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Posted by Zero-Sen on 09-16-2002 04:49 AM:


THINK ABOUT IT. if you die, and there is a heaven, itz like FOREVER. whoa.. and then, if there ISN't one YOU STOP EXISTING. whoa.. i know you probably already thought about dis.. so have i.. but it still like scares me. even though heaven is suppose to be good and all.. whoa..

anyhow, don't dwell on it too long or you'll get f*cked up. w00t.

Posted by castle outsider on 09-16-2002 06:51 AM:

im so scared that no matter what you do right now...you could juss end up being worm food..its like juss sleeping and you dont wake up, you dont remember it, thats the end, you juss dont feel anything from that point on

Posted by Zero-Sen on 09-16-2002 06:22 PM:

indeeed. i mean, it just scares me so much. like dying. and like EVERY minute that passes is just another minute used of my life. erf.

Posted by ajy on 09-16-2002 06:54 PM:

i got really depressed like 2 years thinking about this lmao, like what if there is no afterlife and you just see black for ever?

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 09-17-2002 01:51 AM:

yea...i've thot about that. i think everyone is scared of dying except those whoa re strongly rooted in their life (heaven, reincarnation, etc.) i dun think heaven wud be boring tho, cuz once u die and if u get in heaven, God is all that u will need. u won't need or want nething else. like wen i wuz little, i thot heaven wud be this wonderful place where there were never-ending rollercoasters and where i cud do pefect cartwheels ^^ but now i realize that once we die, those kinds of things won't matter to us nemore.
so...dun dwell on it too much. if nething, i guess it's a message to start livin ur life like there's no 2morro. it's a good way to live so wen u do die, u'll feel like u LIVED

Posted by saranghae on 09-17-2002 02:07 AM:

ah... all this talk is making my head hurt =P

i thought about this too... and its juss as zero-sen said... "woah" its scary thinking if wut if u don't make it to heaven and end up in hell... or if there is no heaven... wut would happen? become a spirit... live on earth... watch over people?

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 09-17-2002 05:34 AM:

well, i firmly believe in heaven, n reaffirmed my faith in Christ.....so to me, im sure where im goin.....well for christians, if u believe that Jesus was the one n only Son of God, that he died for our sins, n that he rose again on the 3rd day, n the only to salvation n eternal life is thru Him, well, ur goin to heaven......although it is kind of scary to think would happen if im not goin to heaven


Posted by rhymester* on 09-18-2002 05:15 PM:

sometimes i think that we are in hell...you know, being here on earth is hell!
cos if you are in heaven, you would be happy all the time right? and if you're happy all the time, would you know you're happy? cos we compare happiness to sadness/anger/etc..if you don't have that to compare to, how would you know you are happy? how would you know how happiness feels, until you suffer from sadness??

i duno..i think too much >_<|||

buddhism believes in reincarnation, that our souls are reborn until the day we get enlightened. i think that makes more sense to me.


Posted by ajy on 09-19-2002 02:16 AM:

everyone i think is scared of dying. i know sure as hell i am. even though when you are really mad you may say 'i wish i was dead', you really dont. imagine just not being here, itll put a lot of things into perspective for you

Posted by mariposa on 09-19-2002 05:47 AM:

actually, i know that when i die i will be with my creator in paradise, so i do not fear death itself, i fear the pain of dying - just that momment of knowing that your life as you know it is slipping away - and relying on your faith to keep you sane in those last seconds -

i wondered about the afterlife a lot - and . . . i know this sounds crazy but i when i was younger, if i wondered about something, i'd pray about it, and i'd get my answer in a dream. this is what i THINK heaven will be like as it (i believe) has been revealed to me.
what i saw in my dream was . . . pure majesty - that's the only way i can describe it - where everything is peace b/c God's presence is completely realized. ummm, i did not see earthly things, everything i saw in my dream was . . . beauty that we don't know on earth - and that makes sense to me, b/c why would God have us live on earth and promise us eternity if heaven was just like this sinful place - no, i think heaven is much greater - i do believe there is much in store for us


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