats why im using vbulletin.

Posted by Koreanman on 09-20-2002 02:57 AM:

Heres another reason , or number 1 reason why i hate VB. It keeps messing around with my username. I think this is my 3rd time changing my username due to the invalid message.

When i tried to log in it gave me this message

Error : Invalid User. Please contact the administrator for assistance.

I deleted my cookies and logged out. Plus, im using my home computer. Whats wrong? I hope it won't happen again.

Posted by LiL_HyeSung on 09-21-2002 03:18 PM:

Originally posted by jusunlee

ibforums is a great forums software. but in the past, ikonboard(2,3) was infamous for being a cpu hog (even with mysql db backend). ibforums (which like vb is programmed with php) suffers from the same predicament and puts more load on the processor than vbulliten.

so thats why im using vbulletin.

ummz....rite....did not get one word u sed..


Posted by Ace of Pace on 10-04-2002 03:42 AM:

Originally posted by jusunlee
umm. i never got your pm.

I can see that this forum software is much better all right.

Posted by tea on 10-04-2002 09:58 AM:

why does this nigga have so many damn sns? whats the purpose


Posted by indecisive on 10-05-2002 04:53 AM:

eeeww....no invision board is dirty...no...eeww.....

go UBB..heh. actually like VB better but the UBB CP is better than the VB CP



"cuz no matter how long U've known them or how well U think U know them..the friendship can be over in a second" ~Indecisive

"you don't realize how much of a luxury cup holders are until you don't have em" ~Indecisive

Posted by sungkim on 10-15-2002 03:04 AM:

Originally posted by jusunlee
umm. i never got your pm. and ive tried ikonboard starting back in the version2 days. so i can pretty much say im old school with that forum software and was around when matt (developer for ikonboard3) left javis and created his own company and board (ibforums) because of a dispute.

ibforums is a great forums software. but in the past, ikonboard(2,3) was infamous for being a cpu hog (even with mysql db backend). ibforums (which like vb is programmed with php) suffers from the same predicament and puts more load on the processor than vbulliten.

so thats why im using vbulletin.

There are reasons why vB is better than IB and why IB is better than vB but what you're saying is definitely not one of them. Ibforums does not suffer the same predicament as Ikon and it definitely does not put more load than vBulletin. Many people have tested the performance and so have I. Ibforums always beats vBulletin in terms of performance, especially at high usage. I have numerous clients with vB and iB installs and I'll tell you right now as a server administrator, vB puts more toll on the server than iB.... I would estimate approximately 10-20% more...

Posted by micron on 10-16-2002 07:57 PM:

thanks for your input. i was thinking of switching to ibforums once v1.1 comes out and now you've made my resolution to do so stronger.

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 10-18-2002 07:54 PM:

when will the new boards be installed? n is it also gonna cause some downtime?


Posted by sungkim on 10-22-2002 09:29 PM:

Sometime after October 29th when Invision Board v1.1 is being released...

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