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-- What was your closest experience with DEATH (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=9411)

Posted by Klumzy on 12-28-2002 11:38 PM:

What was your closest experience with DEATH


i guess it would have to be a volcanic eruption for me how bout you?

"The man of tomorrow is forged by his battles today."

Posted by aznkid1008 on 12-29-2002 01:55 AM:

uhhhh ju-ahn u got 2 much time on ur hands.
hmmmmm not sure, prob when i was chokin

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by twinkie on 12-29-2002 05:19 AM:

this guy ran a red light while i was crossing the street.

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 12-29-2002 06:48 AM:

Re: What was your closest experience with DEATH

Originally posted by Klumzy

i guess it would have to be a volcanic eruption for me how bout you?

there are volcanoes in ny?

uhm .. i guess it'd have to be when these 2 guys came into the shop with guns ..

Posted by Klumzy on 12-29-2002 05:57 PM:

Re: Re: What was your closest experience with DEATH

Originally posted by iTsmeehLita
there are volcanoes in ny?

uhm .. i guess it'd have to be when these 2 guys came into the shop with guns ..

heh, there are no volcanoes in NY, but i used to live in the philippines and that's where the volcanic eruption took place

what happened to those guys with guns? did they get arrested?

"The man of tomorrow is forged by his battles today."

Posted by niggoreanboi on 12-30-2002 08:28 PM:

i almostgot ranned over then went swimming and i drowned

also those escalde thingy i didn't see the wall so i stook my head out and shit almost clipped myhead off

Posted by calintz on 12-31-2002 04:59 AM:

ive had a few death moments in life....1 i got stabbed in the back!(hurts)
2. i was with my fiends and i was fucking around by a corner street when a big ass bus came right past me! if it wasnt for my friend damien..i would surely be dead!
3. 357 magnum revolver...tried to kill myself if it werent for my good friend george whowalked in on me!
4. amc theater..got into a gang fight over guess what...women! good thing i made it out alive

death by spoons!!

Posted by tm11 on 12-31-2002 05:17 AM:

on a debate trip, we were in a school van, and as we left the highway and came to a stop, the wheel of the van came off and the axel was bent, if we had been on the highway when it happened things might not have turned out very well.

word is bond

Posted by requiem on 12-31-2002 05:54 PM:

While I was swimming in a pool, some dickhead nailed me with one of those huge rubber balls you sit on and bounce on. My head hit the side of the pool - I passed out and almost drowned. Got saved by the dickhead's sister ironically, but when I got out I almost bled to death. 26 stitches later I still have the scar after 7 years.

When the day is done
you are all that is left

Posted by rOnin warriOr on 01-02-2003 02:16 AM:

i was out with some peeps and was driving in the free way and lost controll of the car and spun a 360.. phew luckie there was no cars behind us or we could have gotten hit =

Are you stupid,
or just incredibly lazy?

Posted by ajy on 01-02-2003 02:23 AM:

when i got i was with some friends...drank way too muc hat a friends party...they said i passed out, at 12 woke up hours later screaming where am i and styff. i cant remember a lot but i just remember waking up in his laundry room and asking some others where i was.

-edit- i think aznpinoyboy was there

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 01-02-2003 02:26 AM:

yesterday down at the strip at 12:20 in the morning..
me and my sun bae went looking for the others..and was stuck in a crowd full of people all pushing us to go in the opposite direction we needed to go..we were in there for like...15 minutes..
and if one of us would've fell..i'm sure we would've been dead..or at least hurt...badly...heh..it was the vegas masacre...kinda

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 01-02-2003 02:38 AM:

i have a couple

didn't know how to swim and started to drown, saved by my cousin

playing wid my friends in da street, don't worry it's not a busy one) and almost got hit by a car

coming home from Conn. A car was speeding on the highway and cut sharply infront of us so we pressed on the break and the car behind us was tailgating but it turned to the other side... we swerved and almost hit a guird rail

walking to school and i was crossing to the other side of the street and a mustang sleeps up and almost hits me... i had to jump out of the way

and most scariest, i was mugged, held down wid a knife


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by merdawg on 01-02-2003 02:59 AM:

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
i have a couple

didn't know how to swim and started to drown, saved by my cousin

playing wid my friends in da street, don't worry it's not a busy one) and almost got hit by a car

coming home from Conn. A car was speeding on the highway and cut sharply infront of us so we pressed on the break and the car behind us was tailgating but it turned to the other side... we swerved and almost hit a guird rail

walking to school and i was crossing to the other side of the street and a mustang sleeps up and almost hits me... i had to jump out of the way

and most scariest, i was mugged, held down wid a knife

mugged in the philippines right? happened to me twice. LoL


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 01-02-2003 03:22 PM:

Originally posted by merdawg
mugged in the philippines right? happened to me twice. LoL

lol no i haven't gone there since i was 7, i might go this summer or next. yeah it's scary thought because in major cities, if you go out at night 6 out of 10 people get mugged, there's gun fire and gang fights

i got migged here in da US


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 01-05-2003 05:25 AM:

almost drowned in the wave pool at raging waters

in tahoe mai frenz and i were sledding down this hill and there wuz a curve in the road ahead and we cudn't tell if a car wuz cumin or not so we just sledded down and a car came roaring around the corner and if we had gotten down a second later we wud have been smashed to bits (like in 28 days, if anyone's ever seen that movie)

Posted by krnxswat on 01-05-2003 04:09 PM:

i had like a bad disease (dok gam ghi) when I was like 1, I had to stay in the hospital for 2 years. ^^;;

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by Street RSX on 01-05-2003 06:44 PM:

first year of snowboarding..

i thot i wuz good enuff to go up wit everyone to tha top.. so we went up.. then they all went down double black (steepest) so i tried following, i dint kno how to carve like they did.. so i tried to heelslide and brake tha whole way down.. then i hit a chunk of ice.. flipped forward, hit my head a couple tyms.. cant remember cuz i blacked out.. broke my right elbow (i got it done.. now has a peice of metal holding it together, and countless number of stitches there), twisted both ankles, screwed up my right knee, broken wrist, messed up my ribs, minor neck injuries, and something about my backbone. if i hit on my back alil harder i couldve messed up my spinal cord.. which paralyzes me for life from neck down.. and if i hit my head any harder i woulda jus gon braindead..

funnie thing is.. i still go snowboarding everytym i get a chance!! itz so fun!! haha

Posted by touch_my_butt on 01-05-2003 10:40 PM:

went deep sea fishin w/ my unclez at night...fell over almost drowned
went under a semi in my friendz vette...came out w/ only a few bumps n bruises...thank god

Posted by saranghae on 01-06-2003 12:45 AM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
almost drowned in the wave pool at raging waters

same here!

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