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Posted by hyunnie03 on 04-08-2002 09:20 AM:

any of you going to the prom

well last night was ours i wasn't really excited at first but when it was getting to the final minutes of arrival i got excited. there were about 5 of us in a group and we all went out to eat afterwards which wasn't easy to find a place open after 12 so we ended up going to IHOP luckily i didn't have a curfew so it didn't matter what time i got in which was kind of late


Posted by GinaDaQueen on 04-08-2002 11:36 AM:

omg sounds pretty cool!! i'll hafta wait two years for my prom to arrive......sooo long


Posted by girl0verdose on 04-08-2002 11:37 PM:

I used to get all excited and quirky about prom... now it's only a year away and I can't be bothered anymore -.-

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 04-09-2002 01:53 PM:

hahah yep, next years gonna be big pimpin

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by mc_jjang on 04-09-2002 02:43 PM:

man.... i dunno.... this is my last year..... im thinkin about askin someone..... what u guys think??



Posted by tm11 on 04-09-2002 03:38 PM:

yeah, go fa' sho'
if it's your last year, make the most out of it and make it last...
I was foolish this year and unaware of my prom, alas, I shall not be goin this year, but next year i'll definitely go.
Perhaps Psy and I could be in the same entourage, if his parents let him find a date and go... oh well..

word is bond

Posted by seung ju on 04-11-2002 04:39 PM:

i didnt go to prom, i went to the lake and got drunk instead.

Posted by MellowYellow on 04-13-2002 07:01 PM:

Originally posted by seung ju
i didnt go to prom, i went to the lake and got drunk instead.

AHHHHHH hahahaha.....

i wish i was going to the junior prom..... even though i'm not a junior... there's this junior.... who.....haha..... well i wouldn't mind going to the senior ball either..... there's this senior.....who....hahah......... eh... the junior's been giving hints... but i don't think he's gonna...... chicken......hahaha

Posted by Ladi Jay on 04-14-2002 03:43 PM:

I dunno if you guys have Asian Proms... But we do down here, and it's a blast!!! Seriously, I think that it is really fun!!! Bands from all over come and perform down here!!! One year, we even had Kai come and perform... If you know who they are...

But I'm only a freshman so I haven't been to a school prom before... It's sounds kinda dumb though, down here... I mean, we just have DJ's... Not that exciting because the music they play really sucks... Hahaha... But I think that the one thing that I would enjoy the most at prom is who wins prom King and Queen!!! And I think that I'd also enjoy the singing... WTH, I'd have to sing too!!!

Posted by seung ju on 04-15-2002 10:53 AM:

you have asian prom? if we had that where i used to live, there would be 4 people there including me =\

Posted by Ladi Jay on 04-15-2002 12:04 PM:

Yeah. we have asian prom... There's always a lot of people... although this year didn't have many people... Asians from all over Wisconsin come!!! You guys should come sometimes... hahaha

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