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Posted by PakChunhui1983 on 09-14-2002 05:59 AM:

Was this considered embarrassment?

Being korean american, i live in a city full of rednecks, blacks who pick on asians and even other asian nationalities.

One day, i was at Wendy's with my gf and these white kids were saying to her " hey asianslut, you want to suck ****"..and then walked away laughing. I got pissed , grabbed him and punched his face.. I thought it was good and my gf was like whoa.

She told her friends and they were like " you trying to make us asians feel bad?" I was like wtf? I stood up to this racist punk and this is what you're saying? At least im not like those fake asian gangsters who seem to be hardcore not doing any of these stuff.

So was it embarrassing for other asians or did i prove a point by standing up for other asians? I mean, he was like " dude, im just playing around".

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 09-14-2002 06:37 AM:

good job! Your gf's friends got problems dude. They probably want to be assimilated into white culture and feel that because you punched a white dude, you're ruining their chances.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by tea on 09-14-2002 06:53 AM:

i woulda done the same thing


Posted by PakChunhui1983 on 09-14-2002 06:58 AM:

She was bitching and stating..." You want us koreans to feel like the enemies? Go apologize and forget about him, hes a jerk anyway.."

Wtf? Im not apologizing.

Should i dump her? Shes annoying now...

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 09-14-2002 07:06 AM:

yes dump her. If she likes hearing that kind of language, you shouldn't be with her anyway

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by PakChunhui1983 on 09-14-2002 07:09 AM:

Shes the only decent korean girl i admire. But this is not the only time she made a statement like this. During my HS year as a sophmore, me and her were in the same math class. This new korean fob came to our class in the middle of the year. Since my gf had a terrible time learning korean, she said to that girl..." I hope she learns some english..cus i can't talk to her in korean".

i remember telling her " I'll translate for you"

She replied " naw, she looks too fobbish for me..."

I was shocked, but she later apologized for saying that statement.


Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 09-14-2002 07:44 PM:

yea your gf and herfriends want to be whities. How pathetic.

Get new friends with the fob or somethin

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Street RSX on 09-14-2002 08:01 PM:

i woulda dun tha same, if shes gon be like that, dumb her twinkie ass and get wit a fob.. Stik up fer tha Koreanz.. i still cant believe she'll let them go after thay called her a slut..

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 09-14-2002 09:36 PM:

how old was this kid.. if he was much younger than you.. i have no respect for you at all.. if he was around your age and or older.. i still dont know

just like you i would feel insulted and aggravated if someone said a comment about my gf or asians in general.. but i feel violence does not help violence.. im not quite sure what your gf meant by that response.. something about the enemy? but resorting to violence in my opinion is just as bad as some racist remark.

call me a pussy if you want.. God said to love your enemies..



Posted by grumpy on 09-15-2002 12:02 AM:

thats not embarrassing for asians... your gf's friends are just weird. even though violence doesnt solve anything, it's good that u punched him cuz then you're showing him he cant get away with saying those kinda things.

and how old are you? you seem to be thinking too quickly when u said "should i dump her? she's annoying now..." if it's just the fact that she's annoying, you shouldn't let those kinda things get in the way. but your relationship doesnt really seem serious. so i dont know. just let things go with the flow.

Posted by jini on 09-15-2002 12:40 AM:

NO. it's not considered embarrassment...

what's with your girlfriend? punchin some guy was makin koreans look bad? what the.... man... i wouldn't punched his ass if no one did...

or.. i would've ignored it. then he'd be the one to look stupid.

homepage: name-less.com/jini
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wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by PakChunhui1983 on 09-15-2002 05:56 AM:

Originally posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU
how old was this kid.. if he was much younger than you.. i have no respect for you at all.. if he was around your age and or older.. i still dont know

just like you i would feel insulted and aggravated if someone said a comment about my gf or asians in general.. but i feel violence does not help violence.. im not quite sure what your gf meant by that response.. something about the enemy? but resorting to violence in my opinion is just as bad as some racist remark.

call me a pussy if you want.. God said to love your enemies..

this punk was about 2 or 3 years older. I didn't take hapkido for nothing.

So let me ask you, if you get picked on by the color of your skin, the way you talk or the way you act, are you going to stand there motionless while other people of different race makes hate jokes about you?

No offense , but i don't know any asians that would tolerate that type of behavior. But again, im glad i punched him...not to be big and bad, but to show him that asians can stand up for themselves.

Posted by PakChunhui1983 on 09-15-2002 05:58 AM:

Originally posted by grumpy
thats not embarrassing for asians... your gf's friends are just weird. even though violence doesnt solve anything, it's good that u punched him cuz then you're showing him he cant get away with saying those kinda things.

and how old are you? you seem to be thinking too quickly when u said "should i dump her? she's annoying now..." if it's just the fact that she's annoying, you shouldn't let those kinda things get in the way. but your relationship doesnt really seem serious. so i dont know. just let things go with the flow.

me and this new gf went thru rough times besides this incident.

Posted by Jj2 on 09-16-2002 05:30 AM:

Re: Was this considered embarrassment?

Originally posted by PakChunhui1983
Being korean american, i live in a city full of rednecks, blacks who pick on asians and even other asian nationalities.

One day, i was at Wendy's with my gf and these white kids were saying to her " hey asianslut, you want to suck ****"..and then walked away laughing. I got pissed , grabbed him and punched his face.. I thought it was good and my gf was like whoa.

She told her friends and they were like " you trying to make us asians feel bad?" I was like wtf? I stood up to this racist punk and this is what you're saying? At least im not like those fake asian gangsters who seem to be hardcore not doing any of these stuff.

So was it embarrassing for other asians or did i prove a point by standing up for other asians? I mean, he was like " dude, im just playing around".

i wouldnt say embarrasment...i would say it's more like putting a bad name on asians...i mean, a bad reputation. like they might think we're easy to get pissed off at things so they'll take advantage of that and then piss us even more. i say...next time, just ignore them...hittng them and all wont do any good and something serious might even come out of it. just have ur pride as an asian and just ignore what they say...at least ur not a low-life like them. just stay kool next time and ignore those losers. peace out

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by Jj2 on 09-16-2002 05:40 AM:

Originally posted by PakChunhui1983

me and this new gf went thru rough times besides this incident.

but that still doesnt give u the right to hit the guy even though we both know who's wrong. i mean, what does that achieve? satisfaction? that's only a minute thing. there's always gonna be some racist bastards out there but there's nothing u can do bout it...hitting them wont do much...it'll only release ur anger for a short period of time till a similar incident happens again. just ignoring them is the best satisfaction u can get rather than hitting them cause in the end, u'll be the wise one and they'll be the immature ones who have nothing else better to do than calling out racist and sexual remarks to strangers.

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 09-16-2002 05:41 AM:

Originally posted by Jj2
ur the wise one and they're the immature ones who have nothing else better to do than calling out racist and sexual remarks to strangers.

too much pent up tension makes little johnny an unhappy boy.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Jj2 on 09-16-2002 05:47 AM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter

too much pent up tension makes little johnny an unhappy boy.

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by krnxswat on 09-16-2002 06:05 AM:

heh. well what would of happened if you didnt punch that guy? your girlfriend would have been like "what? youre just gonna take that from him?" isn't she? heh` i dunt no. its not considered embarassement. its good standing up for someone u love. but sang cheon is right, violence doesnt solve anything.

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 09-16-2002 06:36 AM:

Originally posted by Jj2

but that still doesnt give u the right to hit the guy even though we both know who's wrong. i mean, what does that achieve? satisfaction? that's only a minute thing. there's always gonna be some racist bastards out there but there's nothing u can do bout it...hitting them wont do much...it'll only release ur anger for a short period of time till a similar incident happens again. just ignoring them is the best satisfaction u can get rather than hitting them cause in the end, u'll be the wise one and they'll be the immature ones who have nothing else better to do than calling out racist and sexual remarks to strangers.

i totally agree.

i didn't say i tolerated hatred or bigotry towards anybody.. but i definitely don't tolerate violence of any kind.. thats just ignorance.. i understand " the heat of the moment" can be a different situation.. but thats the difference between ignorance and knowledge.. you got it.. use it my friend.



Posted by PakChunhui1983 on 09-16-2002 02:16 PM:

Originally posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU

i totally agree.

i didn't say i tolerated hatred or bigotry towards anybody.. but i definitely don't tolerate violence of any kind.. thats just ignorance.. i understand " the heat of the moment" can be a different situation.. but thats the difference between ignorance and knowledge.. you got it.. use it my friend.

I understand what you people are saying, but if this happens in a everyday ordeal, then why would i stand there? So, if a black or hispanic can stand up to racism, why not asian?

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