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Posted by tm11 on 04-11-2002 09:02 AM:

Racism/ Any Discrimination

Has anyone here been discriminated against, or hated in on general due to nationality/beliefs/creed/etc.

I've seen some pretty racist people before, and I must say i absolutely hate racism.

word is bond

Posted by seung ju on 04-11-2002 05:14 PM:

yep, i had a racist teacher and he used to always say gook, too stupid to realize i was sittin in class when he said it.

and i wouldnt get hired at this store b/c i was asia. i was pretty pissed about it.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 04-11-2002 07:53 PM:

man ,seung ju, you shoulda slapped dem fooz upside the head damn bastards....

I've been pretty sheltered by my parents, but one time at a cruise ship (i wuz 6) i got harassed these two white kids...
My bro and his friend kicked their asses though

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by volcom strider on 04-16-2002 02:27 PM:

to hate a racist...means you are racist on a racists ethics? keke, i dont know wtf i just said. i'm stupid right now at this kodak moment.

Posted by krnxswat on 04-16-2002 04:24 PM:

haha this kid was making fun of me cuz i was Korean. so i went upto him and i told him to say it to my face, but he wouldnt so i grabbed him by his shirt and was bout to punch him but i didnt wanna get in trouble. haha his face turned so red and after that he didnt say anything bout Koreans. Take Action! hahaz

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by Yii on 04-18-2002 05:00 AM:

About this I get in rage, too!!!!!!
I'm a German girl living in Germany, so I have no experience with it. But because of my very dark eyes (not typical for Germany) and my always black coloured hair I only wait for the time, that people have problems with me, because I don't look like a German. I wait for it and when the moment is going to come, these people will really have other problems than discriminate people!!! They'll have problems with their own identity.... They won't recognize their own faces in the mirror...
How can people have a rasism opinion????? We all live at the same planet and breathe the same air!!!!!

~~* Yi *~~

Posted by hyunnie03 on 04-18-2002 12:48 PM:

yeah esp. since i'm mixed i always get alot of wierd stares when i'm walking with my mom


Posted by Yii on 04-19-2002 03:28 AM:

What is it? I really can't understand this... How can people think like that?????

~~* Yi *~~

Posted by krnxswat on 04-19-2002 11:46 AM:

beat them up :sleepy:

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by Alchemist on 04-19-2002 12:39 PM:

I don't like ppl who discriminate due to racism. If it be something as major as segregation or unequal opportunities then it's just wrong

Posted by tm11 on 04-20-2002 09:38 PM:

I'm in salt lake city right now, and on the way here i stopped in two airports, one in detroit and one in minneapolis, and I'm Indian by the way.

I was "randomly selected" to be put through searches when boarding both planes, and I'm positive the same thing will happen when I return to Michigan.

It's just embarrassing to see these guys that work at the airport pass all these people of different nationalities, and as soon as they come across someone who looks remotely brown, they get selected. I don't think it's random at all, and it's blatant discrimination. Plus, when other people are searched, I notice they were let off easy, yet I stay for about 10 minutes, and they conduct a full search, I'm surprised they don't strip me down and give me a body cavity search.

I donno, I've decided to possibly do one of a few things:

1. to make and wear a shirt that says , "I am not a terrorist" when traveling
2. leave humorous yet insulting notes for the people conducting the search to find and read while searching me.
3.when I'm about to board, instead of boarding I just walk over to get searched, and eliminate the step of them asking me to do it, and to make it into a big deal when I am getting searched., and have my friends take a picture of me.

at the very least, I think I've resolved to educate the person who searches me, and perhaps say "Just because it my skin is brown, it doesn't make me a terrorist."

If they're going to search people they might not be so fucking racist. Honestly this purposeful profiling won't do any good, It's simple threat construction logic. When you profile the brown man, and turn him into a threat, eventually, he will become one. Not to say that I will at all, I would abhor such a thing, but it's quite possible..

oh well, that's just my rant, after being so irked by the airports.

word is bond

Posted by Ladi Jay on 04-21-2002 11:45 AM:

I've been through a whole lot of prejudice shit... It pisses me off too...

Actually, it all started when I moved to the town that I'm living in now... It's a small town and mostly blondes with blue eyes... I moved here when I was a 2nd grader and no kids noticed that I was different. Then during my 4th and 5th grade years... The typical blonde haired blue eyed boys began to notice that I was asian, and they made fun of me... I swear, those years, I cried so much because of all that shit.

They'd call me chink and shit... And even tell me that I eat dogs... I said they "told" me I eat dogs... WTF... how do they know if I eat dogs or not... As if they know what I do...

Then during Middle School... I got more shit. I hated all the people who I knew said anything about my being of asian. I even got into arguments and fights in school...

Now, in High School... I don't get much shit. I think it's because the students know that if they say anything that sounds prejudice around me... I'll blow up at them...

They just don't understand what it's like to be different. Sometimes, I wanna put them in a place where they are a minority and treat them like how they treat me... so they'll know what it's like...

Now, if anyone says anything and I hear about it... I get pissed and angry and I confront the person... It's just that, I've been filled with all this prejudism that I feel I have to take it into my own hands and deal with it physically... If anyone says anything rude and they don't mean to I still get pissed... I've just been through too much to let if slide pass me smoothly... I have to make the person feel bad or scared for what he/she did/said...

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-21-2002 12:01 PM:

sounds like you hypocrites are angels.. im sure you guys have discriminated against other people on a certain level... doesn't matter who or what.. you've probably said some discriminatory comment... we all have.. we're all human

it's logical to be afraid.. cuz thats what it boils down to.. fear and hate... i fear pink chicken, angry short people and persistent mormons.. i will always discriminate against those people and things.. cuz i hatem.. iwill admit it.. im not an angel.. i will discriminate.. just like those bastards in all your stories.. why? because im human.. juzz like u.

on the other hand.. i understand why you guys would get pissed.. stupid comments are stupid comments.. nex time someone calls u gook or chink or brownie or whatever.. just do what i do.. and say.. "FUCK YOU" and walk away. just better for all of us right?



Posted by SoundCtrl on 04-21-2002 06:34 PM:

I don't care what people think.

Posted by Yii on 04-22-2002 04:36 AM:

Originally posted by SoundCtrl
I don't care what people think.

Sometimes I try to understand other peoples memory. But very often I can't.

~~* Yi *~~

Posted by volcom strider on 04-22-2002 03:30 PM:

Originally posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU
sounds like you hypocrites are angels.. im sure you guys have discriminated against other people on a certain level... doesn't matter who or what.. you've probably said some discriminatory comment... we all have.. we're all human

it's logical to be afraid.. cuz thats what it boils down to.. fear and hate... i fear pink chicken, angry short people and persistent mormons.. i will always discriminate against those people and things.. cuz i hatem.. iwill admit it.. im not an angel.. i will discriminate.. just like those bastards in all your stories.. why? because im human.. juzz like u.

on the other hand.. i understand why you guys would get pissed.. stupid comments are stupid comments.. nex time someone calls u gook or chink or brownie or whatever.. just do what i do.. and say.. "FUCK YOU" and walk away. just better for all of us right?

nah not me. the only thing i discriminate and hate is probably one person's characteristics. due to the fact it probably annoys me or makes me jealous. but i have never discriminate a person...well i did say the 'n' word as a child....BUT THAT'S ONLY CAUSE I NEVER KNEW WHAT THE WORD MEANT. my parents never taught me the seriousness of the world. they think it would be 'too soon' to teach me that, but other that horrible moment, yea, never had any racism going on w/i my life.

Posted by Alchemist on 04-22-2002 03:43 PM:

how do you ppl feel about racist jokes?

Posted by panda boi on 04-22-2002 05:34 PM:

my friends and i were visiting washington d.c. and we all needed to go to the bathroom so we went together(dont ask). while in the bathroom, we were chatting and this little boy comes and and does his business. after he was done, he washes his hands and turned to us and called us chinks. this boy was probably 8 years old at most so we were all suprised. my friend then says that we are actually korean, not chinese and starts giving him a lecture about what is the difference between koreans and chinese. after the lecture, the boy called us assholes and left the bathroom. after that moment, my friend always hated white people


credits to sHiNHaWk

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