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Posted by aznkid1008 on 06-28-2002 04:13 PM:

wat was the....

wat was the scariest thing that ever happened to u????

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by Ladi Jay on 06-28-2002 05:22 PM:

when I saw that find waldo thing in random thoughts... I've never been so scared...

Posted by huby40 on 06-28-2002 11:58 PM:

when the batteries to my remote control died. it never happened to me befor. i had to get up to change the channel :omg:, i thought the world was gonna end or somethin...

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-29-2002 04:19 AM:

ack... the scariest???

when i was THIS close to getting raped :huh:
i dont wanna go thru details tho, too lazy and i dont wanna recall it


Posted by krnxswat on 06-29-2002 04:24 AM:

when i had to go poopie and the bathroom was full.

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-29-2002 04:48 AM:

i dreamed twice that i wuz gettin a 3.66 on mai report card...freaked the shiet outta me...

Posted by aznkid1008 on 06-29-2002 05:56 PM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
i dreamed twice that i wuz gettin a 3.66 on mai report card...freaked the shiet outta me...

puhahaha isnt that still an A- lolz puhahaha
people SCARIEST!!!

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-29-2002 08:41 PM:

dreamed of my dog dyin

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 06-29-2002 08:44 PM:

Originally posted by aznkid1008

puhahaha isnt that still an A- lolz puhahaha
people SCARIEST!!!

nah thats like a B+

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by sangxjin on 07-02-2002 04:52 AM:

when my sister and cousin scared the shit out of me in the dark woods of shigol in korea.

shigol=country side surrounded or in the mountains.

i was fooling around catching frogs in the woods and i forgot it was getting dark so since i was with my cousin and sister i knew i would head back with them. the thing was they left without me and i was there alone, by myself. i started screaming and running and you know what it feels like when ur heart pounds really fast when ur scared. anyway, it was pretty dark and i started panicking and i tripped over a rock running down-hill and landed on some branches and i cut my knee. if you get to see me ill show you the cut. and remember now, this is the country side where everything is forest. all i could see were trees and it was extremely dark except for the little moon shining through the trees. anyway i sat on a rock and i was about to cry (i was 13) and then all of a sudden some1 taps my back and i fukin screamed the loudest i could. i turned around and it was my cousin and my sister. AHHH, almost pissed in my pants when it happened. anyway i got out and i went to my grandma's house near-by and went to sleep.

oh yeah, wat made it even scarier is the fact that in the woods you could hear crickets chirping and other bugs and you could hear small animals crawling around the forest floor. ahh, you guys probably had somewhat of a similar experience to me.


Props To Huby

Posted by Nojeel on 07-02-2002 05:01 AM:

most likely when i my sister got hit by an semi.. you know one of those 18 wheelers..it was a hit and run too.. damn ***hole.. didn't know what was going to happen to my sister..just sitting there for 2 hours not knowing if she's gonna be ok or not..thank god she came out safe and is here with me


Posted by tea on 07-02-2002 06:32 AM:

when i broke my arm in a basketball game...i was scared shitless...thought id never play ball again


Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-06-2002 09:10 AM:

Originally posted by RaCeR_LaDi_MoOn
when I saw that find waldo thing in random thoughts... I've never been so scared...

hahaahha... sorry juile! hehehe


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Posted by cLickB4eVeRZ on 07-13-2002 04:04 AM:

Originally posted by tea
when i broke my arm in a basketball game...i was scared shitless...thought id never play ball again

ooooo i now that feeling.......i was dacing on a chair and i fell and broke it.....couldnt breathe....and im sill afraid of the dark


Posted by castle outsider on 07-14-2002 10:52 PM:

lucky. i got injured while playing basketball and i cant play like forever. :sad:

now i play tennis. which is pretty fun.


i think its when i was like 12 or something i was out riding my bike and then i suddenly woke up on my bed. my whole body was hurting real bad and whenever i turned my head the room would spin around and i throw up. when i got up from the bed i asked what happened and my parents laughed and said' dont you even remember, you got hit by a car three days ago." damnit, i had forgotten all about what happend and now i have to pay damages to the guy that hit me. it took me about two months to recover. i kept throwing up all over the place.

eh...well at least my sister thoguht it was funny.

Posted by tea on 07-14-2002 10:55 PM:

what about.....graduating from hs and having to go to college and make something of myself?? ahhHhH~


Posted by ibabiExbOrai on 07-30-2002 08:44 PM:

hmm scariest? a lot of scary stuff happened i guess..buht i feel scared wen i do things wrong to hurt otherz..i guess..:T i dink im really sensitive..and too nice? haha ..bC i got in bigg trouble wid parents one time for doin something badd long time agO..haha..and that wuhz wen i wu zlyke 11..aigOo i wuz naughty to have been yelled at lyke dat..buht scary? hmm im scared of a lot of htingz lolz`

Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-31-2002 07:15 AM:

getting into a car accident.... i was in two. got hit in the passenger side (where i was sitting) both times. first time i was like... 7 or 8-years-old. i got hit with the airbag in my recent accident. 300 mph. your face gets SO numb.... my left eye was swollen for about a week. i had burns/scratches from the bag cuz it hit me so fast. burned my skin. i still have scars on my face if you look real carefully.


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-08-2002 09:22 PM:

car accident my friend was driving and sum guy bangged us

Posted by yur_swt_angel on 08-08-2002 09:41 PM:

almost died in korea.. -_-;

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