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Posted by annabanana on 04-30-2002 01:07 PM:


what is some weird food you like to eat?

weird food that i like to eat is octopus legs with some hot red bean paste.

Posted by krnxswat on 04-30-2002 01:23 PM:

Posted by annabanana on 04-30-2002 02:02 PM:

deng.....that pic is disturbing. although i'm sure it would be yummy deep-fried. YUCK!!!!!

Posted by MellowYellow on 04-30-2002 07:39 PM:

uhm.... nasty? (the poop i mean..)

okay weird food.... not weird but it.... uhm.... myung nan jut... like fish eggs still in the sac and marinated... and and... oh jing uh jut.... raw squid sliced and marinated in hot stuff... -_- haha

and one time i ate FRESH raw squid... like it was still squirming? and then you dipped it in hot pepper paste.. and ate it... kinda wriggled in your mouth.... but hella good

and... soon deh.. i guess if you're not used to it it's weird... it's like a korean sausage...... casing of pig's intestine stuff with noodles.... hmm... i don't really think anything else except

jok bal (?) chicken's feet.... that stuff is kinda weird... cuz it actually shaped like da feet.......eeww i tried just once.... before i knew what it was.. feels like the cartilage stuff on chicken

Posted by annabanana on 05-17-2002 05:24 PM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow
and one time i ate FRESH raw squid... like it was still squirming? and then you dipped it in hot pepper paste.. and ate it... kinda wriggled in your mouth.... but hella good

ewwww! that sounds like something i had before when i was in california. the fresh raw squid feels so slimy and chewy.

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-17-2002 05:30 PM:

eWw..kinda lOoks like soon deh~

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-17-2002 08:06 PM:

Originally posted by kRypTic_nABi
eWw..kinda lOoks like soon deh~

eww it does kinda.... but soondae doesn't fold like that....haha

itls like a coil..... **shudders**.... after they slice it up it looks a lot better......

but yea that is a very disturbing picture...

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-20-2002 05:59 PM:

Originally posted by krnxswat


ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by annabanana on 06-27-2002 11:25 PM:

sushi is good even though a lot of ppl don't really like it or are afraid to try it. although the makeral sushi tastes naturally rotton and the fresh squid sushi is slimy and feels like snot.

Posted by KooJay on 07-07-2002 02:21 AM:

tomato with chili sauce?
(try it, it taste like salsa )

Posted by TAIgrr on 07-07-2002 02:45 AM:

um.. i like to eat.....
i dont eat wierd things...
i eat octopus legs (o jing uh) with coors.
i like jee-po not cooked.
i HATE mineral water!!


Posted by tea on 07-07-2002 02:54 AM:

is that heart shaped poo for real?? like..it came out that way??


Posted by kreandude on 07-07-2002 08:04 AM:

can poop come out that way?? lol
mmmm soon dae~ and sushi....the raw fish stuff

Posted by shaluski on 07-23-2002 09:05 PM:

GROSS, SEON HO! Arghhhhhh... the poop spoilt my apetite.

i think the only weird thing i have eaten are frogs' legs... they taste like chicken, only more tender... it's a chinese delicacy.

Posted by tea on 07-23-2002 09:49 PM:

frog legs are good!

the weirdest thing i ate before was pigeon. it tastes like quail~


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