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Posted by altec on 04-11-2002 07:21 PM:

question for the people in here

jus a question: how often are you guys on the computer?? i see so many new posts by the same people and i'm like " @___@ dont they have homework??"

its not a bad thing...just really interesting...

Pyruvate? Phosphorylate? Urinate?

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 04-11-2002 07:33 PM:

hahah i don't do hw

i study lot though...for tests an' stuff. Eh, i also do the big assignments like papers, projects, etc

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Takumi on 04-11-2002 07:33 PM:

Im azn... i dont study =P lol jk... of course i do.... but i multi task =)


banner made by my homeboi check out his site he makes wallpapers and composes his own trance music.

Posted by ll v 1 c k y ll on 04-11-2002 08:07 PM:

i got my spring break rite now :] das y ;P


.`·`. `¤•´•±‡±÷·Hå/\/\§†é®z·÷±‡±•`•¤´ .´·´.

Posted by lovedontloveme on 04-12-2002 08:47 AM:

girls are good at multitasking O.O!!!!
actually i'm not even in school right now because i'm not too sure about my residency and stuff like that,
also school years in australia start in late january while in america it starts in september so i'd have to go into yr 9 instead of 10 until september O.O!!!!!!
i have no life

Posted by hyunnie03 on 04-12-2002 11:39 AM:

i have hw i'm just addicted to the internet


Posted by shoujo on 04-12-2002 03:15 PM:

it's term break in australia, so no homework..actually the teachers gave us homeworks, but im just too lazy to do the works


Posted by SoundCtrl on 04-12-2002 03:19 PM:

I'm a Computer Enthuiast..the computer is an intergrated part of my daily life..

Posted by Hayama on 04-12-2002 05:36 PM:

im on the computer basically everyday. and i usually finish all my hw in class so that when i come home i could spend it on the comp! hehe.. yea i know i have no life.

Posted by panda boi on 04-12-2002 05:42 PM:

whenever im just stuck on hw, i go on the internet until i can figure it out

Posted by altec on 04-12-2002 06:21 PM:

i seeeeeeee....

v1cky! i LURVE your banner! i love d.bace! ahahah ..okay just wanted to say that...

Pyruvate? Phosphorylate? Urinate?

Posted by Ladi Jay on 04-13-2002 01:03 PM:

I'm not on a lot... I think... jajajaja!!! If there is nothing to do, I come here... not that this is my last choice... It's just fun!

Posted by WhiteLee on 04-13-2002 04:44 PM:

Oh I do have homework...it's just that I choose to do it later. Hehe


"Before and After" Ayumi Hamasaki

Posted by tamoose on 04-13-2002 04:46 PM:

i do it while i'm on..


Posted by MellowYellow on 04-13-2002 06:39 PM:

Originally posted by tamoose
i do it while i'm on..

haha... ditto~
i'm multi taskful like Vi.... are you a guy altec? cuz that would explain it.. well not explain it.. but...haha.. guys can't do more than two things at once... wel most guys can't..... ya know.....how guys don't seem to be listening to you when they're eating or watching tv?......haha...... THAT"S why.... girls can like..... talk on the phone... do their homework.... listen to the radio while watching tv.... and eat at the same time.....yea baby.... the joys of being a woman......kekeke

Posted by Ladi Jay on 04-14-2002 03:46 PM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow

.....how guys don't seem to be listening to you when they're eating or watching tv?......

That is so true...

Posted by Yii on 04-15-2002 06:09 AM:

I think I sit on the computer between 3 and 6 hours a day, sometimes longer. Perhaps it's too much, but I like Internet and there're a lot of interesting things and sides for looking.
I had my spring break 3.5 years ago. But I must say: If you go to school it's easier to post than you go to work. When you go to work you go in the morning and come home in the evening. When you go to school, you come home in the afternoon. That's OK!

~~* Yi *~~

Posted by girl0verdose on 04-15-2002 12:43 PM:

It's because I'm on my winter break and I can spend around 8 hours in front of the computer / day

Posted by krnxswat on 04-15-2002 04:53 PM:

haha.. im on the comp alot too.. and one dai my mom sed dat it sed in the newspaper if u stay on the comp too lonG, it does something to ur sperms so u cant hab babies ..but im lyke w.e --+

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 04-15-2002 05:00 PM:

im aloser thats why i post so much

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

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