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Posted by Alchemist on 06-03-2002 09:21 PM:


Was there a thread like this? I forgot. And i have too many spelling errors in the poll

There was a sub for math and I stayed for about five minutes and bounced because i can't stand my math class.

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-03-2002 10:05 PM:

i dunno about other schools but 4 our school it is perfectly normal for kids 2 skip....ya but math is gay so i skipped half of da semester and managed 2 pass b/c i ma fawkin genious....and i also skipped literature and video production regularly since da teachers dun do shit....i skipped schoolday about 3 times da whole year and 2 times i got caught by mom and got slapped

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 06-04-2002 12:47 AM:

yikes....i havent ever ditched da whole day..but i skip classes...

btw..i like da 4th option..

Posted by chibixmangchi on 06-04-2002 01:00 AM:

occasionally...when its absolutely necessary ^^


cuz u are da one...^^

Posted by GinaDaQueen on 06-04-2002 01:38 AM:

i do it sometimes not on a daily basis or anything though

Posted by Ladi Jay on 06-04-2002 02:36 AM:

I've never 'cut' class... I've been gone for a whole day or half a day... but it's excused by my parents... In WI, we call it flying...

Posted by Yupkki MEL on 06-04-2002 03:47 AM:

i cut classes at least once every two weeks...thats "sometimes" right?

Posted by Frenzy on 06-04-2002 12:51 PM:

I hate class! Drives me nuts, If I can play hookey I will!

Posted by Alchemist on 06-05-2002 12:08 AM:

ohj, i thought you said hockey

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-05-2002 12:10 AM:

ehh...i've nevr been out of any class for more than 10 min. i just got realli bored and said i needed to go the bathroom and just walked around skool. haha

Posted by youl on 06-05-2002 10:35 AM:

I used to be a good boy and didn't even think about ditching. Never ditched a single day of school, even the last day. Well I have a friend who shall just be called TK. TK isn't a bad ganster guy or anything but he's not a good student. He looks like a nerd with glasses and clothing but he is very bad. TK has a reputation with the parents. TK went to a friend's house. Late at night while his friend was sleeping TK went to some sites because he has netnanny at home and he can't do those things at home. The friend's mom would repeatedly walk into the room and TK would minimize some windows. The friend's mom got suspicious and checked the history the next morning when TK was asleep (for like 1 hour?). TK forgot to delete the thing that lists the cites u went to on AOL (some browsers have those white bar where u type the address and they keep track of it). The friend's mom found out and basically told all the other korean parents what he did and how he is so bad. Oops, i'm off the subject. Anyways i've never ditched but now that I have a car and all, I'm ditching whenever I feel like it. A month ago, before MEH AP test, everyone was home studying but a couple of my friends went to the CSUN library to study. I went to school period 1 then got 2 of my friends at school and we went to CSUN. Got bored and we ended up watching Spider-Man. I've ditched the four Fridays following that. Anyways, I'm just gonna stop ditching. It's bad two weeks ao I said it was my last day ditching but i'm going to seriously stop. Oh, I'm not promoting ditching. It's NOT FUN at all to go to movies or just chill with your friends. School is much better. Don't ditch. I made a couple mistakes and I'm goign to change.

Posted by NaRa JjAnG on 06-06-2002 01:31 AM:

like freshman, sophmore, and junior year i occasionally cut wit my friends.....but senior year i got a car and every thing so i cut 2 days a week....sometyms i cut one class and go to the other and stuff like that....i was absent like 40+ tyms this year



Posted by sangxjin on 06-06-2002 01:45 AM:

i ditch or semi-ditch(?) when class is extremely boring...

semi-ditching is when u go to the nurse for no apparent reason ask her for a band-aid and a pass and walk around school without having to get caught and just go to class when theres like a minute left so you dont get in trouble..


Props To Huby

Posted by Alchemist on 06-07-2002 03:18 AM:

Originally posted by sangxjin
i ditch or semi-ditch(?) when class is extremely boring...

semi-ditching is when u go to the nurse for no apparent reason ask her for a band-aid and a pass and walk around school without having to get caught and just go to class when theres like a minute left so you dont get in trouble..

hell yea

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 06-07-2002 04:27 AM:


mostly cause i have nowhere to go and i can't drive yet

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Alchemist on 06-07-2002 09:44 PM:

There's only 4 days of school left, I have perfect attendance for choir except for the past 2 days. I'll just cut for the rest of the year (we already had the concert so there's not point in going)

Posted by iBanditZ on 07-02-2002 12:21 AM:

Well in a the last third of the school year i ditched about 12 times, cuz i was just plan hating my life plus school

Posted by TAIgrr on 07-02-2002 10:29 PM:

never in my life did i ditch a class cause i didnt wanna go.
yea think whatever, i know im a schoolgirl goodtissue too.


Posted by bigChubuff on 07-02-2002 10:44 PM:

school is gay....skip classes every day

Posted by Alchemist on 07-03-2002 09:17 PM:

Oh yeah, we're actually telling you to cut school, we're just talking about it.

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