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Posted by micron on 07-25-2002 03:06 AM:


there was once a boy. he didnt like the way how things out turned out to be. so he decided to change it.

the end.

Posted by TAIgrr on 07-25-2002 03:12 AM:

whatta interesting boy.
i bet his favorite food was SPAM.


Posted by MellowYellow on 07-25-2002 03:18 AM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr

whatta interesting boy.
i bet his favorite food was SPAM.

ahhhhhh hahahah...

uhm.... am i supposed to like close this?

i guess i'll let it stay.. everyone else write your spam stories...lol

well there was a cat. It was smelly. It was hungry cuz it didn't know what they were feeding it. But the cat knew it wasn't his fault. And uh.... then it was run over by a truck.

The end


I hate google cache.

Posted by micron on 07-25-2002 03:21 AM:


actually, i was thinking more in the lines of... 'a journey starts with a footstep'. this is my first time writing. thanks for discouraging me. but thankfully, im not someone who would easily give up. ill come back with vigor next time and prove myself. jk.

boy II (sequel of boy)
spam was is favorite food. he ate spam all day but never got bored. and then he ate again.

the end.

Posted by MellowYellow on 07-25-2002 03:24 AM:

Originally posted by jusunlee

actually, i was thinking more in the lines of... 'a journey starts with a footstep'. this is my first time writing. thanks for discouraging me. but thankfully, im not someone who would easily give up. ill come back with vigor next time and prove myself. jk.

boy II (sequel of boy)
spam was is favorite food. he ate spam all day but never got bored. and then he ate again.

the end.

uh.. alrighty.... lmao

I hate google cache.

Posted by TAIgrr on 07-25-2002 03:38 AM:

Jang WooHyuk and Chorong met one day.
Love at first sight.
(well, chorong has always loved him )
We got married.
We lived happily ever after.


Posted by tea on 07-25-2002 03:41 AM:

haha...great stories....


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 07-25-2002 05:25 AM:

danny saw terri shopping w/ sum frenz in l.a. and promptly asked her to marry him. they lived happily ever after.
the end.

Posted by Ladi Jay on 07-25-2002 06:48 PM:

Once upon a time, there was a frog... He was hopping along on the grass... He was getting tired so he decided to go to sleep...When he was about to snooze, he saw a dark shadow hover over him... Then, he fell asleep and never woke up...

Posted by tea on 07-25-2002 07:02 PM:

once upon a time there was a boy. he was a happy boy. the end


Posted by Ladi Jay on 07-25-2002 07:08 PM:

Unhappy He... he... he left...

her emotions when he left...

:huh: :sad:

to be continued...

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