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Posted by Drunkenxtiger on 11-28-2002 06:32 PM:

She broke up with me!!!

It's almost been a week since she broke up with me. The 19th was our 7 month anniversary. I got her this lil fluffy dog with this thing when u press it says i love you in my voice. I thought that would really make her happy and all and kinda "secure" our relationship because up until that point, i had not gotten her ANY PRESENT except for when I asked her out. Then breaks up with me three days later. I do know the reason why she broke up with me and it is valid. But it was like a REALLY REALLY BIG SUPRISE to me when she broke up with me and it was a suprise to everyone of my friends too. Ok, now for about a week, I've been really confused and having mixed emotions and stuff, what should I do? I've asked her if she has any feelings for me still and she said not more than as a friend. You think shes lying about that? Cuz we had a very HIGH QUALITY relationship and I don't think she can just forget about me like that. She says she'll be friends with me if i want but if i don't want it, then she'll understand. She says shes been enjoying how things are at the moment. wutever that means. YOu think I should try to get back with her soon? Cuz I still have all the feelings in the world for her and I'm not really interested in any other girl. Or you think I should just try to become really good friends with her and then do something lateR? I know most of you all will say just to move on but just think think think. I dunno, I'm confused, just give me your opinion. Sorry its so long.

Posted by WhiteLee on 11-28-2002 06:52 PM:

"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."
"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..."
"True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime but lust just pushes away."

Hope these help some.


"Before and After" Ayumi Hamasaki

Posted by tm11 on 11-28-2002 07:07 PM:

I really don't think she has any reason to lie about her feelings to you, honestly man, I'd say let it go and try to move on. It may be hard being friends with her, but if you think that's what you want to do, then do it. If you still have strong feelings for her, things will be hard, but if you really do care for her, you'll let her go, and hopefully realize that if she wasn't as into it as you were, that this would be for the better. If you become friends with her with the intentions of hooking back up with her, then you're only going to be even more disappointed when that doesn't happen. Save the trouble and the feelings, and just try to move on.

word is bond

Posted by paboh4life on 11-29-2002 02:54 AM:

if she wants to be friends... den be friends cuz then you two can build a relationship and who knows she might realize that she does have feelings for you.. but whatevers in your heart go for it


Posted by HHxEliTE on 11-29-2002 06:56 AM:

Originally posted by paboh4life
if she wants to be friends... den be friends cuz then you two can build a relationship and who knows she might realize that she does have feelings for you..

yeh.. thas good advice

sHIET happens.. then u move ON

Posted by Drunkenxtiger on 11-29-2002 07:16 AM:

Thanks for the replies. I'll keep them in mind. Things are starting to get well b/w us and when we're talkin, we are both soo happy and stuff. I think we gonna chill together sometime soon... maybe something will happen then, we'll see.

Posted by tea on 11-29-2002 09:45 AM:

youre only 15..you should be studying and not going after girls

oh fuck i sound like my parents..i take that back...

but foreals...youre only 15...its not the end of the world..get over it


Posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0 on 11-29-2002 07:03 PM:

Originally posted by tea
youre only 15..you should be studying and not going after girls

oh fuck i sound like my parents..i take that back...

but foreals...youre only 15...its not the end of the world..get over it

exactly. i bet you think you know what your feeling and what your experiencing with this girl is meant to last, but can we say "face the facts"? it's amazing how much you'll chastise yourself in three/four years when you look back at how contemplative you were over a relationship when you could have been using all that thought-power to make some good grades instead.

¢´ Face The Facts ¢´

Posted by meKjOoaNjeLL on 11-29-2002 10:18 PM:

i am very sorry to hear dat but sumthing good will come up from it so dunt worry soo much

Posted by Hyesungu on 11-29-2002 11:33 PM:

your still young, no need to dwell upon all that.

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 11-30-2002 12:43 AM:

all these peepz are right, sry to here that but it's still early you'll recover it's not the worst thing. i mean i know a guy who has been going out wid some girl, they broke up and he is an obsesive freak. You should still be friends, you can biuld up your broken relationship. But your feelings can make you uncomfortable, if i knew how much u loved her then i can give a better answer but belive whats in your heart, don't decide it all in your brain


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by ¨Õ¨Ø¨ß¨á¨Ú¨Ó on 12-02-2002 07:48 AM:

Originally posted by Hyesungu
your still young, no need to dwell upon all that.

Who you are when you are young reflects who you will be when you are older. If he did love her, he will remember her forever and feel an empty place in his heart for her. I hate to say it as much as I wanna say I have forgotten all my ex's its not true. You will never forget them.. They all impacted your life in someway. This impacted his life. If your 40, what are you going to say? Oh well, your still old? Someway he has been changed, even at that young age.


Posted by Drunkenxtiger on 12-03-2002 10:28 PM:

Originally posted by ¨Õ¨Ø¨ß¨á¨Ú¨Ó

Who you are when you are young reflects who you will be when you are older. If he did love her, he will remember her forever and feel an empty place in his heart for her. I hate to say it as much as I wanna say I have forgotten all my ex's its not true. You will never forget them.. They all impacted your life in someway. This impacted his life. If your 40, what are you going to say? Oh well, your still old? Someway he has been changed, even at that young age.

hmmm....... interesting.

Posted by eddiee on 12-03-2002 10:49 PM:

maybe cuz guys are greedy

Posted by ªÔ©¬nie¢½¢ª on 12-03-2002 11:23 PM:

Re: She broke up with me!!!

maybe..she really wanted broke up..so..just..
be a good friend..for her.. when i broke up..with my
ex_boyfriend..i really loved him..but.. i said broke up..
i thought he'll say to me that..im not gonna brake up w/ u..
or.. i'll always wait for you..but.. he didn't say anything..;;
well........if you think ur g/f..still like you.. you should say..
i'll wait.. or.. something like that..sometimes girls are weird..
they still like their boyfriends..but they say brake up..cuz..
girls are so much diffecult bcuz of boyfriends..or some reasons..
but.. if you think she doesn't like you.. then.. just..be a good
friend for her..^^ you will..be..fine.. later on.. your girlfriend
will be just friend..well....my ex_boyfriend and i was friend after
broke up..but..2 weeks ago.. i said to him that i don even wanna
be friend..cuz.. when i talked with him as friend.. i still can feel
old memories..hehe..for a long time.. just don talk with your
her.. that's will help..^^ later on... you can be her friend..
and...i can't really tell you wut is good for you..^^
life is not perfect..iam young toO.. iam only 12..years old..but..
my mind age is 20..-_-; people always say to me that..-_-
in a lovE.. Young people and Old people are the same..
»ç¶ûÀº..¸¶¾à°°Àº°Ô ¾Æ´Ï¶ó..»ç¶ûÀº ¹Ì·Î°°Àº°Å¾ß..
ºüÁ®³ª¿Ã¼ö¾øÀ»²¨°°¾ÆµÎ.. ºüÁ®³ª¿Ã¼ö Àִ°ű¸.. µÎ¹ø´Ù½Å ¾Èµé¾î°¡°Ú´Ù¸ésuh
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p.s if you don understand me..just let me know..-a-;
im sux in english..-a-;;


Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 12-04-2002 03:37 AM:

psst..why can't you type out the "suh" in kfont :huh:

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by saranghae on 12-04-2002 04:21 AM:

Originally posted by WhiteLee

"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..."

that's a nice quote...

Posted by ªÔ©¬nie¢½¢ª on 12-04-2002 05:41 AM:

Originally posted by saranghae

that's a nice quote...

nO..^^ ..well i think it's good quote..^^
if you really love someone..^^ you haVe tO let thEm gO..^^ hehe...^^*


Posted by saranghae on 12-04-2002 06:08 AM:

Originally posted by ªÔ©¬nie¢½¢ª

nO..^^ ..well i think it's good quote..^^
if you really love someone..^^ you haVe tO let thEm gO..^^ hehe...^^*

well its good... but makes u feel kinda sad :sad:

Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 12-04-2002 06:39 AM:

aw well... eventuallie u will start feeling better... gib urself tym N yia i dun dink dat it matters WUT age u are to fall in love... it juss depends on how emotionally attached u get tuh dat person... doesnt matter how old u are... unless u are lyk 4 or 5... but anywayz... keep ur head up mayun! its not da end of da world... der are lots more to lyf den love... i realize diz too!

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

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