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Posted by tm11 on 01-02-2003 08:27 AM:

crush thread

describe your crush. What do you like about them?

word is bond

Posted by KpSwEeTiE143 on 01-02-2003 03:12 PM:

ii dont have a current crush .. i dunno i just need to concentrate on school and stuff first i've had bf's before and it sometimes gets hard to keep up with everything...anyways yupyup no crushes at da moment


Posted by niggoreanboi on 01-02-2003 06:55 PM:

i ain't gota crush T-T not really attracted to any female in my skoo T_T

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 01-02-2003 07:48 PM:

hm..all my "crushes" are people i don't knoe. they're very cryptic..and makes me want to get to know them better. so all my crushes tend to develop on the way they present themselves... attitude, style, etc. however...those are just merely crushes. the type of person i end up liking is nothing like my "crush"
my current crush is a "dark prince" ..tall [taller than me ^^], dark, and has a very distinct look.
kinda quiet, doesnt really talk to people he doesn't know.

Posted by MasWusHot on 01-03-2003 01:36 AM:

hmmm my crush hehe y i like him? I like him because hes very funny..hes always makin me laugh..he has a nice side that my 2 closest friends dont see haha but i can see it...he is cute< I dunno my friends dont agree with me on that either but they dont like him haha if i like someone then no matter what people think i find them attractive in my own ways. lol (btw he is cute haha my friends are just weird!! sry kristen haha) um I just like his style...the way he doesnt care if he comes to school with his hair messed up and stuff like that..god im doin a bad job at explanin this haha so ill just stop!

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xxkpopxx/bhgft.bmp"><br><br>
its better to lose a lover, than to love a loser

Posted by Spartan on 01-03-2003 03:44 AM:

I have this huge crush on this girl at school. She has a fine body, but her face is perfect. She's got these perfect lips, they're full and lucious. She has these deep green eyes that I could just sink into... I stare at her like for minutes at a time and she looks at me and I'm like "SHIT!" and I dart my gaze like to the chalkboard. Her hair is straight and like this river that totally complements her face. She's smart I geuss, I mean, she's in all smart classes. I've talked to her once in a while, she's not a total ditz. She started crying during english, cause she wrote about her grandfather. I wanted to hug her and hold her and tell her everything is alright, but I'm mad ugly... T.T but I know I couldn't get anywhere with her. I'm like a reject, and she's pretty popular. I'm not that rich, but she is. ~Sigh~

**rei ayanami is hot**

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 01-03-2003 04:13 AM:

my last crush ...

we had such an on and off relationship .. so i could never say we were together .. ( bummer )

but we had alot of history together ..

he was taller than me!! thats a plus .. freakin asian guys are shorter than me ... ( the ones that i find )

he made me feel small and protected ...

i liked the way his arms felt around me ... the way he smelled ... the way his fingers caressed my hair ... the way he held my hand .. his deep voice .. the way he sang .. and rapped ..

i like the way he picked at his hair .. his outgoing personality .. talking to people he dont know on the street ..

he was like the whole freakin package ... egh .. -_- imma havta get over him

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 01-03-2003 04:29 AM:

he has a very prominent nose, small head, big ears, jewish and white, about 5'7", is soooo thuggish, he's black on the inside, well versed in ebonics and hip nelly style slang, can make the ladies envy him, where's big echo sweatshirts, and is just sooo sexy!

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by IamJ on 01-03-2003 05:19 AM:

meeh n him are really tyte...he's chinese...freshie like meeh...nyce...tall....swt...caring...funny...dope....fun to chill with...n he's always there yoo noe...hehe and he's really cute too

Posted by TAIgrr on 01-03-2003 05:33 AM:

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman
he has a very prominent nose, small head, big ears, jewish and white, about 5'7", is soooo thuggish, he's black on the inside, well versed in ebonics and hip nelly style slang, can make the ladies envy him, where's big echo sweatshirts, and is just sooo sexy!

HAHHAHHAHAHAAH! everyone, snowmans a gay guy jp

my crush.. is not that goodlooking, but he acts and smiles cute and he's very gooooooood to me sucha gentleman


Posted by KingWej on 01-03-2003 05:39 AM:

well I dunno I usually have like 3 crushes... I just open my option at all times

Hard work pays off later, laziness pays off NOW

Posted by JuBiLee on 01-03-2003 05:48 AM:


he's a good frend of myne.. but we dun really talk that much..
when there's ppl around we rarely talk but when its just us 2 we talk quite a bit.. yet sometiems nothign at all... (sux) y i like him? well he's cute, kind, funny guy with a good heart. i love his smile. it makes me smile too ^^ he shows it no matter what.. whether he's happy or sad, he always smile

sometimes when i see him, i start thinking.. cuz i know we will never be more than frendz
how do i know? i just do..

Posted by nas on 01-03-2003 06:02 AM:

Originally posted by Spartan
I have this huge crush on this girl at school. She has a fine body, but her face is perfect. She's got these perfect lips, they're full and lucious. She has these deep green eyes that I could just sink into... I stare at her like for minutes at a time and she looks at me and I'm like "SHIT!" and I dart my gaze like to the chalkboard. Her hair is straight and like this river that totally complements her face. She's smart I geuss, I mean, she's in all smart classes. I've talked to her once in a while, she's not a total ditz. She started crying during english, cause she wrote about her grandfather. I wanted to hug her and hold her and tell her everything is alright, but I'm mad ugly... T.T I just love her so much, but I know I couldn't get anywhere with her. I'm like a reject, and she's pretty popular. I'm not that rich, but she is. ~Sigh~

Heh, don't be like that... You just love her so much? ^^; Try talking to her more and maybe you'll get over your infatuation; like her personality, not looks.. good luck with her Good luck everyone with their crush ^^; (especially you Psycho... seems like a totally unique person you got ther )


I know you better than you think I do-don't
worry dear, this is why I fell in love with you.
The man in the looking glass, is looking back
at you at last. You can't hide from the truth
because the truth is all there is.
And the truth hurts because the truth is all there is.
I realized some time ago, that I would have to let you go...
- Handsome Boy Modeling School

Posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0 on 01-03-2003 07:31 AM:

Originally posted by Spartan
I have this huge crush on this girl at school. She has a fine body, but her face is perfect. She's got these perfect lips, they're full and lucious. She has these deep green eyes that I could just sink into... I stare at her like for minutes at a time and she looks at me and I'm like "SHIT!" and I dart my gaze like to the chalkboard. Her hair is straight and like this river that totally complements her face. She's smart I geuss, I mean, she's in all smart classes. I've talked to her once in a while, she's not a total ditz. She started crying during english, cause she wrote about her grandfather. I wanted to hug her and hold her and tell her everything is alright, but I'm mad ugly... T.T I just love her so much, but I know I couldn't get anywhere with her. I'm like a reject, and she's pretty popular. I'm not that rich, but she is. ~Sigh~

face the facts, you don't deserve a girl like that with your pessimistic attitude and low self-confidence. and by the way, from the way you described her solely based on physical appearance, all you have towards her is lust and physical attraction.
read what you wrote. how do you describe her personality? do you even care about her inner qualities? let me answer that for you, with your very own words: "she's not a total ditz". if that's all u can say... then your shallow as hell.
you bring up looks, popularity, and financial status into your problem, which all leads to one conclusion: your perception on love is messed up. those are NOT factors that should be found affecting the people you like and care for. don't be a fool; you have no clue what love is about, and have no right to go around saying you "love" this girl when you should instead be saying something along the lines of "she makes me horny when i see her".
and this is where i get mean and say that if you know your mad ugly, then be realistic with your standards. don't go chasing after people you know you can't get.

¢´ Face The Facts ¢´

Posted by rhymester* on 01-03-2003 07:51 AM:

my crush is a guy i know, first time i was attracted to him was his dressing and his cute face with chubby cheeks, then i grew out of it. then i got to know him, he's so funny! he really makes me laugh, and vice versa hahaha and when he's doing something he's in complete concentration with a serious face and all, then when he sees you he breaks out into a smile. haha i like that a lot! well its just a crush so, i guess it will pass. but in the mean time i'm enjoying having one on such a nice funny guy!! haha


Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 01-03-2003 08:14 AM:

Originally posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0
face the facts, you don't deserve a girl like that with your pessimistic attitude and low self-confidence. and by the way, from the way you described her solely based on physical appearance, all you have towards her is lust and physical attraction.
read what you wrote. how do you describe her personality? do you even care about her inner qualities? let me answer that for you, with your very own words: "she's not a total ditz". if that's all u can say... then your shallow as hell.
you bring up looks, popularity, and financial status into your problem, which all leads to one conclusion: your perception on love is messed up. those are NOT factors that should be found affecting the people you like and care for. don't be a fool; you have no clue what love is about, and have no right to go around saying you "love" this girl when you should instead be saying something along the lines of "she makes me horny when i see her".
and this is where i get mean and say that if you know your mad ugly, then be realistic with your standards. don't go chasing after people you know you can't get.

face the ass thats why they're called crushes.



Posted by PsychoSnowman on 01-03-2003 08:29 AM:

Originally posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0
face the facts, you don't deserve a girl like that with your pessimistic attitude and low self-confidence. and by the way, from the way you described her solely based on physical appearance, all you have towards her is lust and physical attraction.
read what you wrote. how do you describe her personality? do you even care about her inner qualities? let me answer that for you, with your very own words: "she's not a total ditz". if that's all u can say... then your shallow as hell.
you bring up looks, popularity, and financial status into your problem, which all leads to one conclusion: your perception on love is messed up. those are NOT factors that should be found affecting the people you like and care for. don't be a fool; you have no clue what love is about, and have no right to go around saying you "love" this girl when you should instead be saying something along the lines of "she makes me horny when i see her".
and this is where i get mean and say that if you know your mad ugly, then be realistic with your standards. don't go chasing after people you know you can't get.

yes exactly sang, i was about to say that as well. You presupposed wrong here psytek, i usually agree with you, but you're making this thread into a "love" thread when it's nothing more than an infatuation/lust/crush thread. It's even called "crush thread" it's a crush, you're harping over nothing. Looks like he all ready knows that. Sure you could argue it's in "love and dating," you could argue a lot of things but that'd be terrible argumentation and stupid at that. It's called "crush thread", hence it will be a crush post. Crushes aren't real love, everyone knows that, and his post is shallow because he is responding on topic...pertaining to a crush. As crushes are usually developed through physical attraction...it would be shallow. Wow, good one there buddy.

And he doesn't deserve a girl like that? Why not? Sure he does. I know you all ready said why, i say "why not" as an expression, as in you give no good reasons. A bad attitude isn't a reason why i shouldn't be able to win the nobel prize. That's exactly what you are saying. You can try and delineate between my example and yours but i don't think you'll be able to. And, no need to harp over the fact that i'm objectifying women here, cause i'm not really...if i am it's effectual and hence i dont' care cause i'm responding to your logic, and if i must objectify in the process i don't think it will matter that much. Anyway, who cares if i compare women to the nobel prize, that is how your line of thinking was headed if i extrapolated beyond far enough.

who cares if he is shallow? I really don't, and sure you could simply respond ot this and say "i do," but really...why is it that important? He isn't even saying this is his ideal "love", he's saying it's his crush. I'm sure you've had them before. And, if you were to describe one of your crushes we could all say the same thing to you, and it'd still be that irrelevent since it'd still be a crush, not love.

When he said he "love[s] this girl so much" i'm sure he meant that he has deep caring feelings for her and realizes it's not a real love. You presupposed this was his epitome of "love" just becuase he tossed the word out there. You could argue a trivialization argument about how using the word trivializes it's meaning, but it won't get you anywhere. Pay attention to the context and that will give you the answer.

Finally, it's not like he's chasing after her. For the tenth time, it's only a crush. He says he wants to, but do you see him doing it? not really, cause he's not. Furthermore, why not go and chase after the best? Nothing wrong with that. If you fail what do you get? Maybe emotional hurt, but then again i don't really care for emotions. Yep, fun stuff.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0 on 01-03-2003 07:50 PM:

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman
yes exactly sang, i was about to say that as well. You presupposed wrong here psytek, i usually agree with you, but you're making this thread into a "love" thread when it's nothing more than an infatuation/lust/crush thread. It's even called "crush thread" it's a crush, you're harping over nothing. Looks like he all ready knows that. Sure you could argue it's in "love and dating," you could argue a lot of things but that'd be terrible argumentation and stupid at that. It's called "crush thread", hence it will be a crush post. Crushes aren't real love, everyone knows that, and his post is shallow because he is responding on topic...pertaining to a crush. As crushes are usually developed through physical attraction...it would be shallow. Wow, good one there buddy.

And he doesn't deserve a girl like that? Why not? Sure he does. I know you all ready said why, i say "why not" as an expression, as in you give no good reasons. A bad attitude isn't a reason why i shouldn't be able to win the nobel prize. That's exactly what you are saying. You can try and delineate between my example and yours but i don't think you'll be able to. And, no need to harp over the fact that i'm objectifying women here, cause i'm not really...if i am it's effectual and hence i dont' care cause i'm responding to your logic, and if i must objectify in the process i don't think it will matter that much. Anyway, who cares if i compare women to the nobel prize, that is how your line of thinking was headed if i extrapolated beyond far enough.

who cares if he is shallow? I really don't, and sure you could simply respond ot this and say "i do," but really...why is it that important? He isn't even saying this is his ideal "love", he's saying it's his crush. I'm sure you've had them before. And, if you were to describe one of your crushes we could all say the same thing to you, and it'd still be that irrelevent since it'd still be a crush, not love.

When he said he "love[s] this girl so much" i'm sure he meant that he has deep caring feelings for her and realizes it's not a real love. You presupposed this was his epitome of "love" just becuase he tossed the word out there. You could argue a trivialization argument about how using the word trivializes it's meaning, but it won't get you anywhere. Pay attention to the context and that will give you the answer.

Finally, it's not like he's chasing after her. For the tenth time, it's only a crush. He says he wants to, but do you see him doing it? not really, cause he's not. Furthermore, why not go and chase after the best? Nothing wrong with that. If you fail what do you get? Maybe emotional hurt, but then again i don't really care for emotions. Yep, fun stuff.

nice little lecture. in my opinion, a crush should be more than just someone you physically lust after. i guess people in your location as well as other places don't think the same. i may be wrong in terms of knowing the exact definition of a crush and the principles that surround it... but from my personal experience, i do know all my past crushes had much, much more to do with other things than lust or physical attraction. rightfully so. they were solid interests built on their personality and the way they acted. but like i said... maybe it's just me.

and don't even go there trying to defend his reasoning of putting the word "love" into his post. that is an argument YOU cannot win, master debater.
When he said he "love[s] this girl so much" i'm sure he meant that he has deep caring feelings for her and realizes it's not a real love.
i think from the context which YOU did not pay close enough attention to, he views "deep caring feelings" and "love" as the same thing. therefore he DOES purposely use it in a useless way since he is mixing up meanings of what love really means with something he's fabricated in his head. crushes are usually placed on a high pedestal in one's mind, meaning they DO have a correlation with "the ideal love" which one would seek to obtain at that stage in their life.

finally, as a small side note, face the facts... you made your post longer than you had to. i'm fine with you arguing with me, but DON'T go off trying to be smart, immediately answering questions you supposedly think i was going to ask you in a rebuttal argument. your argument was good (i'm sure that's what you like to hear), but i don't like reading about what you presume i'm going to say in a counter-argument. i wasn't thinking or asking any of the things you extrapolated on... so don't flatter yourself as to think that you know how my train of thought works. well u can save yourself the reply, since i DID mix up the meaning of a crush and a serious love interest. so you "win" by default. just know in the future that i'm not here to argue; i'm here to give criticism with justification.

¢´ Face The Facts ¢´

Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 01-03-2003 08:14 PM:

psytek's funny. xP hes a good man. haha =X

well i dont really have a crush. i dont really like to lust over pplz..its a waste of time..haha usually if i come to like a person i alreayd know them and i like to have a firm relationship wit that person. i mean the relationship doesnt have to be going out, just being good friends is good.

am i making sense again? aiya..i cant think. T.T

Thank you Eddie for the oh-so-wonderful avatar! ^^

Propz to Sam. yayy~ haha

my xanga that i finally put up~
*MeOw MeOW*

Posted by roentgen on 01-03-2003 09:56 PM:

He is a lot taller than me. His hair is very dark and cut just above his ears. Sometimes he combs back his bangs, but I like it better when he leaves them to hang in his face. He wears rectangular/roundish lens glasses. His skin is olive, darker than most of the asians that go to my school. His eyes are dark brown and very kind looking. He dresses well and isn't excessive.
His manner is reserved and shy. He will talk if he thinks it is necessary, though. He is one of the only un-fobbish Koreans at my school. You can tell at first glance that he really is different.
He is well spoken and sings with considerable skill.
He is very kind. When he speaks, his voice is very calming(even if your heart is beating at about a bizillion mph)
I'd like to get to know him better. I really haven't spoken to him much...My Korean friend(Jen) says that he is a really nice person and that if I'm not careful, Sally(the prettiest Korean girl at my school, and Jen's friend) will steal him. What a terrible thought...
Really, my favorite feature about my crush is his kindness. It's all that really matters.

~everybody loves Alex oppa~

-first member-

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