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Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-18-2002 12:49 AM:

At school dances

are you allowed to freak?

we're not :[ we have to keep one foot away from eachother gay ass skoo -_-

Posted by TAIgrr on 08-18-2002 01:06 AM:

well, the teachers dont approve it

but they let the students do it anyway (white girls cannot freak. , hahahaha.. neither can i.. hahahaahah)

like two years ago, before i was in high school..
the teachers banned thongs

so like the chicks went on somekind of strike
and now they allow thongs..


Posted by jini on 08-18-2002 01:12 AM:


even at homecoming people freak. i guess we had more freedom in skoo than i thought.. i heard the skoo board is tryin to stop the grls n guys from wearin explicit clothes.

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Posted by HHxEliTE on 08-18-2002 03:52 AM:

everyone at our school freaks..i dun think teachers give a fuqq no more. haha... in middle school... they said no "bumpin or grindin" allowed at the dance.. it was hilarious.... but i dunno how to freak either.. so. wuhebers...

sHIET happens.. then u move ON

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-18-2002 07:27 AM:

sum pplz freak, but not that many. pplz wear sum revealing clothes to dances, but i guess they dun get in that much trouble cuz i dun see em get kicked out

Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 08-18-2002 07:49 AM:

we aint but every1 dOze anyhOw... N wOrd 2 taigrr... wite grlz CANNOT freak... mai gOotness...

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

Posted by tm11 on 08-19-2002 06:11 PM:

our school dances are lame. They're funny though. After the football/soccer/basketball game, people will go home (mainly girls) and skankify themselves. Then at the dance people do freak, there's some pretty risque stuff that goes on there, and teachers either don't notice or won't do anything about it, it's the latter in my opinion.
I can't stand school dances though, freaking with people you know like that is so wierd.

word is bond

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 08-19-2002 08:25 PM:

most girls at my school are ugly anyways so i wouldn't freak with them for $100

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 08-19-2002 09:44 PM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter
most girls at my school are ugly anyways so i wouldn't freak with them for $100

ahahah! how bout $200?

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 08-19-2002 10:22 PM:

Originally posted by hip hOp Yu Ja

ahahah! how bout $200?

hehe i would freak with you for nutthin forget the 200

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 08-20-2002 09:15 PM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter

hehe i would freak with you for nutthin forget the 200

ahahahaha! shO funnie~ aytz den next skOol dance! yOo kan B mai guest eh?

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 08-22-2002 01:07 AM:

no freakin at mai skoo......thinkin of what girls would be nice to watch....haha


Posted by Ladi Jay on 08-22-2002 10:09 PM:

no one freaks at my school... I don't even think they've heard of freaking... I'd ask them and they'd be like, "Freaking? What do you mean?"

I find it kinda I look at people who do it and they look so so so foolish, and I don't wanna look foolish so I don't even do it. Okai, mebbe...

Posted by junjinluber33 on 08-23-2002 12:56 AM:

at my skool we are.. buh i went to my friends school's sadies and omgosh... there were so many teachers making sure that we dont intertwine our legs.... one time i was all freakin with my other two friends n this lady comes over and says... "uhhh... dont do that~" except she like moved her head all weird when she sed it~ haha! okkie... i think ish a you had to be there thing...


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Posted by mc_jjang on 08-24-2002 04:45 AM:

i wanna learn how to freak... damn it seems fun... but anyways breakin is the best...




Posted by I LiL x dAiSy I on 08-26-2002 03:20 AM:

i cant freak, altho i wanna learn .ahhaha. nobody duz it at mah school. -_-; prlly cux they dunno how. ehe. i cant dance . i loook retarded wen i dance. -_-; the school dances are so boringgggg. the music is friggn retarded. and its so fcuken funny wen ppl slow dance. they look like penguins that are unbalanced. -_-; anywayzzzzz...

wuSsuhhhhhh. =D

muh xanga! =D


pix -xanga-

oi b a b i e io

i cO o O oOkie i (5 o`s)

I LiL dAiSy I


d a i s y y xD

Posted by eddiee on 08-26-2002 03:35 AM:

LoL balanced penguins

Posted by junjinluber33 on 08-26-2002 07:56 AM:

get ur freak on, get ur freak on


click^ leave a msg in my chatter box!

team3 biotch! its da group blog

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