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Posted by niggoreanboi on 02-06-2003 02:22 AM:

bapping it back to back

any ever bapped in front of hella people? lol

yesterday after skoo i was running and i tripped over my shoe laces and bapped it hella hard and i started rolling i popped up so fucking fast and next day in school my friend came up to me and told me some kid ina sweater fell hella hard and hella people was laughing at them lol i dunt think anyone saw it was me so thank goodness so i acted liek i didn't knoe what the fuck she was talking about lol

and today was playing foot ball and i threw the ball and i slipped and did a 360 and landed on my hip lol and i just layed there started laughing same with my friends they were all "lucky you didn't bap it on the glass or else you would been fucked up" lol but then my other friend he was trying to intercept the ball and he slipped on the same spot as me but he bapped head first and ripped his air force ones tsk tsk tsk damn sooooo embarrisng lol o well lol i got 5 more months before i can start over in college with new friends lol

Posted by ajy on 02-06-2003 02:29 AM:

wtf bap? new word for me

one time i tripped on a food tray in the mall, thank god only my friends saw me

Posted by MasWusHot on 02-06-2003 08:45 PM:

lol bap hehe well..a few years ago i bought thiese new pants and i was like yeaaa haha so i wore em to school the next day and i was walkin up the stairs like yea look at my pants lol i was so corny and i tripped on the stairs hahahahhah but i kind of caught myself so that was cool hmm i cant think of ne thing else now except the time i tripped my friend at the mall when it was raining i wanted to get in the mall so i was goin crazy and i cut in front of her and she tripped lolol it was bad cuz her knees got sooo swollen but lookin back at it..it was funnnny hahahaha

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xxkpopxx/bhgft.bmp"><br><br>
its better to lose a lover, than to love a loser

Posted by Ladi Jay on 02-06-2003 09:25 PM:

hahah, bap... at first I was like, what is that?

anyways, when I was in 6th grade, we had some kinda meeting in the auditorium and we couldn't go the usual way because they were doing something with the flooring, so my class took the outside route. well, I was running on the grass to the other entrance and I didn't see a metal bar so I tripped over it like a fool... got up, laughed, and started running again... and again, I tripped over another metal bar, two seconds later... laughed my ass off, got up and started running again... hehe, I felt so stupid.

Posted by ajy on 02-06-2003 09:44 PM:

i just remembered this time in 8th grade, at lacrosse practice, i was stupid and tried to jump over this thing with to posts a chain going across it, didnt jump high enough and landd on the chain, but it didnt break because it was so stron, so i landed on the chain with all my weight on my knees. hurt like a bitch

Posted by niggoreanboi on 02-07-2003 03:13 AM:

dunt make fun of my words -_- bap i guess it's a oakland or kali thang eh? lol bap means scrubbed falling or soemthing -__-;

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 02-08-2003 04:27 AM:

Originally posted by niggoreanboi
dunt make fun of my words -_- bap i guess it's a oakland or kali thang

im thinkin its an oakland thing .. but its soo cute . .watch .. its gonna become a real big trender :P

well .. i guessed im just a "BAP" .. im really klutzy .. so i just bap wherever i am .. : D

Posted by niggoreanboi on 02-08-2003 07:07 AM:

Originally posted by iTsmeehLita
im thinkin its an oakland thing .. but its soo cute . .watch .. its gonna become a real big trender :P

well .. i guessed im just a "BAP" .. im really klutzy .. so i just bap wherever i am .. : D

errr no that's not how the word is used
you say bap when some one fall like "you bapped hella hard" or "i almost bapped it"

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 02-08-2003 07:13 AM:

hmm...i was in the 5th grade..and all the 5th grade classes were in the cafeteria for awards asembly..
anyway..i got called up..and my foot was asleep..
so i didn't even feel it..once i stepped on my left foot..
i straight up fell on my ass -_-
omg..i felt everyone looking at me..cuz they were all waiting for me to get up there and accept the award..so embarassing..
however...these days..when i kinda stumble..not really fall..
i say "WHOA" really loud..so i kinda like..play it off ^^
yea..thats bout it tho.

Posted by Alchemist on 02-08-2003 10:26 PM:

Originally posted by niggoreanboi
dunt make fun of my words -_- bap i guess it's a oakland or kali thang eh? lol bap means scrubbed falling or soemthing -__-;

Oh yeah, here in NY we have phrases like "Nah Nah" or "Yee" or a combination of these two.

Either one would be a positive exclamatory remark such as "good job" or "yes!" or words like "cool and rad".

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