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Posted by annabanana on 04-26-2002 04:42 PM:

Want to know more about korean food?

Food in korean, and some of the dishes:

Rice - bahp
Uncooked rice - ssal
Seaweed - gim
Meat - gohgi

Rice is made in a rice cooker, which can be found in most korean and/or asian markets. To make rice in a rice cooker, first you need about some rice, or ssal which means uncooked rice in korean, and a lot of water to soak the rice in. Put the rice and water in the rice cooker, close the lid, and then press the switch to get it going. oh yeah, don't forget to plug it in.

If y'all have any more ways to make korean, or asian food, please post.

Posted by MellowYellow on 04-27-2002 09:20 PM:

i dunno what korean you're speaking.... but COLGI is not meat.... it's GOHGI.....haha and it's pronouced... phonetically written... GIM not kim.... the rest is right tho~

haha mang you made it sound so complicated..... here's the dummy's guide to it

1. get some uncooked azn rice
2. wash it three times (in the rice cooker bowl thing...haha)
3. put enough water in it so that you could put your hand on top of the rice and the water doesn't go over your hand. (this makes prefectly moist rice everytime!!!)
4. put it in... then cook it...

hmm... this has to be simple stuff huh? well here's another important term in korean cooking


some ppl say..... that korean ppls sweat smells like garlic... and american ppls sweat smells like cheese....... yea i know o.O hahahah

i'll post some easy to make korean food... (i hope no one puts how to make ra myun.... cuz that's just -___-)

Posted by Chil on 04-29-2002 03:02 PM:

what is asian rice?
like what type of rice do u guys buy in particular?
brand/name/what is it?

Posted by krnxswat on 04-29-2002 05:53 PM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow
some ppl say..... that korean ppls sweat smells like garlic...

i say some ppl say.... that Korean ppls sweat smells like kim chee

Posted by MellowYellow on 04-30-2002 07:34 PM:

Originally posted by krnxswat

i say some ppl say.... that Korean ppls sweat smells like kim chee

yea i hear that too.... but a LOT of garlic goes into kim chi

and oh... i hear that a lot of korean ppls breath smells like kim chi haha

oh and brands of azn rice? well a brand of korean rice i know is HAN MIH SAL.....

Posted by krnxswat on 05-01-2002 01:10 PM:

they should make a kimchi flavored gum

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-01-2002 06:59 PM:

Originally posted by krnxswat
they should make a kimchi flavored gum

LOL..... and EWWW.... thaz kinda nasty....

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-01-2002 08:21 PM:

Originally posted by krnxswat
they should make a kimchi flavored gum

haha tite yo, straight outta Willy Wonka's CAndy Factory (the book)

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by annabanana on 05-06-2002 02:25 PM:

some more food translations (okay, i'm trying to romanize them the best i can. if there's something wrong, just pm me, -'k?)

milk - OoYu
radish - Oi
strawberry - ttal-gi (sp?)

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