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Posted by heyitsdean on 11-01-2002 12:21 AM:

Coming out...

Hi, i am sorry if you thought this post was genuine, but i am not gay. I have no reason to come out. My friend posted that as me as a joke. For those of you going through that, best of luck and i hope you don't meet any ignorace along the way.

We're Hard Hitting
Always been Cool as Hell
Got trees in my mirror so my car don't smell

Posted by Jj2 on 11-01-2002 12:31 AM:

yeah, been there...but u shouldnt ponder on it too much...it aint good. i think it'll be rewarding if it just 'solved' by itself in the sense that u wont be confusing urself too much so by just 'going easy' on it...u'll be able to think clearer and things will come ur way. hope that made sense

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by Spuzzter on 11-01-2002 04:17 AM:

I agree, the best thing to do would be to go through with it. As with most hard decisions in life, action is the best remedy.. just follow your gut.

I'll support you at school, don't worry

Posted by untouchable on 11-01-2002 04:36 AM:

well if u dOnt tell anyone, the situation will stay as it is now. but would you really want it that way?

real eyes . realize . real lies

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