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Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-02-2003 07:36 AM:


lately there's been a lot of fights in mai family between mai sister and mai parents. i don't know what it is or how it suddenly came about to be like this, but mai mom and mai sister yell at each other everyday. they make life hell for mai dad and me. wuts ironic is that personality-wise, they're identical. she's her mother's daughter all right -___- they're both stubborn and hot-tempered and never stop to think about anything but themselves. hell, maib i'm like that, but i don't cause havoc in the family. anyway, i'm sick of all this shit and i'm wondering if neone has advice with dealing with these kinds of problems.

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 02-04-2003 01:03 AM:

aww .. thats really sad? how old is your sister??

it seems that around the age of like 20 21 .. the children parents seem to argue more .. since they're considered " adults" .. they want to be treated like adults .. .. but parents ... still want the authority and control ..

im sure it happens in every family .. but i hope you guys get thru it ..

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-06-2003 12:52 AM:

mai sister is pretty young; she's only 13. she has a lot of issues in her life i guess...like friend-wise and relationship-wise (yeah i was surprised to learn so much about her cause now she tells me everything). i just wish she could be smart like me and learn how to deal with our mom so they won't both end up exploding i'm older and know how to deal with my mom and can get out of things better, but my sister is just stubborn and doesn't take any crap from anybody. that's good, but she never admits when she's wrong, either. gahhh. i just wish she would get some sense into her and be like my dad and me. we just nod and agree to anything my mom says and then let it be; she gets all riled up and spits out a bunch of hateful words that really infuriates and saddens my mom. both of them have problems, but i can't really count on my mom to change because it's really too late for her. i just hope my sister doesn't turn out to be like her in the future.

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