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Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-17-2002 11:40 PM:


it's The key to a womans fertility, and the objective of home fertility testing is to predict when ovulation will take place

"What is Ovulation ?"
During each menstrual cycle a single egg will develop and mature in your ovaries. Ovulation is the time when this mature egg is released into the fallopian tube. This usually happens around 14 days after the first day of your last menstrual period and you are only fertile for a few days around the time of ovulation - this is why it is important to know when you will ovulate!

"Why is Ovulation relevant ?"
If you really want to become pregnant then the best time to have intercourse is 1-2 days before ovulation, or on the day ovulation occurs. In this way sperm will be released into the vagina and travel towards the egg at just the right time - this gives you the best chances of fertilisation and therefore pregnancy.

This process of ovulation is triggered by the release of a hormone from the brain called Luteinising Hormone (LH) and the levels of the hormone increase significantly in blood and urine about 1-2 days before ovulation. This is why the most reliable and accurate home test of ovulation is the one that measures this increase in LH - and by doing this it can tell you when you are going to ovulate! Click Here to see details of our best home test which will predict ovulation for you.

This hormone, LH, causes the egg to be released into the fallopian tube in readiness for fertilisation. During the few days after ovulation the egg will travel down the fallopian tube to the womb. It stays there for two or three days and if it is has not fertilised it dies and is expelled with the womb lining at the start of menstruation, usually 12-16 days later.

"How can you test for Ovulation?"
You can test your own urine for the presence of LH by using our Lady Ovulation Tester kit. Its simple to use and easy to purchase On-line. We also have a Micro-Ovulation Tester product which is so cheap and effective that it is ideal for use by women with irrgeular menstrual cycles who may have to use more tests each month than those women with regular cycles

Posted by MellowYellow on 08-18-2002 05:45 AM:

yea i guess ppl dont' really care about ovulation unless they're TRYING to get pregnant....

i think most girls get it without knowing their ovulating days though... lol...

I hate google cache.

Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 08-18-2002 09:42 AM:

i feel lyk im in sex ed klass lOlz! shO infOrmative~ ^^

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

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