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Posted by bUhrI_sAuCe47 on 01-20-2003 08:47 PM:

Unhappy limit to friendship...

IS there a limit on HOW close you can be with your friends? Or is there a different level of how close you can be with other people? I was just thinking that..when one of my friends said, "there should be some tightness with friends..but not that much." does it lead into some comflicts that might result into an...end to the best friendship? I need your advice people....thank you~

www.xanga.com/basoonee012 cHecK oUt My woRld of cAlLed lIfE...WARNING: yOu miGht bEcOme UhrIbuHrI fRoM thiS sItE~!!! = ( ^ _ ^ ) = flY aWAy wIth mY wINgs~ KiM JaE wOn 4raNg hAe~

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 01-23-2003 02:08 AM:

a limit to friendship? like do u mean how much time u guys spend together or how close u become? well...in mai experience, i tend to get tired of pplz if i see them too much and then the friendship kinda dissipates. i dunno tho, thaz juss me: i like mai own space. but if u feel u cud go on talking to this person forever and that u guys will alwaize be close and stuff then there shudn't be a problem.
mm sorri, duz that help?

Posted by Alchemist on 01-23-2003 03:13 AM:

"Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer"

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