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Posted by tm11 on 04-03-2002 12:08 PM:


school's a bi*ch, but what else do you guys do at your respective schools?

word is bond

Posted by hyunnie03 on 04-03-2002 04:57 PM:

i'm in a lot of boring clubs

secme, fbla, key club, spanish club(don't know any), sga

just got in them this year so i could put something on my college app. for next year


Posted by Takumi on 04-03-2002 06:00 PM:

Interact, Key Club, CSF, n Tennis


banner made by my homeboi check out his site he makes wallpapers and composes his own trance music.

Posted by -jzn- on 04-03-2002 07:30 PM:

Speech and Debate
Key Club
National Honors Society
Spanish Club
Chess Club (I'm NOT A NERD!!)
Diversity Club
Model United Nations

And those are just school clubs :P

Mayor's Youth Advisory Board
Washington County Youth Advisory Council

if I don't get into the college i want... i'm gonna freak. alll this work!

Posted by krnxswat on 04-03-2002 08:37 PM:

haah i dont lyke clubs..
i join modified spoRts..=]
i dink clubs r boring
cuz u onli meet certain amount of daiz a week ^^;

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-05-2002 03:19 PM:

Forensics (Extemp, no Interp!)
Men's Ensemble/Concert Choir (yes, it does get extracurricular)
Part of the best high school singing trio in the state (of course), the Finder Trio (States are April 20th)
Television Announcments Crew (director sometimes, switcher, and graphics) (1 of 3 people)

Wow Jzn, Model UN? that sounds interesting. What is it exactly?

Posted by sHyGrLy012 on 04-05-2002 06:09 PM:

I'm active in FBLA. I'm also in Key Club & CSF, but not that active in it. I'm on Journalism, if that counts as an extracurriclar.

Posted by MellowYellow on 04-13-2002 08:17 PM:

i'm in.....
marching band
culinary club
band council

i'm not in that many..... academic decathalon..... and debate i'm interested in..... and i'm doing year book.....

Posted by Yupkki MEL on 04-14-2002 04:06 PM:

csf, spanish club, track(was last yr), christian club

Posted by lovedontloveme on 04-15-2002 05:38 PM:

what's csf stand for?? -.-
i dont go to school ahah i might start in september and go into sophomore year coz if i start school now i'll have to be in freshman year -.-
and in australia i was in 10th grade so yeah -.- school in australia starts in late january hehe
ill post again if i ever join clubs O.O

Posted by uNiece on 04-16-2002 01:43 PM:

CSF is a california based club, which students with good grades can apply to at the beginning of each semester. it stands for California Scholastic Federation (i believe). Go on tours to UC schools, educational field trips, etc. Whatever the officers, advisors, and/or members think up, and gotta do a bit of community service - academically wise like tutoring and such, and then raise money for the graduating seniors of the club for scholarships. and the scholarship amounts are given according to like how long you were in the club and also how much you participated in the club

Posted by SoundCtrl on 04-16-2002 01:52 PM:

Originally posted by uNiece
CSF is a california based club, which students with good grades can apply to at the beginning of each semester. it stands for California Scholastic Federation (i believe). Go on tours to UC schools, educational field trips, etc. Whatever the officers, advisors, and/or members think up, and gotta do a bit of community service - academically wise like tutoring and such, and then raise money for the graduating seniors of the club for scholarships. and the scholarship amounts are given according to like how long you were in the club and also how much you participated in the club


Posted by Alchemist on 04-18-2002 04:15 PM:

Interact (Probably an evil crime syndicate), Photography (Good, then became gay), Tennis (Everybody's doing it), Hocke...do you really care what I do?

Posted by shoujo on 04-18-2002 09:26 PM:

my school doesn't have any extracurriculars -_- boring school


Posted by GinaDaQueen on 04-19-2002 03:51 PM:

my school sucks too all we have is like volleyball club and thats it.... and our school teams suck


Posted by shoujo on 04-19-2002 09:02 PM:

i really like volleyball..i picked volleyball as my extracurricular activity in my old school


Posted by -jzn- on 04-21-2002 11:26 PM:

bleh, somebody asked earlier about MUN

MUN: the whole state of Oregon has a conference yearly where individual schools represent different countries. This year, our school (Southridge) represented Portugal, Greece, Kazahkstan, and Fiji. It's pretty fun stuff, especially if you're into international relations. Karaoke and talent show are also options at MUN... Our DaPUMP/Fly to the Sky lip sync got 3rd place. :D

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