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Posted by * Liah * on 02-05-2003 01:02 AM:

DJing & Jobs

hahahah I don't I've always been like interested in doing this.. What do you think of it...? Do you think it's a good job?

besides what is a good job you think?

Posted by Mash1mar0 on 02-05-2003 01:09 AM:

being a dj... that's cool~ and i think it pays a lot...
well i don't know any 'good' jobs so... eh....


with onE magic pill i EscapE from painful rEality and Enter the wholE nEw diffErEnt world....

I'm not addictEd... I can stop anytimE i want to...

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 02-05-2003 01:57 AM:

a good job... something wid da government.... alota pay lol but ur too young... in your age... a deli is prorbably the best u can do right now or something small

i can't DJ... i mean i can't i just don't know how to... ask DJ Qubert!!


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by rhymester* on 02-05-2003 02:03 AM:

a god job depends on each person, its something you like to do. so if you like cleaning toilets, thats a good job for you! Most important is being happy and liking your job. but thats very rare, even in a job that you DO like, there are probably other shit to worry about, like office politics etc.

but anyways, if you got the talent and interest, go for it!!


Posted by ajy on 02-05-2003 02:46 AM:

lol tedverd remember adrenaline drive? yeah i still dj

Posted by saranghae on 02-05-2003 04:46 AM:

Originally posted by Mash1mar0
i think it pays a lot...

yea.. it does.. like 100 an hour.

Posted by *~JoEy~* on 02-05-2003 08:15 PM:

Originally posted by saranghae
yea.. it does.. like 100 an hour.

With experience, it depends on your skills you don't just get a $100/hour DJing is hella fun, unless you one of those who got like 3 cd players and your the one pushing "play" and "stop" the whole time and you act real dumb on stage~ haha you mean DJ as in party Djs or like a DJ DJ that scratch, mix, juggle and all that?
Party DJing is fun, but not all the time, like once, me and my friend got sent to a gay club and the sight wasn't all that pretty
DJ DJing is coo too if your good at it, plus you gotta let yaself be known if you wanna get paid~

One Love, Peace, GOD Bless!

Scream!!! FOB Style

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 02-05-2003 08:59 PM:

Originally posted by AjY 2k
lol tedverd remember adrenaline drive? yeah i still dj

hahaha me jeff john quit.... we might start a new band.... we don't know about john, probably new metal rock stuff... so maye we'll need u


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-06-2003 01:07 AM:

i've never seen any real ones work...94.9 (a bay rea station) came to our skool once but their DJ didn't do much. i just remember one of them danced and he was really, really good. all the DJ's at my school's dances sucked.

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