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Posted by Zero-Sen on 09-30-2002 02:44 AM:

losing faith

at first when i was little, i was like "devout". that was cause i didn't know anything else.

then i learned all this crap about after life, other religions, and my faith was shaken.

i started going to retreats, and w00t! my faith is back up! w00t! no deterent.

then you learn the hard questions. you learn the development of religions. you learn different view points.

i've been battling myself like over and over...

mostly cause of the afterlife thing. i say, what if atheists are right? then what if i go to hell? but what if i go to church cause only wanting to go to heaven, no love?

lately anything like retreats and church, have done NOTHING to me. I feel like an empty husk.


Posted by TyGer STyLe on 09-30-2002 05:52 AM:

hey doode... don't feel like your the only one like that out there man... fact is most every christian has been through that stage in their walk... doubt and thinking about that kinda stuff is just the growth process... when you learn despite all that you worrie and thinking twice about God, he'll always be there... i had alot of trouble with that... i saw myself just another sinfull person, out of reach... i was doubting that i could ever reach heaven, i felt that i was the most sinful person out there... but i realized that no matter how i feel i could always go back to him... i learned that its not what we do to make it seem like we're christians, but the simple fact that we have to trust in him because the work is done for our salvation, we just have to accept it...

the problem of you feeling that retreat and church has done nothing for you is the basic fact that you've made yourself a groove of what to expect at retreats, you go up, pray, worship, and spiritual out pour on the last night, ect... well the fact is you've seen all this and its no longer exciting, or new, so it doesn't do anything anymore... well the fact is you have to break away from that, i had the same problem... i used to go through the routine of retreats and church like a robot... but then again i didn't read the bible then, or prayed very often... maybe its the same with you... you just have to make the step to read the word and meditate on it... thats what made all the difference in my walk... i kinda saw things in a new light... and i gave up alot of my bad habits and such ie. smoking... its helped me... but i still personally got alot of growing to do... i hope some of my insight has helped you out...

Enter My Head!

Posted by junjinluber33 on 09-30-2002 06:01 AM:

Re: losing faith

Originally posted by Zero-Sen
lately anything like retreats and church, have done NOTHING to me. I feel like an empty husk.


its all good~ there are times when people start to have their spiritual highs and lows. this is obviously your low~ i went through a time when i felt NOTHING in my spiritual life too~ but now, i think im totally in a state of a spiritual high~ or at least its the highest ive been before... so yea~ you'll have your time when you believe and find yourself.


click^ leave a msg in my chatter box!

team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 09-30-2002 07:36 AM:

true. every christian will go thru these stages at least once in their lives....im in a way sort of lyke that, but to me, it is asking myself 'what good is life? i dont see any purpose even if God does....id rather die now n not worry abt other problems, than experience all that life can offer' but then when i remind myself that there is God, n i have to life bcuz of God, im ok with everything for a while.....n then when i get pissed or depressed, it starts over again.....this stupid cycling...


Posted by Nojeel on 09-30-2002 05:38 PM:

shit..you have no idea how many times i said *is there really a god?* *why would god let this happen?* sure..everybody loses faith sometimes..but in some situations..faith is the only thing we have to believe in..


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 10-01-2002 12:40 AM:

dun go thru this alone. talk to sum1. ur pastor, a friend, an adult, neone hu can help answer ur questions. if religion is important to u, dun let sumtin like this slip away!! make an effort and try to regain wut u once had...read the Bible, do community service and help othrs, try to live as Jesus lived! if God has things in mind for u....sumtin will happen later on that will help u regain ur faith

Posted by Jj2 on 10-02-2002 03:02 AM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
dun go thru this alone. talk to sum1. ur pastor, a friend, an adult, neone hu can help answer ur questions. if religion is important to u, dun let sumtin like this slip away!! make an effort and try to regain wut u once had...read the Bible, do community service and help othrs, try to live as Jesus lived! if God has things in mind for u....sumtin will happen later on that will help u regain ur faith

wow...that was really inspiring

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 10-03-2002 02:06 AM:

thnx. i'm glad i helped sum1

Posted by Zero-Sen on 10-12-2002 03:31 AM:

thankz all. I know all about the cycle. but it seems like im stuck on the bottom. going on 2 months now... the light moves farther and farther, and itz like harder to regain, no matter how hard i try.

i think itz also cause im not comfortable with my new church.

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 10-13-2002 06:14 AM:

Originally posted by Zero-Sen
i think itz also cause im not comfortable with my new church.

the church is very important. just like, how can a student learn if he/she duzn't like the skool? find one that u realli like and appeals to u

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