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Posted by alecks on 04-08-2002 09:40 PM:


what are your thoughts on evolution?

this might get a bit heated but lets try to keep it clean and civil.

Posted by tm11 on 04-09-2002 04:47 AM:

where are you psychosnowman....
here we go...

anyways, i've read The origin of the Species by Charles Darwin, it was an interesting read. The theory of evolution is interesting, and has many valid points. I'm not really sure what i feel about it though.

word is bond

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-09-2002 09:18 AM:

hah, i'm coming TM11, i have not had time to post yet. Tennis is in about 20 minutes, so later.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 04-09-2002 12:53 PM:

i think God and evolution are mixed together which isn't what the bible says i know, but i'm not exactly the most hardlined christian.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by -jzn- on 04-09-2002 01:22 PM:

I think that it's highly improbable that the world could be created through random interactions of molecules and atoms, but I've never seen proof of an omnipotent omiscient being that has been here since the beginning. That's why I believe in evolution and not creationism... evolution can be explained while creationism is just "have faith"

Posted by tm11 on 04-09-2002 03:33 PM:

I sometimes ponder about this... I am a pretty faithful Christian, but it's interesting to propose ideas such as what Crazy had said, i used to wonder bout stuff like that.. Like the 7 days God created the world could have just been a blink for him, but for us a millenia, and it just seems to us as it has been so long...
as Humyns we can't know everything...
like i said, i don't know...

word is bond

Posted by bigChubuff on 04-09-2002 05:52 PM:

i think dawin theory is straight out gay...

bein a monkey is not so cool

Posted by panda boi on 04-10-2002 05:09 PM:

we werent monkeys. monkeys are just our relatives

Posted by Yupkki MEL on 04-10-2002 06:23 PM:

if we evolved from monkeys to humans...y are there still monkeys? so many things i can dissprove about evolution. i believe in creation all the way!

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-10-2002 06:49 PM:

panda boi's right

monkey's are our relatives, we didn't replace them. The only way they would not exist today would be if we killed them or if they died out. Basically, natural selection created mutations which in turn created more mutations that carried on through generations. These mutations became so different from the species of monkey that we have come to where we classify them as a different one. Though throughout the process of evolution, these mutations didn't carry on through the entire species, as in this situation monkeys. Mutations are rare, and when they do occur they will only occur within that particular mutated monkey and another monkey's offspring. So there will be one carried through mutation to the next generation out of thousands of others. It's not as if everytime a monkey was "mutated", he went around to all the other monkeys in the world and impregnated them so that the next generation would be all mutated as well. The rest of the population of monkeys continued to have regular babies, and that one abnormal monkey had an abnormal baby. And when that mutated baby has an offspring, and that offspring has another offspring the trend will continue and through all that somewhere down the timeline that same generation has another mutation which makes it that much more different and the process continues until "humans" come. See? It's very simple we didn't replace them, they just have created a new subgroup of monkeys, called human. The logic that monkey's can't exist today, would mean that we'd be the only species on earth if we involve macro-evolution. It's not right. (this is not meant as insulting)

Being a monkey may be gay, but it can be explained logically (no offense chub , it was a funny comment ) . I kind of like monkeys on a side note though . Anyway, hope this helps.

Posted by huby40 on 04-11-2002 09:41 AM:

a big issue with the evolution is time. Creationists think that the world is young, while the evolutionists think that the world is billions of years old.

If you read the bible, it says that God didn't make day and night until the the 4th day. If day and night was created the 4th day, how could there be day and night on the first day, day and night on the second day?

We don't know how long the earlier "days" were. They could've lasted for millions or even billions of years. Becuz there was no regular 24 hour passing between day and night until the 4th day when he created the "day".

um, did that make sense?

so what i'm saying is, it could probably be a mix.

Posted by nite_sky on 04-15-2002 03:11 PM:

I'm doing an evolution unit in my bio class... Something interesting we (my class) learned: many (most?) evolutionists are gnostic, as in they believe there's a god who guides evolution or something like that... >_< not sure exactly what my teacher said...


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-15-2002 03:45 PM:

do you mean Agnostic? Meaning, someone who believes it is impossible to tell whether or not there is a god. That could be so, as many creationists are swaying towards evolution now which would classify them in that.

Posted by heyitsdean on 04-15-2002 04:20 PM:

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman

Being a monkey may be gay, but it can be explained logically (no offense chub , it was a funny comment ) . I kind of like monkeys on a side note though . Anyway, hope this helps.

Lil zane appreciates the admittance sir

We're Hard Hitting
Always been Cool as Hell
Got trees in my mirror so my car don't smell

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-15-2002 06:00 PM:

haha, thank you sir. Though Lil zane has known for some time about my liking of monkeys (winks to lil zane). Our actions would contradict if i thought otherwise if you know what i mean, ho ho. :exclaim:

Posted by tm11 on 04-16-2002 07:04 AM:

juss wondering, but for those who believe in evolution..(i'm forgetting the answer to this and I'm too lazy to look it up)
how did life start then?

word is bond

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-16-2002 12:39 PM:

yeah, this is kind of far fetched (no more than creation i might add), though somehow the elements of life floating around in the universe came together (however unprobable) and created life through pure spontaneoity and randomness/luck. Through that life evolved through billions of years to where it has become today. Thats what i think anyway, i read about it in our Biology book actually as well (we were not taught that unit for some reason).

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-17-2002 04:35 PM:

Just a straight question:

Why does the bible have to be "interpreted"?

What i mean is, that if the bible is correct, then why do we have to interpret it to make it seem more believable? Grabbing a quote from above ".. Like the 7 days God created the world could have just been a blink for him, but for us a millenia." Why isn't the bible just correct if it's true? It's as if people have to bend the teachings of the bible to make it work to replace present day logic. It's not as if god wrote the bible (correct me if people say he did ). So it could have been 7 winks for god but 7 millenia for us? It's not an autobiography, other people wrote it so it should be correct in years, or were they told so by god to write this? I'm not sure exactly.

Anyway, i think this "interpretation" has become a plank attached to faith that has corrupted logical thought. . There's no offense intended there...really.

Posted by tm11 on 04-17-2002 05:18 PM:

That quote earlier isn't what i believe in, it was just an interesting thought i once had in middle school.

The bible is interpreted so that people can find the meaning. It's just plain hermeneutics. I don't think it's necessarily stretched to make it more believable.

Another thing is, over time, words can be manipulated, God himself did not write the bible, Humyns did, but make no mistake, the Bible did come from God.

Take any influential contemporary philosophy book, and read a book from a student of that philosopher. I guarantee you they will not be the same, because of the hermeneutical standpoint of the Student. They interpret the meaning in a different way. Also, some philosophers intend for people to take different meanings from the text, as long as it follows the underlying basis of their philosophy. Heidegger wished that readers "commit violence" to the text (no that doesn't mean rip the books up) to find the true meaning.

Also, anyone can use scripture to their purpose. It's not like people are trying to "make the bible more believeable"

I don't really see this as a plank attached to faith, because not all people believe in thit, that's a case-by-case thing.
Also i don't see it as corrupting logical thought, honestly, why does this corrupt logical thought? As humyns, we don't, and won't ever know everything, but what does this contradict so much? What universal laws/truths does it contradict (I'm sure i can think of some, but I can also think of answers to them as well) Please explain.

I don't see my perception of the world that far-off from others i know because i am a fairly devout Christian.

The world is what you make it to be.

word is bond

Posted by tm11 on 04-17-2002 05:24 PM:

no offense was intended in the last post, and none in this either.

but on the same token, why doesn't the probability of life being created randomly out of absolutely nothing deny logical thought. It is highly improbable that such an event would occur spontaneously, and there are many other things that have just as low a probability (even ones that have a higher probability) that haven't happened.
If it has happened, why hasn't it happened again?

word is bond

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