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-- Tell me wat you think of this. (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=5064)

Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 09-04-2002 10:08 PM:

Tell me wat you think of this.

One Sunday morning during service,
a 2,000 member congregation was
surprised to see two men enter,
both covered from head to toe in black
and carrying submachine guns.
One of the men proclaimed,"Anyone
willing to take a bullet for Christ
remain where you are."


Immediately, the choir fled, the deacons fled,
and most of the congregation fled.
Out of the 2,000 there only remained around 20.


The man who had spoken took off his hood,
looked at the preacher and said
"Okay Pastor, I got rid of all
the hypocrites. Now you may begin
your service. Have a nice day!"
And the two men turned and walked out.


Too deep not to pass on...


Funny how simple it is for people to
trash God ... and then wonder why the
world is in the condition it is today..


Funny how we believe what the
newspapers say, but question
what the Bible says.


Funny how everyone wants to go to
heaven provided they do not have to believe,
think, say, or do anything the Bible says.


Funny or is it scary?


Funny how someone can say
"I believe in God" but still follow Satan
(who, by the way, also "believes"in God).


Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes'
through e-mail and they spread like wildfire,
but when you start sending messages
regarding the Lord, people think twice
about sharing.


Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and
obscene pass freely through cyberspace,
but the public discussion of Jesus is
suppressed in the school and work place.

Funny, isn't it? Funny how someone can
be so fired up for Christ on Sunday,
but be an invisible Christian
the rest of the week.


Are you laughing?


Funny how when you go to forward this
message, you will not send it to many on
your address list because you're not sure
what they believe, or what they will
think of you for sending it to them.


Funny how I can be more worried about
what other people think of me than what
God thinks of me.


Are you thinking?
Will you share this with people you care about?
Or not?

sorry i know its sorta long, but i think it will give you something to think about.

Posted by Klumzy on 09-04-2002 11:09 PM:

wow... some deep stuff here too deep for me

something like this happened in china... those 20 people are very lucky and blessed, i don't think i have the strength to stay in a situation like that, im a coward... :huh:

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 09-05-2002 12:38 AM:

yea i heard this...very insightful

Posted by jini on 09-05-2002 12:45 AM:

dang..... the first thing.. shocked me.

homepage: name-less.com/jini
aim: baibeexjini
xanga: jinix

wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by krnxswat on 09-05-2002 12:49 AM:

wow. heh.


immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by aznkid1008 on 09-05-2002 01:45 AM:

hmmm i got 1 thing to say
God blessed America cause no one else would.

but the thing is death creates alot of fear in people, maybe they dont hav a very strong faith and wanted a strong one but then death can scare the livin crap out of anybody. life is the greatest gift god gave us.
i cant say that i would hav stayed, i can honestly say that i would prob hav 2 think at that moment of chaos. could anyone here honestly say they would hav stood their ground?

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by Jj2 on 09-05-2002 01:13 PM:

no way in hell man...i mean, i thought that guy was some damn lunatic! like he just barges in and says all that? who would actually believe him and do what he tells u to do?

btw, thanks for sharing that with us ^_^ just forwarded it to a couple of friends...keke

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 09-06-2002 12:39 AM:

Originally posted by aznkid1008
could anyone here honestly say they would hav stood their ground?

i wud wut do u think jesus wud do?

Posted by aznkid1008 on 09-06-2002 12:44 AM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM

i wud wut do u think jesus wud do?

hmmm i hope he would think since he will be takin a bullet for himself
but guess ur rite

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by ajy on 09-06-2002 12:58 AM:

heard it before.

Posted by grumpy on 09-15-2002 12:25 AM:

Originally posted by Jj2
no way in hell man...i mean, i thought that guy was some damn lunatic! like he just barges in and says all that? who would actually believe him and do what he tells u to do?

i agree, how do you know he's not some weirdo who just wants to kill people? well i dont know, when i first read it, the first thought in my head was that i would've stayed. but when i really think about it, i am a coward.

Posted by micron on 09-16-2002 01:58 AM:

Re: Tell me wat you think of this.

Originally posted by MiGhTy KiTTy
One Sunday morning during service,
a 2,000 member congregation was
surprised to see two men enter,
both covered from head to toe in black
and carrying submachine guns.
One of the men proclaimed,"Anyone
willing to take a bullet for Christ
remain where you are."


Immediately, the choir fled, the deacons fled,
and most of the congregation fled.
Out of the 2,000 there only remained around 20.


The man who had spoken took off his hood,
looked at the preacher and said
"Okay Pastor, I got rid of all
the hypocrites. Now you may begin
your service. Have a nice day!"
And the two men turned and walked out.


Too deep not to pass on...


Funny how simple it is for people to
trash God ... and then wonder why the
world is in the condition it is today..


Funny how we believe what the
newspapers say, but question
what the Bible says.


Funny how everyone wants to go to
heaven provided they do not have to believe,
think, say, or do anything the Bible says.


Funny or is it scary?


Funny how someone can say
"I believe in God" but still follow Satan
(who, by the way, also "believes"in God).


Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes'
through e-mail and they spread like wildfire,
but when you start sending messages
regarding the Lord, people think twice
about sharing.


Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and
obscene pass freely through cyberspace,
but the public discussion of Jesus is
suppressed in the school and work place.

Funny, isn't it? Funny how someone can
be so fired up for Christ on Sunday,
but be an invisible Christian
the rest of the week.


Are you laughing?


Funny how when you go to forward this
message, you will not send it to many on
your address list because you're not sure
what they believe, or what they will
think of you for sending it to them.


Funny how I can be more worried about
what other people think of me than what
God thinks of me.


Are you thinking?
Will you share this with people you care about?
Or not?

sorry i know its sorta long, but i think it will give you something to think about.

im hurting. i always wanted to become a better christian, but never found the time, the courage, and the eagerness to know my God better. im going to do some qt later tonight. thanks for sharing this.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 09-16-2002 02:20 AM:

Re: Tell me wat you think of this.

Originally posted by MiGhTy KiTTy

Funny how simple it is for people to
trash God ... and then wonder why the
world is in the condition it is today..

*Funny how we believe what the
newspapers say, but question
what the Bible says.

*Funny how when you go to forward this
message, you will not send it to many on
your address list because you're not sure
what they believe, or what they will
think of you for sending it to them.

It's all a matter of whether you believe in god or not. He/She critisizes people through the Christian perspective; not a global one. People posess different beliefs, so really, he should stop complaining. Who is he to say that someone wouldn't share it because he is ashamed. Who is he to say that someone always believes the newspapers. He is assuming the worst of everyone.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by micron on 09-16-2002 06:13 AM:

Re: Re: Tell me wat you think of this.

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter

It's all a matter of whether you believe in god or not. He/She critisizes people through the Christian perspective; not a global one. People posess different beliefs, so really, he should stop complaining. Who is he to say that someone wouldn't share it because he is ashamed. Who is he to say that someone always believes the newspapers. He is assuming the worst of everyone.

but only if you were in a beleivers' shoes. only then will you truely understand how it applies to most of us. you go on and point out the fault in the speaker's perspective, yet you are guilty of the very same thing.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 09-16-2002 06:23 AM:

Re: Re: Re: Tell me wat you think of this.

Originally posted by jusunlee

but only if you were in a beleivers' shoes. only then will you truely understand how it applies to most of us. you go on and point out the fault in the speaker's perspective, yet you are guilty of the very same thing.

ah but i am in the believer's shoes

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by junjinluber33 on 09-18-2002 05:49 AM:

man... if i was in that position, i think id seriously stay~ id prolly be thinking about the after life with Jesus that i would be in and that this would be worth it~


click^ leave a msg in my chatter box!

team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by mariposa on 09-19-2002 06:00 AM:

i do not like fowards like that -
yes it's good to share the love of God and the Good News to ppl,
but don't do it like that . . . i do not find guilt as a pivotal part of my belief


Posted by saranghae on 09-20-2002 06:00 AM:

wow... that was deep and nice.

Posted by chung_freestyle on 09-20-2002 01:30 PM:

Woah. that was deep.
That just reminded me of the columbine shooting thing how that girl believed in jesus and stuff and how the shooters told her to say she didnt believe in god and she didnt and she was killed.
That kind of stuff makes me think if i was in those kind of situations if i would take a bullet for jesus. And i wonder how i would feel if i was a coward and denied jesus.

Posted by merc on 09-22-2002 04:39 PM:

Re: Tell me wat you think of this.

Originally posted by MiGhTy KiTTy
One Sunday morning during service,
a 2,000 member congregation was
surprised to see two men enter,
both covered from head to toe in black
and carrying submachine guns.
One of the men proclaimed,"Anyone
willing to take a bullet for Christ
remain where you are."


Immediately, the choir fled, the deacons fled,
and most of the congregation fled.
Out of the 2,000 there only remained around 20.


The man who had spoken took off his hood,
looked at the preacher and said
"Okay Pastor, I got rid of all
the hypocrites. Now you may begin
your service. Have a nice day!"
And the two men turned and walked out.


Too deep not to pass on...


Funny how simple it is for people to
trash God ... and then wonder why the
world is in the condition it is today..


Funny how we believe what the
newspapers say, but question
what the Bible says.


Funny how everyone wants to go to
heaven provided they do not have to believe,
think, say, or do anything the Bible says.


Funny or is it scary?


Funny how someone can say
"I believe in God" but still follow Satan
(who, by the way, also "believes"in God).


Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes'
through e-mail and they spread like wildfire,
but when you start sending messages
regarding the Lord, people think twice
about sharing.


Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and
obscene pass freely through cyberspace,
but the public discussion of Jesus is
suppressed in the school and work place.

Funny, isn't it? Funny how someone can
be so fired up for Christ on Sunday,
but be an invisible Christian
the rest of the week.


Are you laughing?


Funny how when you go to forward this
message, you will not send it to many on
your address list because you're not sure
what they believe, or what they will
think of you for sending it to them.


Funny how I can be more worried about
what other people think of me than what
God thinks of me.


Are you thinking?
Will you share this with people you care about?
Or not?

sorry i know its sorta long, but i think it will give you something to think about.

It just shows how weak we really are. Many of us, including myself, claim to be christians... but too often do our actions not correspond w/ our faith. I don't know if you'd stay if someone was threatening to shoot you for defendeding your faith but i believe every little digression, defiance, ignorant attitude towards your faith....is the same as running away from those gunmen.

"Truth transcends fact."

"Truth is not determined by how many people believe it."

"All the darkness in the world can not extinguish the light of a single candle."

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